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(2023-10-02 21:53:25) 下一個

Elon Musk大學的頭兩年,在加拿大的Queen's University渡過的。

這是Queen's University校報部分內容:

Musk’s mother is Canadian-born, and he has a grandmother and an aunt living in Alberta. So it was to Canada and to Queen’s that he came in 1990, hoping to broaden – and eventually to go beyond – both his personal and literal horizons. “I came to North America because I felt this was where there was opportunity to do great things in technology.”

Oddly enough, it wasn’t just academic excellence that drew Musk to Queen’s, but rather another very down-to-earth reason – his keen eye for members of the opposite sex. “It was a close call for me between the University of Waterloo and Queen’s.

“I was going to do physics and engineering at Waterloo, but then I visited the campus … and, you may not want to print this,” he says with a laugh, “but there didn’t seem to be any girls there! So, I visited Queen’s, and there were girls there. I didn’t want to spend my undergraduate time with a bunch of dudes.”

Turning more serious, he recalls that he met his first wife – ­Justine (Wilson) Musk, Artsci’96, at Queen’s. The couple was together for eight years, 2000-2008, and they had five sons together. As befits a man about whom so little is ordinary, Musk is the ­father of twins and of triplets.

“I had a great time at Queen’s,” Musk reflects. “It was fun and interesting. I’d call them formative years,” he says.

Musk lived at Victoria Hall, on the International Floor. “That was where I met Navaid Farooq [Artsci’94] who remains one of my best friends to this day,” says Musk.

Recalling his two student years in Canada, Musk notes, “In the first two years at university, you learn a lot about a great many things. One particular thing that I learned at Queen’s – both from faculty and students – was how to work collaboratively with smart people and make use of the Socratic method to achieve commonality of purpose.”

What he learned about the Socratic method at Queen’s would prove to be huge, perhaps one of the most significant factors in his future success when it came time for him to start SpaceX.



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