評論: 通俄門起源調查報告出爐 FBI被斥立案缺乏真憑實據

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樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2023-05-16 20:48:20
長久以來,川普及挺川陣營多次聲稱達勒姆調查將揭穿執法機關與情報官員之間的大規模舞弊;然而,15日公布的調查報告並沒有川普陣營所說的驚天爆料結果. 這個特別檢控官大量撒網,在證據不足的情況下倉促起訴2個人,引起他辦公室時其他調查律師辭職抗議。最後陪審團判起訴罪名不成立。 相反,共和黨司法部副部長任命的特別檢查官穆勒(共和黨人)的調查,卓有碩果。起訴定罪了30多人。約有六名川普部屬遭定罪,並指俄羅斯介入川普選舉團隊,川普選舉團隊也歡迎俄羅斯出手相助。
Wtp003 發表評論於 2023-05-16 20:28:01
Durham report sharply criticizes FBI’s 2016 Trump campaign probe

Wtp003 發表評論於 2023-05-16 20:26:46

Media Admits They Lied About That Russia Collusion Thing But Are Totally Telling The Truth About Everything Else

READ: ***babylonbee***/news/media-admits-they-lied-about-that-russia-collusion-thing-but-are-totally-telling-the-truth-about-everything-else
Wtp003 發表評論於 2023-05-16 20:23:49

Capitol Police Whistleblower Says His Calls for Help Were Suspiciously Ignored

“I was requesting permission to evacuate the Senate chambers…and I didn’t get permission”

樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2023-05-16 20:08:16
FBI 是執法部門,是廣義的警察的一部分。 共和黨人總講,law and order. 但暴徒門衝擊國會時,他們不講了,還要赦免暴徒。 他們還攻擊FBI(警察),叫嚷要defunding FBI.
川普在參議院的鐵杆兒Josh Hawley 最經典的照片,是舉著拳頭,號召人們衝擊國會。但暴徒衝進去後,他嚇得撒腿就跑,抱頭鼠竄。
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2023-05-16 20:03:11
Fact check: 奧巴馬就任總統後,留任了穆勒的FBI局長職位(穆勒是共和黨人,小布什總統時被任命: 穆勒任期到期後,任命了科米。(科米也是共和黨人,小布什的時候任司法部副部長)
川普就職後,解雇了科米,因為科米拒絕承諾不調查通俄門。引發了司法部任命特別檢查官穆勒調查通俄門。頒發任命的司法部副部長,Rod Rosenstein, 也是共和當人。
拜登上台後,留任了Wray 為FBI局長。Wray是川普任命的,也是共和黨人。
LAOK 發表評論於 2023-05-16 15:36:00
Wtp003 發表評論於 2023-05-16 18:45:57
Senator Josh Hawley and Jesse Watters discuss the Obama Administration, the FBI, and the Justice Department falsely accusing President Donald Trump of being a Russian agent and framing him for treason while covering up illegal foreign bribes made to the Clinton Foundation:

"The whole Trump-Russia collusion story was a giant hoax started by Democrats. The FBI knew it was a hoax. The CIA knew it was a hoax. And Barack Obama knew it was a hoax. Everybody knew it was a hoax the whole time. But they acted like it was real. The CIA knew Hillary started the Russia collusion story and then went in and told Barack Obama all about it. That she was trying to link Trump with Russia to distract from her email scandal...

What else do we find out from Durham? Well, we found out the FBI shut down two investigations into the Clintons. Three separate FBI field offices said wait a second, the Clinton Foundation is a foreign money laundering scam. We should probably look into it. But Andy McCabe, you remember Andy, the guy married to the Clinton donor. He calls everybody in and says guys, the Clinton Foundation is off-limits.

The second thing they shut down. The Hillary Clinton campaign was taking illegal contributions from overseas. FBI informants caught Hillary's campaign saying yeah, we'll take your money. We don't care Albania, Morocco, just send us the checks. So he runs it up the flagpole at the FBI headquarters and they said to shut it down. No investigation into Hillary Clinton's foreign campaign donors. We're not going to go there. We have to frame Trump as a traitor instead...
彎刀月 發表評論於 2023-05-16 18:35:00
LRushBall 發表評論於 2023-05-16 17:00:52
川普自己任命的人說自己被調查缺乏證據。這和中紀委說習近平很清廉有毛區別。美國兩黨互相製衡。我就看民主黨查共和黨,共和黨查民主黨。 處於什麽動機無所謂。
zzbb-bzbz 發表評論於 2023-05-16 16:03:51
LAOK 發表評論於 2023-05-16 15:36:00
aaoc 發表評論於 2023-05-16 13:31:00
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2023-05-16 13:25:22
川普在2019年,施壓他的司法部長巴爾,任命這個達勒姆為特別檢查官,對通俄門調查反調查。川普聲稱,會挖掘出"世紀大案" (crime of the century).拜登上台後,保留了這個特別檢查官。讓他繼續調查。 但經曆了4年的調查,花了巨額的費用,卻沒有發現任何犯罪行為。相反,在調查過程中,他和巴爾飛到意大利,試圖搜集對聯邦調查局不利的證據,結果意大利政府官員告訴他們:我沒有關於通俄門起源的信息,幫不了你忙,但是我有川普金融犯罪的證據。 但是之後這個金融犯罪的事就不了了之了。
cwang28 發表評論於 2023-05-16 13:20:49
笨傻癡呆戇 發表評論於 2023-05-16 13:20:24
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