但我想說的還不是這個,因為最大的川粉馬斯克是個吸大麻和麻醉劑的人(他自己說的哈)。聽說他搬到了德州,而德州吸麻是不合法的。那麽馬斯克麻癮上來時,如果他在德州吸,那麽他就fall under Penal code 31.03, 德州應該抓他(會不會抓我不知道,但按你們川粉的說法,是必須要抓的)。如果他不在德州吸,那麽他就必須跑回加州或其它吸麻合法的州。Do you not find it hypocritical and ironic? What do you say? Would you still criticize CA's penal codes? Do you think he should be arrested in TX if he smokes weed there? 啊哈哈哈哈哈哈。
athena58 發表評論於 2024-10-07 20:18:16
首先,我個人是反對Prop 47的。我和川粉的分歧不是在Prop 47是好還是不好,而是在加州 vs 德州的 Penal Code 31.03. 我從來沒有說過立法不立法沒差別,立法當然有差別。不過這不是我們爭論的東西,我們爭論的是如果你們批評加州的Prop 47,為什麽不批評德州的同樣的法律,德州同樣的法律的上限差不多是加州的三倍。藍靛廠網友的論點是兩個州的都不好,所以不是法律製定的問題,而是檢察官的問題。這個比較有說服力。
然而,我去查了一下兩州的crime rates,有很多報告比較,我選一個比較中間的,即Statista或Wikipedia, 上麵說In 2022, California reported 1,109,452 property and violent crimes, the most out of any state. Texas followed behind with 820,362 reported crimes。雖然加州比德州高一些,但德州比加州少了近一千萬人,而麵積卻是加州的1.7倍,所以其實折算起來,這兩個州在crime rate上應該都差不多。從這個角度看,singling out CA's DA but ignore TX's does not seem fair. What do you say?
Injecting excessive liquidity into an economy facing supply chain constraints inevitably leads to inflation. This is basic economics 101. Both Trump and Biden share responsibility for the current inflation; Trump contributed significantly more funding to the economy than Biden did. That said, under Biden, US achieved the seemingly impossible soft landing, record economical growth, record oil production, and record employment. 懂了嗎?
On another note, the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a painful but necessary decision. It's hard to say if anyone could have handled it better given the circumstances. It’s also worth noting that more U.S. service members lost their lives in Afghanistan under Trump than under Biden, which is a well-documented fact. 懂了嗎?
樓下,Injecting excessive liquidity into an economy facing supply chain constraints inevitably leads to inflation. This is basic economics 101. Both Trump and Biden share responsibility for the current inflation; Trump contributed significantly more funding to the economy than Biden did.
On another note, the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a painful but necessary decision. It's hard to say if anyone could have handled it better given the circumstances. It’s also worth noting that more U.S. service members lost their lives in Afghanistan under Trump than under Biden, which is a well-documented fact.
這些,MAGA fan 選擇性遺忘。相反,騙子川 惡行累累,morally bankrupt, 除了關稅毫無sound policy,把好好的GOP變成 a cult of personality,a threat of democracy. MAGA fan們卻心安理得跪拜騙子川,高呼“美國救星”。夠無恥的。
The 2014 proposition modified, but did not eliminate, sentencing for many nonviolent property and drug crimes. It doesn’t mean, like that Facebook post is saying, that you’re not prosecuted or that you aren’t committing a crime. In fact, most shoplifting was already prosecuted as a misdemeanor anyway. What Prop 47 did is increase the dollar amount by which theft can be prosecuted as a felony from $400 to $950 to adjust for inflation and cost of living,” Bastian said. “But most shoplifting cases are under $400 dollars to begin with, so before Prop 47 and after Prop 47, there isn’t any difference.
請注意,這裏強調說少於950元的犯罪並不是沒有被執行,而且Prop 47前後在執行方麵並沒有不同,唯一不同的是因為上限提高到950元,有了更多的misdemeanor charge而已(instead of felony)