Is This the World’s Most Beautiful Woman?
Science suggests 18-year-old Florence Colgate just might be.
The ratio of the distance between her ears to the distance between her pupils is nearly 2:1 — the scientific ideal. Furthermore, the distance between her eyes to her mouth is just under a third of the distance from her hairline to her chin — another measure of perfect pulchritude.
The Deal, Kent native and her nearly symmetrical mug were recently named winners of Lorraine: Naked — a natural beauty contest organized by ITV\'s lifestyle program Lorraine. To win, some 8,000 entrants had to rely on their God-given good looks: No make-up or cosmic enhancements of any kind were allowed.
In addition to being crowned Britain\'s most beautiful face, the Dover Grammar School senior and part-time chip shop employee will be featured in a nationwide ad campaign for beauty and health retailer Superdrug.
Florence has all the classic signs of beauty, said Carmen Lefèvre of the Perception Lab at the University of St Andrews\' School of Psychology. She has large eyes, high cheekbones, full lips and a fair complexion. Symmetry appears to be a very important cue to attractiveness.
她的耳朵之間的距離,她的學生之間的距離的比例幾乎是2:1 - 科學的理想。此外,她的嘴她的眼睛之間的距離僅僅是下一個從她的發際線到下巴的距離第三 - 另一個完美pulchritude措施。
新政,肯特本地和她幾乎對稱的杯最近被命名為“洛林:裸體”的獲獎者 - “天生麗質”ITV的生活方式計劃洛林舉辦的比賽。取勝,約8000進入不得不依靠他們的上帝賜予的好看:不化妝,或允許任何種類的宇宙增強。
“佛羅倫薩有對美的所有經典標誌,說:”卡門“勒菲弗在聖安德魯斯大學心理學院認知實驗室。 “她有大眼睛,高顴骨,豐滿的嘴唇和皮膚白晢。對稱似乎是一個非常重要的線索吸引力。