Jiang Zemin's interview with Mike Wallace was embarrassing for Jiang as all of Wallace's questions were pointed and direct at the dictatorship that Jiang couldn't defend while he spoke highly of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
Nevertheless, the fact that Jiang was willing to face such tough questions was commendable. Xi Jinping would never want to do the same.
gbgdxc 發表評論於 2022-11-30 11:13:35彼采荇兮 發表評論於 2022-11-30 06:33:33選票製 確實是這樣的,兩堆襪子中先挨個聞聞 挑出臭味小的,然後和另外一堆挑出來的再比一下,這兩雙可能還要說一說臭味大的髒 還是 髒的臭味大。反正總之每隻都要聞過。然後還要說已經挑選過了,所以 不一定是最香的,但一定不是最臭的。(雖然不是最好的製度,但是他是最不壞的製度)