
我是秋雲 (熱門博主)
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(2025-02-09 10:33:20) 下一個
民主黨這些年營建了一個龐大的黑暗帝國(Deep State),通過設立名目鮮亮的政府機構吸血納稅人的錢,來收買政客,媒體,明星,法官等幾乎所有有權力和影響力的人,從而控製了幾乎美國整個體係。
但是他們遇到了兩個他們收買不了的人: 川普和馬斯克。
曾經深層政府是個陰謀論,現在我們才發現,這個deep state 遠超我們想象的黑暗和龐大!May be an image of 4 people, money and text that says 'Imagine being mad at two guys who dont take a salary for exposing the people who steal your hard earned money while taking a salary. ? TikTok'May be an image of text that says '今天聽到一個令我震驚的事情, 美國社 會安全部門現在還在給六百五十萬名超 過一百二十歲的老人每月發放養老金, 最老的人已經達到了一百五十歲。 據不 同的消息透露, 的消息透露,全世界能活到 全世界能活到112歲的 老人現在隻有40位。 老人現在隻有40位。這六百五十萬名 這六百五十萬名 上基辦人可能還不止隻是領職標在拉辦 人可能還不止隻是領取養老金那 麽簡單, 可能還會在大選的時候參與投 票, 有了這幾百萬票的差距, 足可以影 響選舉結果。 其實政府很久以前就已經 知道了這個問題的存在, 但一直都沒有 人願意去改變這個現像。'May be an image of ?1 person and ?text that says '?N NEWIHAX NEWSMAX 15m Elon ? Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency team said personnel at the Treasury Department suspect roughly $1 billion a week of entitlement payments are "unequivocal and obvious fraud." i newsmax.com Musk Alleges Public Funds Fraud of MuskAlgesPublicFundsFraudofS1 $1B per Week?'??
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Let me get this straight. You are mad at the guy who found all the fraud and theft but not at the people who wasted and stole that money? IDIOTS.'May be an image of 6 people and text that says 'Rep. Anna Paulina Luna RepLuna Big Pharma has made its way into the pockets of senators, and now they' re doing anything they can to block RFK Jr.'s confirmation. Here are some of their top puppets- paid to protect profits instead of Americans Senator Sanders (VT) Sena of Warren (MA) $1,953,613 613 Senator enatorWarnock(GA) Wamnock (GA) $1,224,145 145 SenatorWyo Senator SenatorWyu-(OR) Wy (OR) Wyu.(OR) $1,763,425 425 SenatorSchumer(NY) Senator Schumer (NY) $1,207,873 873 Senator SenatorMurray(WA) Murray (WA) $1,557,928 $1,616,081'
May be an image of money and text that says '曝光: Doge oge揭露USAID向切爾西 克林頓 (希拉裏的女兒) 提供了 (希拉裏的女兒)提供了8400 兒)提供了8400 8400 萬美元的海地救災資金你猜怎 —你猜怎麽 著? $300萬用於她的婚,$1000萬購買了 $300 300萬用於她的婚, $1000萬購買了 $1000 萬購買了 一座豪宅。 而海地幾乎一無所獲。 納稅人的錢就這樣被盜竊了。'May be an image of 1 person and text
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