

(2006-05-02 08:43:16) 下一個
It was an accident when I started to write this series. The first episode was inspired from a completely irrelevant motivation that had nothing to do with killing. I didn’t expect the characters I created in my stories would have any impact on me, but I was overly confident, the stories I wrote got back on me, the people I killed in the stories somehow found a way to take revenge on me. Anger and hatred had been piling up little by little, one episode after another, the darkness had never been so clear and the wildest part of my nature had never been so alive since the moment I left it all behind. I started to wonder who was writing who. The stories were about killing not saving, but I wished they could be killed for a reason behind the crime scene, but very often they just died in vain. When that happened, I always felt some guilty and sad as if it were real. The whole writing process was painful and harsh, I tried to speed up but in the middle of it, not just once, I thought of quitting, I wanted to give up. Then it came to laok666’s comment: “it seems you never finished what you started”, he had happened to be right by then, but I would like to keep a promise. I’ll have to give him a lot of credit for that, and not just him, many of you, avivi, from today, oops, buffalo, GA, CO, wind, 穀雨,麗蒲,瓦格,無為,豬肉粉條, and etc., forgive me if I didn’t mention some of the names. You guys have been part of this, thanks a lot for your consistent support and trust. 關於龍龜的兒子小烏 小烏寫到第二回的時候,突然卡殼了,一時計無所出。恰逢茶館風雲突變,小黃玉腕輕揚,趕鴨子一般把大家都轟了出去。此變故倒是給了我一個靈感,茶棚一集頗有影射之意。 關於昨天,今天,明天 上班路上聽到一句歌詞,“you’re the love of my life”, 這三個故事就由此開始。殺戮係列最血腥的是淩遲,最殘忍的恐怕是這三個故事,不該讓那個小女孩死的。 關於吸血鬼 我的本意隻想寫一個關於吸血鬼的故事,但laok一句玩笑卻讓我接著寫了第二回“豪宅” ,再次謝過。吸血鬼的故事主要是想表達兩件事:事不隨人願和second chance. 關於小羚羊 一百零一集的故事裏,隻有小羚羊在現實生活中有切實的原型。That’s why nothing happened to her. :) 不過原型比起小羚羊來就沒那麽是非分明,但是一樣可愛。 關於茶蛋,超車 在下開門大弟子,首徒茶葉蛋給了師父兩次很好的靈感,為師不勝感激。 關於白衣人 最後幾集,我試圖收尾,想要點題。所以白衣人這幾回故事情節不多,著重於心理描寫。 關於在下 在下絲瓜人(squaren),又名鴨嘴獸(platypus),和平主義者,乃地地道道的理科生是也,非小資文青。特此聲明,同時再次感謝諸君陪我走完這斷殺戮之旅。
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