評論: 川普比2016和2020年都更容易當選美國總統

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Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-14 15:51:23


子曰:獲罪於天,無可禱也.... Do not touch God's nation, USA is One Nation Under God.

無名2024 發表評論於 2024-10-14 13:00:54
"wd01702 發表評論於 2024-10-14 09:11:12現在唯一不確定的因素是非法選票有多少和將會有多少。2020的選舉有很多可疑之處。沒有法庭上承認的確證不等於沒有。
Lotus980 發表評論於 2024-10-14 15:12:44
一點小看法 發表評論於 2024-10-14 13:48:46

一點小看法 發表評論於 2024-10-14 13:48:46

Run4rest 發表評論於 2024-10-14 13:13:00
無名2024 發表評論於 2024-10-14 13:00:54
"wd01702 發表評論於 2024-10-14 09:11:12現在唯一不確定的因素是非法選票有多少和將會有多少。2020的選舉有很多可疑之處。沒有法庭上承認的確證不等於沒有。就好比按照法律 oj Simpson 是無罪的,但不等於他百分百事實上無辜。隻是在法律和當時陪審團,加上合理懷疑的範疇上無罪。如按照左媒和民主黨的邏輯,你如果膽敢懷疑Simpson 是否真的殺妻和她的情夫,就是陰謀論種族主義,美國民主的最大威脅。"


這與 OJ 案沒有關聯。

懷疑Simpson 是否真的殺了或沒殺前妻及其約會對象的人多了去了,哪個被政府戴帽“陰謀論種族主義,美國民主的最大威脅"了?根據哪條法律?回複請給報道鏈接。咱們講事實,以法律為準,不傳沒影的事。
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-14 12:39:56
PART 4 of 4

All the puppets in Washington are about to be exposed in an unprecedented way.

Keep your eyes on Fetterman. He has a big secret to tell as he is not who he says he is either.

Some puppets are on My side that your enemies didn’t know about. They have heard and seen things in darkness that is about to be put in the open.

Get ready oh My United States for Washington is about to shake like never before. A cleansing is happening in your capital for the world to see. It could only have been done by Me saith the Lord Your Redeemer.
Pay attention to the warning to CA, earthquake


Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-14 12:32:08

Oh leaders of DC who are against Me, do you not see people no longer are falling for you charade and your escapade? My October surprise is coming that will rock you to your core. It will crumble your foundations and destroy your walls. This surprise is one you can’t run from. The skeletons are coming out in the open that will destroy your narrative and your power and it will shred it apart. The surprise will definitely take you by surprise. You thought this would never get into the wrong hands. You thought it would be buried yet deep enough where it would never be unearthed. You were wrong and I have all your secrets at the perfect time I will release them. And all that will hit you will be like a nuclear bomb where there isn’t a safe place for you to run.

So enemies of Almighty God you will not have this nation and election and you will not kill My David or his family. You will never have Israel. You will not bring down Netanyahu. This is the time for My church to strip you of your power over this nation and they will plunder everything that you have stolen from them. A wave is coming that you cannot stop. My hand is moving to rip this land and who it belongs to out of your hands. My nation will live on and some of you will not. So back off and back down. My nation will rise and see a great and mighty victory saith the Lord of Hosts.

The Caspian Sea will be in your news for a significant reason. I told you My children biblical things will take place that were like the land of Egypt and you will see what will take place as a sign I’m putting your enemies in their place.

Someone from the Left is about to give up Kamala. A great shaking is happening. There is someone that’s about to turn over secrets and let them out through the airwaves as revenge. Kamala is failing and yes but soon she will fall says the Lord.

My children I have told you they didn’t want Kamala and they didn’t. What has taken place with her is similar to the Biden.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-14 12:31:33

It’ll be ripped from their bloody hands and their power will be stripped away like it was never there.

I’ve told you before I will cut your enemies off and where they were they will not be much longer.

A court case is about to rip your enemies apart, a case they never thought would take place because they had threatened and blackmailed your Supreme Court Justices. Yes something that will rock this nation as a boldness sets in and a revolt will take place. A Supreme Court Justice will rise in boldness and rule in a way he was threatened not to. Enemies of Almighty God in Washington, you don’t own that court and you don’t pull the strings on what they can or cannot rule on. You cannot blackmail anymore because I have opened a door for whom I have chosen and they’ll be in a safe place when they rule you out of yours.

Oh the Washington Establishment. This nation doesn’t belong to you and what you’re planning to do next against this nation and My David will further your demise. Secrets are coming from Guantanamo you never wanted out. Secrets on who has been there and some of them are singing like canaries and telling everything they know about you. Many were a part of the Establishment but they see it is sinking like the Titanic and they chose to switch sides to save themselves. So all who are in DC against Me I the Lord of Hosts have your number and it’s about to run out.

There are people in your 3-letter agencies that have turned over secret videos, emails and explosive evidence because they have turned against you, after the assassination attempts against My David. They have turned against you because what they have seen at the border and what they know is the plan for your foreign military to strike your own nation. There are people turning away from you left and right because a mass exodus from the Establishment to save this nation and their freedoms from the clutches of your hands to destroy your power.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-10-14 12:30:54
[Word heard – October 11, 2024]

My children I have told you before that a darkness is coming, a darkness that can be felt. This darkness will feel like it has set in and will not go away, a darkness that will be very heavy. You may be asking why Lord? Why does a darkness have to come when You are Light? And Your glory destroys the darkness so why will it get worse?

My children I never said this darkness was for you. I’m protecting you like I did My people in the land of Goshen where there was light when Egypt was swallowed up in a gross darkness. This will be the same. I am warning you of this because catastrophes will take place in front of you but you will not be a part of it. I did not want your hearts to fear. I did not want you to grow weary while you saw all these things taking place when it wasn’t for you. Your enemies are in for a rough road ahead but you are My children so separate yourselves from this mess with My Word and with My truth that you are in this world but YOU are not of it.

Some of My children will not heed these warnings and they will choose a path of destruction not knowing they didn’t have to. They will choose the evil report instead of Mine. My children you are living in not only unprecedented times but biblical times where scientists, atheists, and the world elites and anyone who is against Me cannot deny My power or My existence because of the things I’m about to do upon this earth for you children of Almighty God.

Just as Egypt couldn’t deny My power neither can these enemies you are facing. Their plans are doomed. Their empires will collapse into nothing because they’re against Me. The world will see that there is nothing and no power bigger than the Great I Am says the Lord of Hosts.

Your enemies are trying to strangle this nation until it has no more fight and no more breath left in it. But right when your enemies believe they finally have what they want.
Embassy 發表評論於 2024-10-14 11:55:50
錫耶納 發表評論於 2024-10-14 11:02:07
馬年生 發表評論於 2024-10-14 09:37:13
Bukanuirusu 發表評論於 2024-10-14 10:08:00
nobear 發表評論於 2024-10-14 09:54:45
馬年生 發表評論於 2024-10-14 09:37:13
注冊怎麽這麽難 發表評論於 2024-10-14 09:28:06
wd01702 發表評論於 2024-10-14 09:11:12
現在唯一不確定的因素是非法選票有多少和將會有多少。2020的選舉有很多可疑之處。沒有法庭上承認的確證不等於沒有。就好比按照法律 oj Simpson 是無罪的,但不等於他百分百事實上無辜。隻是在法律和當時陪審團,加上合理懷疑的範疇上無罪。如按照左媒和民主黨的邏輯,你如果膽敢懷疑Simpson 是否真的殺妻和她的情夫,就是陰謀論種族主義,美國民主的最大威脅。
七點三十 發表評論於 2024-10-14 09:03:09

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