My Little English Corner

A new accent is an adventure. Be bold! Exaggerate wildly!


(2012-03-23 23:00:12) 下一個

Lesson 44: EcsTAtic Experiences
646. I LOVE my new JOB.
647. That surPRISE birthday PARty was grEAT.
648. This balLOON ride is inCREdible.
649. Our trip to the MOUntain was aMAzing.
650. My FIRst time SCUba diving was UNforgettable.
651. Tasting this CHOcolate is PURE ecstasy.
652. PARachuting gives me an inCREdible rush.
653. It’s not safe, but I love driving fast.
654. My GREAtest thrill is going on the roller coaster.
655. I LOVE the way these sheets feel wrapped around me.
656. I CAN’T believe this is really HAppening!
657. You’ll probably feel differently when some of the excitement has passed.
658. I didn’t think I would get it, but I DID.
659. I DO, but right now I’m so excited that NOthing could rain on my parade.
660. Why are you so worked UP?
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beautifulwind 回複 悄悄話 Lesson 44: EcsTAtic Experiences
646. I LOVE my new JOB.
647. That surPRISE birthday PARty was grEAT.
648. This balLOON ride is inCREdible.
649. Our trip to the MOUntain was aMAzing.
650. My FIRst time SCUba diving was UNforgettable.
651. Tasting this CHOcolate is PURE ecstasy.
652. PARachuting gives me an inCREdible rush.
653. It’s not safe, but I love driving fast.
654. My GREAtest thrill is going on the roller coaster.
655. I LOVE the way these sheets feel wrapped around me.
656. I CAN’T believe this is really HAppening!
657. You’ll probably feel differently when some of the excitement has passed.
658. I didn’t think I would get it, but I DID.
659. I DO, but right now I’m so excited that NOthing could rain on my parade.
660. Why are you so worked UP?

648 baloon的oo長音u不到位。
651 cholocate 的第一個o似乎嘴有點大了?
655 love 的o嘴張得有點大了。
659 I do 的do 讀的非常好聽。

非文學青年 回複 悄悄話 回複NewVoice的評論:
NewVoice 回複 悄悄話
Nice reading! Sis, glad to see you reading again! “rain” sounds a little bit off to me.

Hope everyting goes well!
NewVoice 回複 悄悄話
Nice reading! Sis, glad to see you reading again! “rain” sounds a little bit off to me.

Hope everyting goes well!