評論: 稱國會暴亂是"愛與和平",川普回避和平移交權力問題

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旁觀者XWY 發表評論於 2024-10-16 13:14:00
錫耶納 發表評論於 2024-10-16 12:19:16
轉: “ 絕大部分支持川普的華人(包括有些大V、政論專家)都說他當政的那幾年經濟很好,沒有戰爭。


支持川普的人還刻意忽視川普在 J6 的所作所為,赤裸裸的藐視憲法,在他們看來是“瑕疵”。這樣的人,非蠢即壞!”

錫耶納 發表評論於 2024-10-16 12:18:16
“驕傲男孩”的頭目Enrique Tarrio因為領導組織1月六號衝擊國會騷亂,被判處22年監禁。他不是白人,而是非裔血統拉丁裔。想起來很悲哀:這些人在川普眼裏就是販毒品的、強奸犯、壞基因和汙染美國血液的,卻願意首先為川普坐牢。

川普是美國法治、民主的攪屎棍!Any One But Trump !
體製內 發表評論於 2024-10-16 07:47:30
Lock him up!
無名2024 發表評論於 2024-10-16 06:43:42



Law and Order!
真環 發表評論於 2024-10-16 11:38:24
O8 anti culture, COVID riots, trump 1/6 都對分裂美國做出貢獻,會載入曆史。
體製內 發表評論於 2024-10-16 09:35:48
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-16 08:47:45
Part 2 of 2
It was not just your enemies on the outside but the enemies from within, they’re trying to stop you from winning. But they don’t care what it takes to keep you out of that place of power. You have so-called political friends by your side and some are there to make sure that you lose. My Words are the ones you should be paying attention to, even though you may not totally understand how obeying Me and how it all works to hear from Me. I am sending you people your way to give you My Words that you need to hear, but your enemies will also send a wolf and a witch and I will show you who is who.

My David things will intensify against you but as I have saved you before, I am saving you again.

You will win no matter their plans and I am with you so continue to move forward with Me and you will see the impossible possible. You will see that I am the same God in the Bible that still works miracles today. This is My nation and I am letting you lead it into a mighty victory with Me says the Lord of Hosts.

My children, pray for My David to hear and pray that he sees who is with him and who isn’t. I will take care of the House and the Senate and what they try next against him and it will not work. You will see their indictments collapse for good. You will see the judges against him be judged. You will see them try to stop him from taking back the presidency but they can’t. Just like they couldn’t make any of their charges stick against him, they think they are slick to change laws and use their DOJ to do it. But a great wall is crashing, the wall of their so-called Justice Department.

Merrick Garland, the skeletons in your closet will be released and I will show you what you have done to My nation and against My David. You’ll pay a high price for your part. For I the Lord am bringing judgment on everyone against Me. I am the Judge over all the earth and I am bringing My gavel down and justice will be served.

A whistle-blower is coming that will bring a great shock to this nation with the surprises they have that will uncover many politicians and crimes they’ve committed against this nation. Political walls are coming down and a great political reset will take place. I am ready to remove all who are against Me says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-16 08:46:35

[Word heard – October 12, 2024]

For I the Lord this day am telling My children that I will show you all who have sabotaged this nation, all who have controlled elections and politicians. I will show you all who was controlling the money and I will show you all who’s connected to the MSM and tells them what to say.

I will show you who is on the side of the Red that doesn’t belong. And woe to those who are on the side of the Red who are actually Blue. I will show the world who you are. I will show the connections you have to the Establishment and who pays you to spy on My David. I will show this nation how you communicated with Obama and all who are with him.

There is a witch and there is a Jezebel but I will show you who are near My David who have said they were your friend, who’ve said they were on your side. My David, you still have traitors and lairs in your midst and ones you wouldn’t have expected they would be. There are good actors but look deep inside their eyes. They’re ravenous wolves ready to betray you.

Oh My David I will show you I am who you can really trust. I will completely unmask the ones by you that you need to remove before you take back the White House. This time must be different My son. This time rely on My Words and My plan, and not political strategists. Some are giving you advice they know is wrong but it will look good on paper. Don’t listen to those who you have questioned some of their motives. They have given you advice and some are next to you, who are the ones that led you into the trap in Butler.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-16 08:38:43



注意上述國會聽證Mark Milley等人記錄,
1月3日,川普對五角大樓參謀會議聯席主席Mark Milley說:‘Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of
protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.’”
“[POTUS said] ‘Hey,I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe.’” *
川普清楚地說了不管用什麽手段,國名警衛隊,還是現役軍人,要保證1月6日'A safe event';

同時川普命令時任國防部長CHRISTOPHER MILLER動用1萬軍人維護秩序


1月6日,川在演講結束時(4:45:50 x*com/realDonaldTrump/status/1346891760174329859 )說,‘We are going to walk down Pennsylvania avenue, I love Pennsylvania avenue...lets walk down ... God bless American...'

1月6日前,Milley幫助陸軍部長McCarthy準備了一份條令,要求保護國會的調遣必須經過他直接批準才可以。1月6日,負責當天指揮軍隊維護秩序的Michael Brooks準將,把他的軍隊預置於離國會僅2英裏處,但當天根據新條令聯係陸軍部長McCarthy時,McCarthy關機,隻有留言。直到民眾進入國會結束,下午3:06,Milley口頭批準McCarthy調遣軍隊,但McCarthy繼續等到5:08才傳達到軍隊。




看看黑命貴頭頭John Sullivan如何帶人群進入後,說:We did it!
注意那麽多J6普通參與者事後被迫害,但帶頭者之一的John Sullivan沒有被迫害哦,為什麽呢?此人應該還拿了大筆錢!



拜登上台後,國會立刻修法明確取消副總統不認證選舉人票的權力。如果原來沒有這權力,為什麽要修法取消該權力? 你懂了麽

注意J6實際策劃的所有文字和語音通訊,全被掌控,佩羅西的筆記本被收走。幕後跟某黨合作的最高軍事指揮官Milley何在?He is somewhere and his body is frozen. The one you see recently is an actor, central casting...


體製內 發表評論於 2024-10-16 07:47:30
Lock him up!
無名2024 發表評論於 2024-10-16 06:43:42



Law and Order!
lavenderlake 發表評論於 2024-10-16 06:40:59
Jan 6 早晚會像中國六四一樣被平反,手無寸鐵被特勤擊斃的退伍空軍女官也會成為英雄。看看 Jan 6 的錄像,這麽多人並沒有混亂和擁擠, 都手無寸鐵。BLM Antifa 騷亂都是實槍實彈加棍棒,打砸搶,連續數月,造成了多少普通民眾的財產損失(混亂中也有多數人傷亡), 對於這些左派選擇無視,就是流氓邏輯。
木杉 發表評論於 2024-10-16 06:28:00
爬山看秋葉 發表評論於 2024-10-16 06:14:58
拾麥客 發表評論於 2024-10-16 06:08:26
別掙紮了,川普贏定了。暴亂? 也許吧,麥當娜領頭兒,還是黴黴領頭兒?上次麥當娜衝白宮沒逮她。
chinusa 發表評論於 2024-10-16 05:23:08
學習組 發表評論於 2024-10-16 04:56:12
van1 發表評論於 2024-10-16 03:45:00
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