據說,這是 Open AI 內部人士爆的猛料: Open AI 被董事會罷免的CEO ,同性戀者奧特曼,是猶太人中的左翼精英。他旗幟鮮明地支持 LGBTQ,支持 progressive,支持民主黨的 gang of four。 奧特曼做為左翼猶太精英,他的 open AI,被業界人士稱為馬克思主義的借屍還魂。 因為在巴以衝突立場上,奧特曼作為左翼猶太人,旗幟鮮明地反對以色列對巴勒斯坦人的種族滅絕行為,受到董事會支持以色列的猶太人的集體杯葛,聯手發動宮廷政變,讓奧特曼黯然離開。 不出意外,同樣支持 LGBTQ,支持 progressive,支持民主黨四人幫,支持巴勒斯的微軟前總裁 bill gates,立馬把奧特曼拉入自己麾下。 據說正在與美國猶太權貴單挑的馬一龍,已向奧特曼這個反以色列的猶太精英表示讚賞。馬一龍打算與奧特曼聯手,一起對抗控製美國,控製民主黨的龐大的猶太權貴勢力。 不過,右派馬一龍與左派奧特曼如何雙劍合壁,拭目以待。 大家準備好花生瓜子,準備看大戲吧,歐耶! 備注: OpenAI真要完蛋了!公司員工才700多,現在超過700名技術人員威脅辭職,剩下保安和保潔阿姨搞人工智能研究,LOL An overwhelming majority of OpenAI's 700-plus employees have signed an open letter urging OpenAI's board to resign after the ouster of ex-CEO Sam Altman. Why it matters: The employees threatened to move to the new Microsoft research unit that Altman will build: "We will take this step imminently, unless all current board members resign." The latest: By midday Monday letter organizers said the number of employees who'd signed the letter had grown to more than 700, which would account for the vast majority of the company's workforce. What they're saying: "We are unable to work for or with people that lack competence, judgement and care for our mission and employees," the letter states. |