
送給新老移民的感恩節禮物 (二)

(2023-11-26 17:07:55) 下一個
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Hidayatullah Husin 馬來西亞
我很高興與大家分享,我11 月份從 Apex 收到了 18,500 美元!每個人都可以從市場上賺錢,而管理我們資金風險的最好方法就是使用OPM
其他人的錢,是的……其他人的錢。這就是 Apex 為我們提供的,這是一個風險很小的賺錢機會

*OPM = Other People's Money 其他人的錢
這位馬來西亞小哥, 一年半前開始APEX交易。 "Apex 為我們提供的是一個風險很小的賺錢機會"。深有同感! 讚賞他的認知, 風險意識, 懂得用他人的錢賺錢, 後生可畏!
也許這些聽上去不錯, 但如何邁出第一步?

APEX Trader Funding 折扣碼 DEJJOLDZ

90%折扣,有效期至11/28 11:59 PM。

# 90% off Sale extended till June 11th!!! for All Evaluations

The 250k Lifetime PA fee will remain at $85 till 6/15/24 giving a few more weeks after the sale to pass and activate the accounts! That’s 1 Day Pass + 90% + 250k eval special + 250k lifetime promo going on right now!


  • Code: DEJJOLDZ

  • 90% off all evaluations, 80% off future months (Sale- Extended Until Tuesday June 11th)

  • 50% off resets as well!

  • Pass In 1 Day!

  • $250K Price reduced to be $17 after the discount! (Until June 11th, 2024)

  • $250K Activation reduced to one time $85!

  • Take as many evaluations as you like

  • Up to 20 accounts can be funded

  • Let’s go ahead and extend the $85 lifetime PA fee for the $250k account (only the $250k) until JULY 15th, 2024.


Apex has paid out $200 MILLION in payouts! as of 6/18/2024
To celebrate this amazing milestone in Apex's history + as an early July 4th holiday sale, enjoy this INCREDIBLE opportunity:
$150k | $250k | $300k accounts are now only $200  on both Rithmic and TDV!
80% off ALL evaluations (first/recurring months). And YES, this applies to the special pricing above, i.e. 80% off of $200 = $40 for $150k | $250k | $300k accounts  every month
Lifetime PA fees for $150k | $250k | $300k accounts are only $85!! 
One day pass is still ongoing
$35 Resets
Special evaluation pricing for $150k | $250k | $300k, 80% off, and $35 resets are available through July 9th, 11:59PM ET
Special Lifetime PA fee of $85 will be available until August 15th, 11:59PM ET to give you adequate time to pass the evaluations.




Leeloo Trading 免費試用兩周, 限時促銷 (flash sale)會發到郵箱. 


BULENOX  折扣碼 NOVPRA2023 90% off,有效期至11/28 11:59 PM免費試用兩周


You can request a withdrawal at any time during the calendar month, but make sure you’ve traded for at least 10 individual days to be eligible. Payments are processed once a week, every Wednesday.




我同時通過N個公司N個15萬資金賬戶的考試,其他公司要求先建立5千美金的buffer緩衝帶,5千美金之上才是你第一個月可以提取的利潤。UPROFIT隻要求你交易四天以上,每天利潤不超過總利潤的30%,就可以提取15萬美金之上的利潤。第一次最高可提取15000美金的利潤,100% 屬於你。之後利潤分成,你拿80%,公司拿20%。吭哧吭哧幾星期,為其他公司的15萬資金賬戶建立起5千美金的防護帶,而與此同時UPROFIT已經3次利潤入賬了。 

Tick Tick Trader 


25K Starter、50K Advanced 和 100K Pro 帳戶可享受 90% 折扣(第一個月有效)
促銷代碼“BF90”可以無限使用, 有效期至11/26 11:59 PM
前三個月利潤100%歸屬交易員, 沒有上限, 第四個月以後才分成.我花十幾元試一下
其次不管花錢買的測試帳戶,還是免費試帳戶,跟著我的示意圖, 給下載的Rithmic RTrader設置一下每天交易最高虧損額
(1). 右鍵單擊鼠標 彈出下拉菜單
(2). 點擊查看風險參數 Click on View Risk Parameters
(3). 最後一個是標題為“交易者設置的風險參數”的選項卡
選擇啟用 Enable,最低賬戶餘額 Minimum Account Balance, 然後加上合適數額
我的設置: 如果交易導致賬戶餘額低於157711,交易平台Rithmic RTrader將自動關閉交易
資金管理, 倉位和止損在整個交易環節中,是非常重要的$50k 賬戶的最大損失限額為 2500。如果每日損失設置為 250 美元,你的賬戶將至少持續 10 天
第三. 專注一個股指期貨
國外作家格拉德威爾在《異類》一書中,明確地指出:“人們眼中的天才之所以卓越非凡,並非天資超人一等,而是付出了持續不斷的努力。 1萬小時的錘煉是任何人從平凡變成超凡的必要條件”。
E-迷你標普500 指數
ES $50 = 1 point = 4 ticks
E-迷你納斯達克 100
NQ  $20 = 1 point = 4 ticks

建議初學者新手從流動性好的微型期貨MES or MNQ入手, 微型期貨是上述迷你指數期貨的 1/10
微型 E-迷你標普
MES $5 = 1 point = 4 ticks
微型 E-迷你納指
NNQ $2 = 1 point = 4 ticks

簡單地說,5萬賬戶最高虧損一般在2千或2千5。標普平均上下每天波動50-60點,最壞的打算是一天100點, 你完全做錯,MES  $5/點乘100 點 =$500元,也就是MES頭寸不超過5個你不會爆倉。$2500/$500=5.
如果是 ES50/點x100點=$5千,超過了$2500,ES不適合5萬賬戶沒有多少容錯餘地。
我發現還是MES最適合我操作時很平靜.如果喜歡刺波動大的MNQ,用同樣方法, 限製頭寸數量.
最壞的打算是一天300點, 你完全做錯,MNQ  $2/點乘300 點 =$600元,持有多少個MNQ你不會爆倉。5萬賬戶$2500 Max Loss /$600=4 MNQ
視頻中紐約市退休老哥, 房子車子早已付清,在其他公司通過期貨資金考試,轉而加入業界最棒的APEX,慢慢建了20個funded PA 賬號,這期視頻是他的感悟。

Everything is possilbe. Just do it! 一切皆有可能。去做就對了!願你保持無所畏懼的心態, 把生活過得有滋有味!


Thanksgiving Gifts for New and Old immigrants (2) (2023-11-26 17:07:55)

Hidayatullah Husin Malaysia
Top Contributor
I’m excited to share that I received $18,500 from Apex in November! Everyone can make money from the markets, and the best way to manage the risk of our money is to use OPM!
Other people’s money, yes… other people’s money. This is what Apex offers us, an opportunity to make money with very little risk.
Long live APEX!

*OPM = Other People's Money
This Malaysian guy started APEX trading a year and a half ago. "Apex offers us an opportunity to make money with very little risk." I feel the same way! I admire his knowledge, risk awareness, and knowledge of using other people’s money to make money, which is a formidable future!


Teach you step by step how to use OPM
Maybe this all sounds good, but how do you take the first step?
First, select a company, click on the link provided, visit the website, sign up for email, and use the promotional code to get the discount. If you don’t want to trade with an evaluation account, you can choose a company that offers a two-week free trial to familiarize yourself with the trading platform and test your trading strategies.
APEX Trader Funding discount code DEJJOLDZ,

90% discount, valid until 11/28 11:59 PM.

# 90% off Sale extended till June 11th!!! for All Evaluations

The 250k Lifetime PA fee will remain at $85 till 6/15/24 giving a few more weeks after the sale to pass and activate the accounts! That’s 1 Day Pass + 90% + 250k eval special + 250k lifetime promo going on right now!



  • Code: DEJJOLDZ

  • 90% off all evaluations, 80% off future months (until June 11, 2024)

  • 50% off resets as well!

  • Pass In 1 Day!

  • $250K Price reduced to be $17 after the discount! (Until June 15th, 2024)

  • $250K Activation reduced to one time $85!

  • Take as many evaluations as you like

  • Up to 20 accounts can be funded

Apex has paid out $200 MILLION in payouts! as of 6/18/2024
To celebrate this amazing milestone in Apex's history + as an early July 4th holiday sale, enjoy this INCREDIBLE opportunity:
$150k | $250k | $300k accounts are now only $200  on both Rithmic and TDV!
80% off ALL evaluations (first/recurring months). And YES, this applies to the special pricing above, i.e. 80% off of $200 = $40 for $150k | $250k | $300k accounts every month
Lifetime PA fees for $150k | $250k | $300k accounts are only $85!! 
One day pass is still ongoing
$35 Resets
Special evaluation pricing for $150k | $250k | $300k, 80% off, and $35 resets are available through July 9th, 11:59PM ET
Special Lifetime PA fee of $85 will be available until August 15th, 11:59PM ET to give you adequate time to pass the evaluations.


Leeloo Trading has a two-week free trial, and limited-time promotions (flash sales) will be sent to your email.


BULENOX discount code NOVPRA2023 is 90% off, valid until 11/28 11:59 PM. Try it for free for two weeks.


You can request a withdrawal at any time during the calendar month, but make sure you’ve traded for at least 10 individual days to be eligible. Payments are processed once a week, every Wednesday.



I highly recommend the $150,000 limited edition free account. You don’t come across it often, but if you do, you must grab it. Now or never!
The UPROFIT $150,000 exam account is only required to achieve a profit target of $5,000. The loss of $5,000 is fixed at $145,000 and does not fluctuate with the profit and loss. In addition, it should be noted that the loss cannot exceed 2,500 dollars in one day.

I passed the examination of N 150,000 capital accounts of N companies at the same time. Other companies require you to establish a buffer of 5,000 US dollars first. Above 5,000 US dollars is the profit you can withdraw in the first month. UPROFIT only requires you to trade for more than four days and the daily profit does not exceed 30% of the total profit, and you can withdraw profits of more than 150,000 US dollars. The first time you can withdraw up to 15,000 US dollars in profits, 100% belongs to you. After that, you get 80% of the profit and the company gets 20%. In the past few weeks, I have established a protective belt of US$5,000 for the 150,000 capital accounts of other companies. At the same time, UPROFIT has recorded profits three times.

Tick Tick Trader


90% off on 25K Starter, 50K Advanced and 100K Pro accounts (valid for first month)
The promo code "BF90" can be used unlimitedly and is valid until 11/26 11:59 PM
100% of the profits in the first three months belong to the trader, with no upper limit, and will only be divided after the fourth month. .I spent more than ten yuan to try it.
Secondly, whether you spend money to buy a test account or a free trial account, follow my diagram and set the maximum daily trading loss for the downloaded Rithmic RTrader.
(1). Right-click the mouse to pop up the drop-down menu
(2). Click on View Risk Parameters
(3). The last one is the tab titled “Risk Parameters Set by Trader”
Select Enable, Minimum Account Balance, and add the appropriate amount.
My settings: If a transaction causes the account balance to fall below 157711, the trading platform Rithmic RTrader will automatically close the transaction.

This is an extremely important feature, especially for new traders, because it prevents you from over-trading, especially revenge trading where you make money first and then lose money.
Fund management, positions and stop losses are very important in the entire trading process. The maximum loss limit is 2500 on a $50k account. If the daily loss is set to $250, your account will last at least 10 days.
Third. Focus on one stock index futures
Bruce Lee has a famous saying: "I am not afraid of meeting an opponent who has practiced 10,000 kicks, but I am afraid of meeting a strong opponent who has only practiced one kick 10,000 times."
We have also heard the 10,000-hour rule: Anyone who does something can transform from an ordinary person into a top talent in a certain field after 10,000 hours of practice.
In the book "Outliers", foreign writer Gladwell clearly pointed out: "The reason why geniuses in people's eyes are extraordinary is not that they are superior in talent, but that they have made continuous efforts. 10,000 hours of tempering is the best thing for any person." A necessary condition for people to transform from ordinary to extraordinary.”
E-mini S&P 500 Index
ES $50 = 1 point = 4 ticks
E-mini Nasdaq 100
NQ $20 = 1 point = 4 ticks

It is recommended that beginners start with micro futures MES or MNQ, which have good liquidity. Micro futures are 1/10 of the above-mentioned mini index futures.
Micro E-Mini S&P
MES $5 = 1 point = 4 ticks
Micro E-Mini Nasdaq
NNQ $2 = 1 point = 4 ticks
Depending on the strength of the market and the size of the stop loss, the position can be adjusted in a timely manner between 1 and 5 lots.
Seek survival first, then develop. In the past, I only knew how to constrain myself with the minimum account amount. But he was unwilling to make a mistake and kept lowering the price, hoping for a lucky rebound. Later I realized that combined with position management, a two-pronged approach would be more effective.

Simply put, the maximum loss for a 50,000 account is generally 2,000 or 2,500. The S&P fluctuates 50-60 points per day on average, and the worst-case scenario is 100 points a day. If you make a complete mistake, MES $5/point times 100 points = $500, that is, if you have no more than 5 MES positions, you will not be liquidated. $2500/$500=5.
If it is ES50/point x 100 points = $5,000, which exceeds $2,500, ES is not suitable for 50,000 accounts and does not have much room for error.
I found that MES is the most suitable for me, and it is very calm when operating. If you like to stimulate MNQ with large fluctuations, use the same method and limit the number of positions.
The worst plan is 300 points a day. You are completely wrong. MNQ $2/point times 300 points = $600 yuan. You will not be liquidated no matter how much MNQ you hold. 50,000 account $2500 Max Loss /$600=4 MNQ
In the video, a retired man in New York City has already paid off his house and car. He passed the futures capital exam at another company, then joined APEX, the best in the industry, and slowly built 20 funded PA accounts. This video is his reflections.
Everything is possilbe. Just do it! Everything is possible. just do it! May you maintain a fearless attitude and live a fulfilling life!

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