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德國|Technical University of Munich:國際學生

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Finding your Place of Study

Degree Programs

We offer 178 degree programs, including plen­ty of them in English. Here you can find information about our de­gree programs.

Application and Admission

You are interested in ap­plying for full or part-time study? Here you can find information about the process of applying and reg­is­tra­tion.

Starting an Exchange Study Program

Exchange Students at TUM

You are enrolled as an exchange student (Erasmus, TUM-Exchange, partner universities) at TUM? The TUM Global & Alumni Office has compiled all important in­for­ma­tion about the exchange semester at TUM.

Studying Abroad

TUM offers a broad variety of exchange programs. It is the aim to raise the mobility of German students and to offer every student the opportunity of spending a term or completing an internship abroad.

Getting Acquainted on Campus

Your Start at TUM

From the first-years’ event via preliminary courses to campus tours and game nights: At TUM, there are numerous opportunities to get to know your studies and the university.

Tutoring & Buddy Programs

Settling into new surroundings is a lot easier if you have someone to call on for support. We will help you find someone to turn to. 

Events for Internationals

Here you will find an overview of a wide variety of events aimed in particular at international students.

Leisure Time & Networking

Taking part in leisure activities is a great way to get valu­able advice and enjoy a spot of your home culture here in Munich.

Languages & Intercultural Services

Language and intercultural skills have become “must-haves” for many jobs. Here you can find information about our services laid on for international students.

Housing & Work

From finding a place in a dormitory to assistance with starting a career – here you will find a wide range of information on housing and employment.

Financing your Studies

Whether it's semester fees, tuition fees, scholarships, or taxes: Here you will find answers to many questions about financing your studies.

TUMint Student Relocation Service

TUMint Student Relocation Service – an all-inclusive onboarding package from TUM International GmbH with accommodation service for international students.


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