評論: 美國德州發生5死槍擊案 疑鄰居抱怨噪音釀禍

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五千年 發表評論於 2023-04-29 18:18:16
中國人受(神農, 孔孟。。。。)之道教化已4千年,這幫人的教化才2-3百年。早了。沒有幾千年的教化成不了什麽事地。
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於 2023-04-29 16:33:36
英文報道,罪犯晚上11:30 還在自己院子裏開槍 ,鄰居告訴他,鄰居家有小孩要睡覺,讓他安靜。他拒絕。然後到鄰居家開槍,(據說當時醉酒)。

Neighbors came to a Texas man's fence and asked him to stop firing his gun in his yard because they had a baby next door who was trying to sleep.

In response, police say the man drunkenly went next door and killed five people with an AR-15-style rifle, ABC News reported. He remains at large.
duty 發表評論於 2023-04-29 15:22:05
voiceofme 發表評論於 2023-04-29 13:20:00
rosin 發表評論於 2023-04-29 13:14:00
exception1 發表評論於 2023-04-29 13:11:01
二刀流 發表評論於 2023-04-29 12:51:11
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