評論: 加州無證醫生被控重罪 行醫多年“治療”數千病人

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portfolio 發表評論於 2023-04-26 15:19:38

paladindancer 發表評論於 2023-04-26 14:58:07
沒行醫執照也挺好, 平時肯定很小心, 因為治死人砸了自己飯碗. 有執照的就完蛋了, 醫生敞開了治, 反正死了也是按流程走的.
helloworld1000 發表評論於 2023-04-26 12:08:28
I can't believe such thing could happen, the pharmacy and lab all need to verify the doctors, practioners, NPI, they would not accept the prescriptions if their NPI are inactive, or nonexist.
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