1. Mark Harvey曾任特
所以我勸沒樹皮網友改投川普,川普的政策make sense.
花刺蝟 發表評論於 2024-10-09 13:28:00
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-09 13:22:07
1. 共和黨的眾議員 Marjorie Taylor Greene說民主黨可以控製天氣, 民主黨故意改變颶風Helene 的路徑,讓它影響紅州。
"Yes they can control the weather," Greene wrote on X last week, after Hurricane Helene swept across the Southeastern U.S., kil-ling at least 227 people. "It's ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can't be done." Greene didn't specify who "they" were.
She then posted an image of Helene overlaid on an electoral map, suggesting that the hurricane's path had been intentionally set in motion to target Republican-leaning counties. The map appeared to have been created by Matt Wallace, a crypto influencer and conspiracy theorist with over 2 million followers on X.
2. 颶風Helene來時,萬斯本來準備去北卡的,因為颶風在匹茲堡停留演講。 演講開始前,福音派牧師Lance Wallnau 布道,說這都是上帝的美意,上帝幹預的結果。上帝讓北卡有了颶風,這樣萬斯就有機會到匹茲堡演講。
At a recent stop in Pittsburgh, Wallnau told the crowd that Vance would be joining them because God intervened on Vance’s planned visit to North Carolina.
“I’ll be honest with you, I take that as a direct act of God,” he said. “Because it just came together in a certain way. Pittsburgh wasn’t even on the map, it was supposed to be North Carolina. And God switched it that fast, for you.”
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-10-09 13:19:14
1. Mark Harvey曾任特朗普國家安全委員會工作人員複原力政策高級主管. 周三透露,2018年加州大火時,川普最初拒絕批準救援,因為加州是藍州。當Mark Harvey給他看選舉投票地圖,給他解釋其實受災最嚴重的Orange County投川普的票更多時,川普才改變主意。
2. 2019年年初,颶風Michael 襲擊佛羅裏達。之後不久,德桑提斯當選州長。他請求川普幫忙,同意FEMA 100% 賠償損失,而不是常規的75%。德桑提斯告訴川普:“This is Trump country — and they need your help" 川普回答說:“狹長地帶的人們愛我。” “我一定贏得了 90% 的選票。人山人海。他們需要什麽?“ 之後川普辦法行政命令,下令FEMA 100% 賠償。此一項:FEMA 多支出了3億5千萬。 以上來自德桑提斯2023年出版的書。
3, 但就在次2個月之前, 川普威脅否決對波多黎各颶風Maria受損失者100% 救援。那次颶風,導致5000人死亡,大量房屋倒塌。川普政府一致拖延把救援資金發下去,直到2020年大選前一個月,才把救援資金發放下去。
4. 與此鮮明對比的, 2019年阿拉巴馬因龍卷風導致19人死亡。 川普立刻在推特表示: “FEMA has been told directly by me to give the A Plus treatment to the Great State of Alabama and the wonderful people who have been so devastated by the Tornadoes.” 阿拉巴馬是紅州,2016年63% 投川普的票。
1. 共和黨的眾議員 Marjorie Taylor Greene說民主黨可以控製天氣, 民主黨故意改變颶風Helene 的路徑,讓它影響紅州。
"Yes they can control the weather," Greene wrote on X last week, after Hurricane Helene swept across the Southeastern U.S., killing at least 227 people. "It's ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can't be done." Greene didn't specify who "they" were.
She then posted an image of Helene overlaid on an electoral map, suggesting that the hurricane's path had been intentionally set in motion to target Republican-leaning counties. The map appeared to have been created by Matt Wallace, a crypto influencer and conspiracy theorist with over 2 million followers on X.
At a recent stop in Pittsburgh, Wallnau told the crowd that Vance would be joining them because God intervened on Vance’s planned visit to North Carolina.
“I’ll be honest with you, I take that as a direct act of God,” he said. “Because it just came together in a certain way. Pittsburgh wasn’t even on the map, it was supposed to be North Carolina. And God switched it that fast, for you.”