評論: 脫口秀演員羅傑叔叔再發新視頻 回應被中國封殺

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王傳森 發表評論於 2023-05-23 23:11:18
who involved in the PRISM program?
the initial disclosures suggested the participation of major tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and others. These companies were reported to have provided the NSA with access to their users' data as part of the program.
誰參與了 PRISM 計劃?
最初的披露表明穀歌、微軟、蘋果、Facebook 等主要科技公司的參與。 據報道,作為該計劃的一部分,這些公司向美國國家安全局提供了訪問其用戶數據的權限。
Critics of the program argued that the mass collection and analysis of personal data without individualized suspicion or warrants violated privacy rights and exceeded the authority granted to intelligence agencies. Supporters, on the other hand, contended that such surveillance activities were necessary for national security purposes in the face of evolving global threats.
maniac63 發表評論於 2023-05-23 22:19:33
zzolddog 發表評論於 2023-05-23 18:36:58
內褲超人 發表評論於 2023-05-23 17:01:00
truth_hurts 發表評論於 2023-05-23 16:17:51
Young10987 發表評論於 2023-05-23 13:46:26
“Green frog, green frog” “who are from Taiwan?” “Not frog, not frog”
不好吃懶做 發表評論於 2023-05-23 12:56:36
He is so lucky not in China otherwise he will be killed in WenGe2.0.
一帶一路 發表評論於 2023-05-23 12:55:00
ellamoney 發表評論於 2023-05-23 12:46:41
學習組 發表評論於 2023-05-23 12:25:59
tudoutudou99 發表評論於 2023-05-23 12:16:58
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