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From a live recital in Taipei, here are eleven Chinese songs sung by the bass with his wife, Nancy Lee Sze at the piano. The concert took place in mid-August, 1957.
1. "All Red the River" 0:00 滿江紅
2. "Separated by the Yangtze River" 2:00 我住長江頭,君住長江尾
3. "Song of the Hoe" 4:05 鋤頭歌
4. "The Red Bean Love-Seed" 7:26 紅豆詞
5. "The Flower Drum Song" 9:52 花鼓歌
6. "Little Sister Hong Cai" 10:52 虹彩妹妹
7. "On the Jialing River" 13:10 嘉陵江上
8. "How Can I Not Think of Her?" 15:46 教我如何不想她
9. "Drinking Song" 19:15 奠酒歌
10. "Song of the Great Wall" 20:16 長城謠
11. "Buffalo Boy" 22:41 小放牛