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Mike 2020 - 過去與未來

(2020-02-24 20:03:41) 下一個

Mike 2020 - 過去與未來


“我們點燃了太多蠟燭,為太多親人哀悼。這就是為什麽我直接向NRA(全國步槍協會)開戰 - 我們在贏”  -- 邁克·彭博(Mike Bloomberg)





·         邁克幫助發起了一場運動就槍支暴力議題對抗NRA和特朗普;現在全國各地都有了更嚴格的槍支法律

·         作為市長,他對抗大煙草公司,領導衝鋒將青少年吸煙減少50%,並就電子煙的危險與特朗普進行鬥爭以保護我們的孩子

·         他杠上了煤炭遊說團,並幫助了旨在關閉全國肮髒的燃煤電廠的努力

·         邁克減少了近40%無醫療保險的紐約人,把紐約人的壽命提升了3年,健保擴大多惠及了近20萬兒童

·             邁克改善了學校,教師薪水漲了43%,學生畢業率升了42%

“也許近年來沒有哪個政治人物比彭博花更多的錢來促進社會進步的優先事項” - 美聯社新聞,2019/12/6


·         為每個美國人提供應有的醫療保健,如果您喜歡現有的保險,就可以繼續使用

·         特殊利益集團的影響從政治中滾出去 - 邁克過去沒有,也永遠不會從他們那裏領取一毛錢

·         解決收入不平等問題並製定計劃,在美國每個社區創造新的就業機會




“We have lit too many candles, mourned too many loved ones. That’s why I took the fight straight to the NRA - and we’re winning”  -  Mike Bloomberg

Mike Bloomberg has never hesitated to take on the biggest fights. Now he’s ready for the most important fight of his life: Beating Donald Trump and rebuilding America.

Mike takes on the big fights - and wins:

·         Mike helped build a movement to take on the NRA and Trump on gun violence; now there are stronger gun laws in states across the country

·         As mayor,  he took on Big Tobacco, leading the charge to cut teen smoking by 50%, and is fighting Trump on the dangers of e-cigarettes to protect our kids

·         He took on the coal lobby and helped lead efforts to close dirty coal-fires plants across the nation

·   Mike reduced the number of uninsured New Yorker by nearly 40%, raised the life expectancy by theee years, and expanded health insurance to almost 200,000 children

·      Mike improved school by raising teacher salaries by 43% and graduation rates by 42%

“Perhaps no political figure has spent more to promote progressive priorities in recent years than Bloomberg “  -- AP News, 12/6/19

As president, Mike will:

·         Guarantee every American the health care they deserve, and if you like your insurance now, you’ll get to keep it

·         Get special interest influence out politics - Mike never has and never will take a dime from them

·         Tackle income inequality and enact his plan to create good new jobs in every neighborhood across America

Mike will get it done

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Once-always 回複 悄悄話 回複 '哈瑞' 的評論 : 哈哥放心,俺從沒浪費這份權力。過去沒有,未來更不會!:)
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Once-always 回複 悄悄話 聽到了哈哥的心聲。政治問題,避而遠之。:)