評論: 美大選最新民調曝!川普在3關鍵搖擺州領先賀錦麗

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矽穀工匠 發表評論於 2024-09-24 08:54:24
America is DEAD. Democracy is DEAD. But the Democrats don't want you to know. They pretend things are handy dandy. There is only one ruling party in America, it is a monopoly and dictator. That is why they hate Trump, the little boy who speaks the truth. But unfortunately, only half people understand.
ztgp3614 發表評論於 2024-09-24 08:15:00
yaohua 發表評論於 2024-09-24 07:50:34
July_river 發表評論於 2024-09-23 21:57:18
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2024-09-24 07:41:41
我感覺那個ID 是AI機器人在發言,或者這個發帖的根本不在美國。比如,它幾個地方發帖,說賀錦鯉"學拜登天天躲在地下室裏不出來跑票". 它不知道賀錦鯉日程排的滿滿的,馬不停蹄到處跑票,和川普辯論完當天晚上,立刻坐飛機去另一個地方跑票。
世道澆漓 發表評論於 2024-09-24 01:48:15

iask 發表評論於 2024-09-23 23:21:54
baikaishui 發表評論於 2024-09-24 07:25:51
卡馬拉人品也不比川普好哪裏去。與比她大三十多歲的已婚市長同居,如果不是為了往上爬,是難以想像的。當年她說“一個女人要平衡是being tough 還是being a bitch”, 應該是真心流露。
wyc2020 發表評論於 2024-09-24 07:16:00
baikaishui 發表評論於 2024-09-24 06:58:44
卡馬拉有三個能耐:1. 直接撒謊:說拜登比川普對邊境管控更嚴;說拜登統治治安變好了。2. 變色:以前說defund police, 現在說支持警察;以前是強力管控槍支,現在是自己也持槍,而且不速客來她家就打死他 3. 打太極,用不著邊際的瞎扯(I grow up middle class)和浪笑回避問題。這些都表現卡馬拉是個赤裸裸的虛偽政客而已,乏善可陳。
ridicu 發表評論於 2024-09-24 06:49:55
kanke100 發表評論於 2024-09-24 05:34:58

世道澆漓 發表評論於 2024-09-24 01:48:15
kanke100 發表評論於 2024-09-24 05:09:29
世道澆漓 發表評論於 2024-09-24 01:48:15
California Natural Resources Agency 2016年決定增加25萬acre-foot的水排放到 California Delta,主要原因是為了保護濕地,防止土地鹽堿化,那裏是重要的農業區。保護頻危物種隻占總排放量的6.5%
看地圖就知道 Delta river 有無數分叉,根本不是什麽直接排入太平洋,要是那樣能保護Smelt這種淡水魚麽?
iask 發表評論於 2024-09-23 23:04:47
Los Angeles 長期嚴重缺水, 上周三場大山火,也是因為大片的山體幹旱枯死。川普上周在洛杉磯演講時回答提問時說: 北加州的環保人士為了保護一種“香魚”, 把原本可以流到洛杉磯的水資源切斷,數百萬加侖的水直接排入太平洋。 “那個巨大的閘門,需要一整天才能全部打開”。 川普在任時與商務部和紐森都談過這件事,紐森拖著不辦。 隨著川普的離任,這事不了了之。 白左紐森,天天不幹正事,南加州市政府要求我們每天用水不超過38加侖。超過限額部分的水費很高。 他這是在故意的提高水費嗎?

看看油管上這一篇 “加州其實不缺水?? 川普今天告訴你大實話”:
www*youtube*com/watch?v=9XYuoFYzgfw&t=92s (把*換成.)

加州的網友 不管你是支持民主黨還是共和黨,有人了解相關事實嗎? 南加州的網友,請打電話給你的地區民選官員, 問問他們到底有沒有這件事? 有沒有解決南加州幹旱的辦法?
iask 發表評論於 2024-09-23 22:56:45
Michelle北美1 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:28:50

還想補充一點: 那就是川普自年輕時開始,就一直在商界摸爬滾打,一輩子跟流氓地痞打交道,他知道流氓的手法,所以,川普可以用很多切實可行的辦法來管控美中美俄美朝關係。川普有一句名言“在火苗初起就撲滅, 不能等到大火已經燒起來才動手” 這就是為什麽。 在他當政期間, 習近平普京金三胖伊朗都老老實實的
July_river 發表評論於 2024-09-23 21:57:18
smallCrab 發表評論於 2024-09-23 21:18:23
Run4rest 發表評論於 2024-09-23 20:55:00
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-09-23 20:23:47
Part 2
...get ready for a shaking naturally, that will get your attention, a political shaking that will knock your enemies off their feet in a great defeat...

Spiders will be in your news for a significant reason. Their poison and venom have been used in a way you never imagined.

...your enemy’s scientific labs are about to be exposed on how many diseases, viruses and pandemics they have designed. I will show you how they are not just in foreign lands. These labs are in the United States and one is about to be exposed to the world, ...They have infiltrators in their midst to stop them from the doom they were supposed to create. Many whistle-blowers are coming to end the world’s regime.

Someone will come out against Klaus Schwab and his closest buddies...the plans of the WEF – a grand scale attack they had planned but even someone on their side can’t go with this sinister plan. So they will turn and expose the next global shutdown and death they wanted to bring. A video will surface that will shock the world ...Plots of death and financial collapse on a scale never seen before. That was their plan but they will never see it come to pass.

The Days of Haman are here ...Judgments are hitting them...

You will see how many of your enemies are alive and how many are not, but they have appeared to be. Shock is coming when you realize how fake all of this was when it seemed so real. Many actors in Washington are about to be unmasked and released from their roles and the parts they have played.
...Your enemies will go down in a great defeat in front of the world...saith the Lord Your Redeemer.
Bhistory 發表評論於 2024-09-23 20:16:54


My children, your enemies and all who are against Me are in for a rude awakening when everything they do fails ... they will be exposed on how they have stolen so many elections in previous years. Pandora’s Box ... is about to be opened. ... I have infiltrated the infiltrators ... to put traps to catch your enemies. They’re everywhere. But your enemies will never see these traps ...

My children get ready for sudden impact against this nation and your election. Their puppet is misfiring. Her performance is so far worse ... So they have now changed their focus on stealing the down ballot and try to steal the House and the Senate yet again.

Your enemies have plans to impeach, to intervene, to block in any way Trump from getting in OR if he did, worse case scenario for them, they could question certifying the election, cause chaos, war or anything from keeping him away from Inauguration Day.

...your enemies have many schemes up their sleeves, but everything that they will try will just end in catastrophe with more being exposed against them. The viruses, the financial collapse, the cyber attacks, everything to disrupt your lives, ...Their plans will be foiled by Me says the Lord.

The globalist see they must help ... because they are failing at mind control. ... at changing the narrative...at killing Pres Trump. They have failed to have the masses turn away from Pres Trump ...Instead he is more popular and they are agreeing with his vision for this nation and are joining him to fight for freedoms.

So ...be prepared for the real puppet masters to intervene, ...to give them a boost by setting things off around the world to cause chaos and disruption. They will set off earthquakes... volcanoes and insane weather. They will set a political windfall... and the markets in a catastrophic fall. ... but a political tsunami wave will hit your enemies like never before.

Putin will make an announcement that will destroy the Establishment’s propaganda ...Putin’s next moves will shock the world.
鍾表匠 發表評論於 2024-09-23 20:15:33
xyz18 發表評論於 2024-09-23 20:08:19
baikaishui 發表評論於 2024-09-23 20:06:31
支持卡馬拉的人,去看看所謂大獲全勝的辯論會和ABC 的interview, 連cnn 主持都覺著太可笑了。“三年前和現在比哪個更好”?“I grow up in middle class, …”; “有什麽辦法解決邊境問題”?“我是個檢查官,抓了很多壞人…”;”怎樣解決通貨膨脹問題”?“ I grow up in middle class..”!!! 想象一下將來的記者會,都是 “I grow up middle class”!
xidada 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:58:00
賀三兒 使美國: 通膨、變性、偷盜、非法入境、漲稅、 給非法移民錢......
京工人 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:48:57
baikaishui 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:48:34
卡馬拉已經成為一個笑話了,不管什麽問題,回答都是“ I grow up in middle class”, 比中國外交部發言人還會打太極拳!還沒有任何一個政客這麽恬不知恥地回答問題,這樣的能力,將來能治理國家?no mater what you ask, I grow up in middle class!
鍾表匠 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:37:47
"精英治國,必須智商在線,有決斷能力,能力排眾議,看得清是非,知道問題出自哪裏". 說的沒錯。

可問題是“川普”智商不在線,外加沒有起碼的Character, 外加老年呆癡,外加criminal, 外加 con-man。這種貨色,給我家看門都不要。搞笑。

量子糾結 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:33:00
彎刀月 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:31:00
Michelle北美1 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:28:50


美國的總統不是個人人可以當的位置,首先我們談精英治國,必須智商在線,有決斷能力,能力排眾議,看得清是非,知道問題出自哪裏。 哈裏斯沒有這個能力。 所以我請大家好好想想,舉人不避親,舉人不避嫌,舉人不避仇,舉人不避討厭,一切為了美國的大局觀,子孫後代的利益考慮。
nyfan 發表評論於 2024-09-23 19:21:00
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