Obama is a horrible ex-president, who are not supposed to speak up in the presidential-election meeting. It is not his battlefield, but Trump and Harris. He behaves like a gang leader. He prompts American racial conflicts and social splits. Shame on him.
Obamacare made entrepreneurship possible. Business owners thrived because they don't have to worry about health insurance for them and their employees.
michbiz 發表評論於 2024-10-11 12:54:36
競選造勢本來都是正副總統候選人的擂台,哪有前總統也來搞造勢集會的?就好像拳擊場上一選手看著被打跨了,他的教練趕緊上台幫打,這不是笑話嗎?這不明擺著這紙糊卡馬拉是扶不起來的阿鬥嗎?奧巴馬真夠為黨操心的,幹脆改憲法來個總統終身製或允許垂簾聽政吧,這樣所有民主黨的阿貓阿狗阿鬥們都有機會當總統玩玩。NO COMMON SENSE, 簡直就是愚弄百姓,玷汙民主!
He disparaged “the constant attempts to sell you stuff” including gold sneakers, a $100,000 watch and the Trump Bible. “Who does that?” asked Obama with an incredulous shrug.
“You know, he wants you to buy the word of God, Donald Trump edition. Got his name right there next to Matthew and Luke,” he said of Trump’s “God Bless the USA Bibles,” which, it was reported this week, were printed in China. They are priced at $59.99 each.