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佩服Elon Musk的行動力。
Oct 16, 2021
The first trees have been planted (1:50)
and the first outside artworks arrived (1:50, 4:13) at Tesla's Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg.
The roof structure and the gas tanks have been installed at the tank farm (6:16, 15:23)
and the casting section is almost completely closed now (8:00).
The elevator shaft is getting installed in the lobby (1:34, 3:40)
and the first street light are installed (5:30, 10:12).
Tanks are getting placed at the sprinkler center (12:40)
and the foundation for the process cooling chillers is finished (13:32).
Foundation work started for the central utility building (14:12)
and more wastewater tanks are getting build (14:36),
probably they will be placed inside the building (14:55).
Three more loading areas were paved with concrete (2:22),
and the connection to the temporary motorway exit and truck parking area is getting paved with asphalt (2:33).
Pipes are getting placed for the future south and east roads (0:30, 4:47, 16:25, 20:18)
and the cell production building got the first floor panels (17:40).
Construction of the fire water retention basin and the storm water retention basin made good progress, and a crane is placed for the construction of the pump station (21:20, 22:33).
The rainwater infiltration basin is also clearly visible now (23:30).