
  • 博客訪問:


(2020-03-06 13:50:12) 下一個

Statement Regarding Vision Expo East 2020

Dear Valued Customer,

We want to express our concern for everyone impacted by coronavirus. Based on our active and close monitoring of ongoing developments related to the COVID-19 virus; recent reports from public health officials and in line with national and regional authorities and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, together with extensive consultation with our partners at The Vision Council and in the global vision care and services community, Vision Expo East, due to be held March 26-29, will now be consolidated with Vision Expo West in Las Vegas, September 23-26.

Our top priority is to provide a safe environment for everyone involved, while continuing to provide the best customer value to our wonderful community. Leading up to the Vision Expo West event, we will continue to serve the industry, creating ways to connect, collaborate and keep our world moving during this difficult period:
  1. During March, Vision Expo will work to develop virtual meetings between contracted exhibitors and pre-registered attendees.
  2. Vision Expo will work to create customized services for participants in order to maximize successful outcomes at Vision Expo West.
This was a difficult decision for our organization, but ultimately The Vision Council’s Board of Directors believes the safety and well-being of our members, exhibitors, attendees and staff must come first. Furthermore, we want to be respectful to the exhibitors and attendees who would not be able to attend Vision Expo East due to travel restrictions.

Vision Expo East is a pivotal event that brings together our diverse industry to celebrate advances in eyewear, eyecare, technology and fashion. Over the past year, our Vision Expo staff and the entire show community worked tirelessly to plan a completely reimagined show that we were looking forward to unveiling in March. This will now take place September 23-26th in Las Vegas and we’re excited for the show at that date.

The Vision Council and Reed Exhibitions would like to express sincere gratitude to exhibitors, members, attendees, suppliers and staff for their support during this challenging time. We look forward to bringing the vision community together at Vision Expo West.
Vision Expo West is scheduled for September 23rd through 26th at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas.

Stay tuned for more information in the coming days and weeks.


Ashley Mills
CEO, The Vision Council

Yancy Weinrich
COO, Reed Exhibitions
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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '鈴蘭聽風' 的評論 : 對了,忘了鈴蘭mm了,加州人民歡迎溫哥華美女,相信加州天堂般的陽光會把你們這些美女變成仙女:)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '哈瑞' 的評論 : 說錯了,是Vision expo cancel了:((,希望你的virtual trade show成功,賣的好。剛剛在讀一篇文章,現在疫情造成的isolation讓更多人求助網上娛樂,買賣和services.
是的,Oncemm, 哈博士說的對,這裏陽光獨好,特別適合養老,加州人民歡迎扭腰精英!
哈瑞 回複 悄悄話
當你老了,頭發白了,眼光昏沉,南加州就是下一個曬太陽的家 :)
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 若能躲過此劫,俺和暖mm鈴蘭mm老了都上哈哥那兒去蹭陽光。
哈瑞 回複 悄悄話 美國好多大型音樂會都停了。 洛杉磯3/8 馬拉鬆照樣舉行。 俺倒是讚成全年一個展會在賭城,成本減半,路近,旅館也便宜。
病毒流行的地方都冷濕,西雅圖、紐約。 怪不得老年人喜歡幹熱的地方 :)
鈴蘭聽風 回複 悄悄話 我們這兒旅遊業和餐飲業受創較重,點 溫哥華的會展中心, 好像上周有些 expo 還是如期舉行.

診所比較尷尬 ......
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 暖mm,你一提到cloud我就一肚子氣。現在公司什麽都往cloud上放,你想啊,這風一吹雲一飄,真的就是玩捉迷藏了。:)
哈瑞 回複 悄悄話 小生意,還要付大學學費房貸醫保,能剩多少呀? 暖家可有三份薪資 :)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : 還可以cloud count, count不過來還可以computing:)) virtual show cancel了,網上賣的好一樣!
哈瑞 回複 悄悄話 整合到賭城 west show,俺已在那兒了 :)
在 visionexpoeast.com 上,鍵入關鍵詞,search results 的首頁都是俺的 listings。 Page views: 238;Website visits: 14。 接下來還會更多。 Virtual show 不知能退多少錢。
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 是啊,安全健康第一,希望東展的推遲不會影響哈哥的business,在家也能數鈔票。數不過來,給個signal,我們幫你air count.