
以恬愉為務 以自得為功

北美好聲音-Lizz Wright[視頻]

(2012-08-03 21:22:41) 下一個

         莉茲萊特(Lizz Wright)擁有北美少有的好聲音,風格獨樹一幟,嗓音富含靈魂及藍調風格。這一切要歸功於她自受牧師父親與教會琴師母親的音樂薰陶。她沙啞迷濛、溫暖厚實的嗓音所蘊藏的深沉力量直達你的靈魂深處,帶你回到生命源頭。

Lizz Wright - Coming Home

Album: The Orchard (2008)


Coming home to your shelter

Coming home where I stay

I go down in your water and I won't turn away

Coming back to your calling
I can hear your voice say

Coming home for tomorrow from my dreams of yesterday

You may not understand me but I hear you so well

Your voice comes in the cold wind , a tune I know so well

I can see you through any darkness
Your light it leads me on

I'm coming back to your orchard
Coming back to my home

People ask me where are you going, and I know I know what they think
I get tired , tired of their questions so I must find a way

To meet you down at the old grounds ,where we used to pray

I'm coming home for tomorrow from my dreams of yesterday