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冒險的地域政治遊戲:華盛頓與中國在玩\'西藏輪盤\' 遊戲,中文,英文,法文,

by F. William Engdahl由樓威廉恩達爾

Global Research , April 10, 2008 全球研究 , 2008年4月10日

冒險的地域政治遊戲:華盛頓與中國在玩/扮演\'西藏輪盤\' 遊戲

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Washington has obviously decided on an ultra-high risk geopolitical game with Beijing’s by fanning the flames of violence in Tibet just at this sensitive time in their relations and on the run-up to the Beijing Olympics.華盛頓顯然已決定對超高度危險的地緣政治遊戲,與北京的,由煽風點火的暴力在西藏就在這個敏感時刻,在他們的關係以及對由現在至北京奧運會。 It’s part of an escalating strategy of destabilization of China which has been initiated by the Bush Administration over the past months.它的一部分,是一個不斷升級的策略,破壞中國已發起的,布什政府在過去幾個月裏。 It also includes the attempt to ignite an anti-China Saffron Revolution in the neighboring Myanmar region, bringing US-led NATO troops into Darfur where China’s oil companies are developing potentially huge oil reserves.它也包括企圖點燃了一個反中國革命的藏紅花在鄰國緬甸地區,使以美國為首的北約部隊進入達爾富爾問題,中國的石油企業都是發展中國家潛在的巨大石油儲量。 It includes counter moves across mineral-rich Africa.它包括反舉動全國礦產豐富的非洲。 And it includes strenuous efforts to turn India into a major new US forward base on the Asian sub-continent to be deployed against China, though evidence to date suggests the Indian government is being very cautious not to upset Chinese relations.其中既包括了艱苦的努力,使印度成為一個主要的美國新的前沿陣地上,亞洲次大陸去部署針對中國的,雖然證據顯示,迄今為止,印度政府正在非常謹慎,不要破壞兩國關係。

The current Tibet operation apparently got the green light in October last year when George Bush agreed to meet the Dalai Lama for the first time publicly in Washington.目前,西藏的運作顯然得到大開綠燈,在去年10月,當喬治布什同意,以滿足達賴喇嘛為第一次公開在華盛頓舉行。 The President of the United States is not unaware of the high stakes of such an insult to Beijing.在美國的總統是不會不知道的高賭注的這種侮辱了北京。 Bush deepened the affront to America’s largest trading partner, China, by agreeing to attend as the US Congress awarded the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal.布什加深了侮辱,美國最大的貿易夥伴,中國,同意在出席美國國會授予達賴喇嘛國會金獎章。

The immediate expressions of support for the crimson monks of Tibet from George Bush, Condi Rice, France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Angela Merkel most recently took on dimensions of the absurd.眼前所表達的支持,為緋紅的僧侶將西藏從老布希任內,康迪賴斯,法國的尼古拉薩爾科齊和德國的總理默克爾最近接手層麵的認識是荒謬的。 Ms Merkel announced she would boycott attending the August Beijing Summer Olympics as her protest at the Beijing treatment of the Tibetan monks.梅克爾宣布,她將抵製出席8月北京夏季奧運會,因為她的抗議,在北京治療的藏族僧人。 What her press secretary omitted is that she had not even planned to go in the first place.她的新聞秘書遺漏的是,她甚至沒有打算去擺在首位。

She was followed by an announcement that Poland’s Prime Minister, the pro-Washington Donald Tusk, would also stay away, along with pro-US Czech President Vaclav Klaus.她隨後進行了公告說,波蘭的總理,親華盛頓圖斯克,也將遠離,隨著親美的捷克總統克勞斯。 It is unclear whether they also hadn’t planned to go in the first place but it made for dramatic press headlines.目前還不清楚他們是否還沒有打算去擺在首位,但它取得了戲劇性的新聞頭條。

The recent wave of violent protests and documented attacks by Tibetan monks against Han Chinese residents began on March 10 when several hundred monks marched on Lhasa to demand release of other monks allegedly detained for celebrating the award of the US Congress’ Gold Medal last October.最近一波的暴力抗議事件,並記錄在案的襲擊藏族僧人對韓華裔居民開始對3月10日,當數百名僧侶遊行拉薩要求釋放其他僧侶據稱被拘留,為慶祝頒發美國國會的金牌,在去年10月。 The monks were joined by other monks marching to protest Beijing rule on the 49 th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule.僧人加入其他僧侶隊列訓練,以抗議北京統治49 周年之際,西藏起義反對中國統治的。

The geopolitical game 地緣政治遊戲

As the Chinese government itself was clear to point out, the sudden eruption of anti-Chinese violence in Tibet, a new phase in the movement led by the exiled Dalai Lama, was suspiciously timed to try to put the spotlight on Beijing’s human rights record on the eve of the coming Olympics.由於中國政府本身是明確指出,突然爆發的排華暴力事件,在西藏,一個新的階段,在運動領導的流亡政府達賴喇嘛,是形跡可疑,定時,設法把焦點對北京的人權記錄,對即將到來的未來奧運會。 The Beijing Olympics are an event seen in China as a major acknowledgement of the arrival of a new prosperous China on the world stage.北京辦奧運是一個事件在中國看到作為一項重大承認的到來,一個新的繁榮的中國,在世界舞台上。

The background actors in the Tibet “Crimson revolution” actions confirm that Washington has been working overtime in recent months to prepare another of its infamous Color Revolutions, these fanning public protests designed to inflict maximum embarrassment on Beijing.背景演員,在西藏紅色革命的行動證實,華盛頓一直超時工作,在最近幾個月準備另其臭名昭著的顏色革命,這些煽動民眾抗議,旨在造成最多的尷尬了北京。 The actors on the ground in and outside Tibet are the usual suspects, tied to the US State Department, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the CIA’s Freedom House through its chairman, Bette Bao Lord and her role in the International Committee for Tibet, as well as the Trace Foundation financed by the wealth of George Soros through his daughter, Andrea Soros Colombel.演員在地麵上,在與外界西藏都是一貫的嫌疑人,綁在美國國務院,其中包括國家民主捐贈(非執行董事) ,美國中央情報局的自由之家通過其主席, bette寶勳爵和她的角色,在國際委員會為西藏,以及為眾基金會資助的財富,索羅斯通過他的女兒安德烈索羅斯colombel 。

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has accused the Dalai Lama of orchestrating the latest unrest to sabotage the Olympic Games “in order to achieve their unspeakable goal”, Tibetan independence.中國國務院總理溫家寶一直指責達賴喇嘛的策劃最新動亂,以破壞奧運會 ,以達到其不可告人的目的 ,西藏獨立。

Bush telephoned his Chinese counterpart, President Hu Jintao, to pressure for talks between Beijing and the exiled Dalai Lama.布什打電話給中國國家主席胡錦濤,以壓力為會談北京與流亡海外的達賴喇嘛。 The White House said that Bush, “raised his concerns about the situation in Tibet and encouraged the Chinese government to engage in substantive dialogue with the Dalai Lama’s representatives and to allow access for journalists and diplomats.”白宮說,布什 ,提出了他的關注西藏的情況,並鼓勵中國政府進行實質性對話與達賴喇嘛的代表,並允許準入的記者和外交官 。

President Hu reportedly told Bush the Dalai Lama must “stop his sabotage” of the Olympics before Beijing takes a decision on talks with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said.國家主席胡錦濤告訴布什,達賴必須停止其破壞的奧運會之前,北京決定對會談與流亡的西藏精神領袖,外交部發言人秦剛說。

Dalai Lama’s odd friends 達賴喇嘛的多名好友

In the West the image of the Dalai Lama has been so much promoted that in many circles he is deemed almost a God.在西方國家的形象,達賴喇嘛已如此熱衷於推廣,在許多圈子,他被認為是幾乎是上帝。 While the spiritual life of the Dalai Lama is not our focus, it is relevant to note briefly the circles he has chosen to travel in most of his life.而精神生活的達賴喇嘛不是我們的重點,是有關以說明簡要圓圈,他選擇了旅行,在他的大部分生活。

The Dalai Lama travels in what can only be called rather conservative political circles.達賴喇嘛遊什麽,隻能稱為比較保守政界人士。 What is generally forgotten today is that during the 1930’s the Nazis including Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler and other top Nazi Party leaders regarded Tibet as the holy site of the survivors of the lost Atlantis, and the origin of the “Nordic pure race.”什麽是普遍被遺忘,今天是,在1930年的納粹蓋世太保包括行政的頭頭和其他高層納粹黨的領袖,把西藏作為聖地的幸存者失落的亞特蘭蒂斯,以及原產地的北歐純粹的種族 。

When he was 11 and already designated Dalai Lama, he was befriended by Heinrich Harrer, a Nazi Party member and officer of Heinrich Himmler’s feared SS.當他11日和已被指定達賴喇嘛,他的朋友,由海因裏希哈勒,納粹黨員和人員的頭頭中的害怕的SS 。 Far from the innocent image of him in the popular Hollywood film with Brad Pitt, Harrer was an elite SS member at the time he met the 11 year old Dalai Lama and became his tutor in “the world outside Tibet.” While only the Dalai Lama knows the contents of Harrer’s private lessons, the two remained friends until Harrer died a ripe 93 in 2006. 1到目前為止,從無辜的形象,他在好萊塢熱門電影與布拉德·皮特,哈勒是一個優秀的SS成員,在當時他會見了11歲的達賴喇嘛,並成了他的導師,在外麵的世界對西藏 ,而隻有達賴喇嘛眾所周知的內容,哈勒的私教課,兩國仍然是朋友,直到哈勒死亡93成熟, 2006年1

That sole friendship, of course, does not define a person’s character, but it is interesting in the context of later friends.這唯一的友誼,當然,沒有界定一個人的性格,不過,有趣的是,在這個背景下後來朋友。 In April 1999, along with Margaret Thatcher, and former Beijing Ambassador, CIA Director and President, George HW Bush, the Dalai Lama demanded the British government release Augusto Pinochet, the former fascist dictator of Chile and a longtime CIA client who was visiting England. 1999年4月,隨著撒切爾夫人,原北京大使,中央情報局局長和總統喬治HW布什,達賴喇嘛要求英國政府釋放皮諾切特,前法西斯獨裁者的智利和長期客戶中央情報局正在訪問英國。 The Dalai Lama urged that Pinochet not be forced to go to Spain where he was wanted to stand trial for crimes against humanity.達賴喇嘛呼籲稱皮諾切特不應該被迫到西班牙去那裏他被通緝站在審判犯有危害人類罪。 The Dalai Lama had close ties to Miguel Serrano 2 , head of Chile’s National Socialist Party, a proponent of something called esoteric Hitlerism. 3達賴喇嘛有著密切的關係,以米格爾尼爾森2 ,元首智利的國家社會主義黨,一個倡議者的東西,所謂的深奧hitlerism 3 。

Leaving aside at this point the claim of the Dalai Lama to divinity, what is indisputable is that he has been surrounded and financed in significant part, since his flight into Indian exile in 1959, by various US and Western intelligence services and their gaggle of NGOs.姑且不論,在這一點上聲稱達賴喇嘛神,什麽是不爭的是,他已被包圍,並在融資的重要組成部分,因為他的飛行進入印度流亡, 1959年,通過各種美國和西方情報機構和它們的則Gaggle的非政府組織。 It is the agenda of the Washington friends of the Dalai Lama that is relevant here.它是議程的華盛頓之友達賴喇嘛即與此有關。

The NED at work again… 在非執行董事在工作時,再次…

As author Michael Parenti notes in his work, Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth, “ during the 1950s and 60s, the CIA actively backed the Tibetan cause with arms, military training, money, air support and all sorts of other help.” The US-based American Society for a Free Asia, a CIA front, publicized the cause of Tibetan resistance, with the Dalai Lama’s eldest brother, Thubtan Norbu, playing an active role in the group.作為作者邁克爾parenti注意到,他在工作中的友好封建:西藏神話 ,在五十年代和六十年代,美國中央情報局,積極支持西藏的事業與武器,軍事訓練,金錢,空中支援和各種其他幫助的說法,美國基於美國社會為建立一個自由亞洲,美國中情局戰線,宣傳事業的藏族抵抗,與達賴喇嘛的大哥, thubtan羅布,發揮了積極的作用,在該集團的實力。 The Dalai Lama’s second-eldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, established an intelligence operation with the CIA in 1951.達賴喇嘛的第二大哥, gyalo通篤,建立了情報與行動中,中情局於1951年。 It was later upgraded into a CIA-trained guerrilla unit whose recruits parachuted back into Tibet, according to Parenti. 4故後來升格成為中央情報局訓練的遊擊單位的新兵跳傘回到西藏,據parenti 4

According to declassified US intelligence documents released in the late 1990s, “for much of the 1960s, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement with $1.7 million a year for operations against China, including an annual subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama.” 5據解密的美國情報文件公布在20世紀90年代後期, 對於大部分的20世紀60年代開始,美國中央情報局提供的有關西藏流亡政府的運動1700000美元一年為行動,打擊中國,其中包括每年補助180000美元為達賴喇嘛 5

With help of the CIA, the Dalai Lama fled to Dharamsala, India where he lives to the present.借助中央情報局,達賴喇嘛逃亡到達蘭薩拉,印度,他的生命到現在。 He continues to receive millions of dollars in backing today, not from the CIA but from a more innocuous-sounding CIA front organization, funded by the US Congress, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).他繼續收到了數百萬美元的支持,今天,而不是由中情局但是,從一個更無傷大雅冠冕堂皇中央情報局戰線組織,經費,由美國國會,全國民主捐贈基金會(非執行董事) 。 The NED has been instrumental in every US-backed Color Revolution destabilization from Serbia to Georgia to Ukraine to Myanmar.在非執行董事一直在每一個美國支持的顏色革命不穩定,從塞爾維亞到格魯吉亞到烏克蘭緬甸。 Its funds go to back opposition media and global public relations campaigns to popularize their pet opposition candidates.它把資金落實到回反對派媒體和全球公關活動,以推廣他們的寵物的反對派候選人。

As in the other recent Color Revolutions, the US Government is fanning the flames of destabilization against China by funding opposition protest organizations inside and outside Tibet through its arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).在最近舉行的其他顏色革命後,美國政府是煽風點火的不穩定,對中國提供資金,反對派組織抗議內外西藏通過其手臂,全國民主捐贈基金會(非執行董事) 。

The NED was founded by the Reagan Administration in the early 1980’s, on the recommendation of Bill Casey, Reagan’s Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), following a series of high-publicity exposures of CIA assassinations and destabilizations of unfriendly regimes.在非執行董事是由裏根政府在20世紀80年代初,就建議草案凱西,是裏根時代的兼中央情報中央情報局( CIA ) ,在經過一係列的高宣傳,揭露中情局暗殺和destabilizations不友好製度。 The NED was designed to pose as an independent NGO, one step removed from the CIA and Government agencies so as to be less conspicuous, presumably.有關非執行董事的目的是構成一個獨立的非政府組織,一步一步從中央情報局和政府機構等,以減少比較突出,據推測。 The first acting President of the NED, Allen Weinstein, commented to the Washington Post that, “A lot of what we [the NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” 6第一署理主席兼非執行董事,阿倫溫斯坦對此評論說,向華盛頓郵報表示, 很多我們[非執行董事]今天所做的工作,暗地裏卻在25年前由中央情報局 。 6

American intelligence historian, William Blum states, “The NED played an important role in the Iran-Contra affair of the 1980s, funding key components of Oliver North\'s shadowy Project Democracy.美國情報曆史學家威廉布盧姆指出, 非執行董事,發揮了重要的作用,在伊朗-的內政, 2 0世紀8 0年代,資金的重要組成部分奧利弗諾斯的影子民主項目 。 This network privatized US foreign policy, waged war, ran arms and drugs, and engaged in other equally charming activities.這個網絡私有化後,美國的外交政策,發動,然軍火和毒品,並從事其他同樣迷人活動。 In 1987, a White House spokesman stated that those at NED run Project Democracy. 7在1987年,美國白宮發言人麥克萊倫表示,這些在非執行董事跑項目的民主 。 7

The most prominent pro-Dalai Lama Tibet independence organization today is the International Campaign for Tibet, founded in Washington in 1988.最突出的親達賴喇嘛西藏獨立組織今天是國際聲援西藏運動成立於華盛頓,在1988年。 Since at least 1994 the ICT has been receiving funds from the NED.至少從1994年以來,信息和通信技術已接收資金從非執行董事。 The ICT awarded their annual Light of Truth award in 2005 to Carl Gershman, founder of the NED.資訊及通訊科技獎每年輕真理的獎勵,在2005年至卡爾格什曼,創辦的非執行董事。 Other ICT award winners have included the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Czech leader, Vaclav Havel.其他資訊及通訊科技獎得主包括德語包括Friedrich Naumann Foundation和捷克領導人哈維爾。 The ICT Board of Directors is peopled with former US State Department officials including Gare Smith and Julia Taft. 8信息和通信技術的董事局成員peopled與美國前國務院官員,包括火車站Gare史密斯和伊曼紐爾姆8

Another especially active anti-Beijing organization is the US-based Students for a Free Tibet, founded in 1994 in New York City as a project of US Tibet Committee and the NED-financed International Campaign for Tibet (ICT).另一種是積極的反北京組織是一個以美國為基地的學生為建立一個自由的西藏,成立於1994年,在紐約市作為一項係統工程,美國西藏委員會和非執行董事資助的國際聲援西藏運動(信息通信技術) 。 The SFT is most known for unfurling a 450 foot banner atop the Great Wall in China; calling for a free Tibet, and accusing Beijing of wholly unsubstantiated claims of genocide against Tibet.該SFT屬最知名unfurling 450英尺的旗幟之巔長城在中國;呼籲為建立一個自由的西藏,並指責北京的全部證據不足索賠的種族滅絕對西藏。 Apparently it makes good drama to rally naïve students.顯然,它使得好的戲劇凝聚天真的學生。

The SFT was among five organizations which this past January that proclaimed start of a Tibetan people\'s uprising on Jan 4 this year and co-founded a temporary office in charge of coordination and financing.該SFT屬,其中5個機構,其中今年1月即宣布了一個良好的開始, 西藏人民起義 ,對1月4日,這一年,並共同創辦了臨時辦公室,負責協調,並融資。

Harry Wu is another prominent Dalai Lama supporter against Beijing.吳弘達是另一個突出達賴喇嘛的支持者,反對北京。 He became notorious for claiming falsely in a 1996 Playboy interview that he had “videotaped a prisoner whose kidneys were surgically removed while he was alive, and then the prisoner was taken out and shot.他成為臭名昭著自稱附有虛假產地來源標簽,在1996年的一項花花公子采訪時表示,他已錄了囚犯的腎髒手術清除,而他是活著,然後那名囚犯被取出了一槍。 The tape was broadcast by BBC. The BBC film showed nothing of the sort, but the damage was done. How many people check old BBC archives? Wu, a retired Berkeley professor who left China after imprisonment as a dissident, is head of the Laogai Research Foundation, a tax-exempt organization whose main funding is from the NED. 9錄音帶播出後,由英國廣播公司 BBC的影片顯示,根本沒有這回事,但損害是做究竟有多少人入住老BBC的檔案?吳儀是一位退休的大學柏克萊分校教授,他們離開中國後,監禁作為一個持不同政見者,是頭部的勞改基金會研究基金會,一個免稅的組織,其主要資金是由非執行董事。 九日

Among related projects, the US Government-financed NED also supports the Tibet Times newspaper, run out of the Dalai Lama’s exile base at Dharamsala, India.其中有關工程完成後,美國政府資助的非執行董事還支持西藏時報,一發不可收拾,達賴喇嘛的流亡政府基地達蘭薩拉,印度。 The NED also funds the Tibet Multimedia Center for “information dissemination that addresses the struggle for human rights and democracy in Tibet,” also based in Dharamsala.在非執行董事也基金西藏多媒體中心的信息傳播,解決鬥爭中,為人權和民主的,在西藏, 也設在達蘭薩拉。 And NED finances the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy.及非執行董事的財政狀況,西藏人權中心和民主。

In short, US State Department and US intelligence community finger prints are all over the upsurge around the Free Tibet movement and the anti-Han Chinese attacks of March.總之,美國國務院和美國情報界,指紋都超過了高潮圍繞西藏自由運動和反韓中文襲擊的3月。 The question to be asked is why, and especially why now?要問的問題是為什麽,尤其是為什麽呢?

Tibet’s raw minerals treasure 西藏的原始礦物寶藏

Tibet is of strategic import to China not only for its geographical location astride the border with India, Washington’s newest anti-China ally in Asia.西藏是戰略性進口到中國,不僅是為了它的地理位置跨邊界與印度,華盛頓的最新反中國的盟友,在亞洲。 Tibet is also a treasure of minerals and also oil.西藏也是一個珍惜礦產中,又油。 Tibet contains some of the world\'s largest uranium and borax deposits, one half of the world\'s lithium, the largest copper deposits in Asia, enormous iron deposits, and over 80,000 gold mines.西藏包含了一些世界上最大的鈾和硼砂存款,其中有一半的世界的鋰電池,最大的銅礦在亞洲,巨大的鐵礦床,以及超過80000金礦。 Tibet\'s forests are the largest timber reserve at China\'s disposal; as of 1980, an estimated $54 billion worth of trees had been felled and taken by China.西藏的森林是世界上最大的木材儲備,在中國的處置;截止到1980年,估計有540億美元價值的樹木已被砍伐,並采取了中國。 Tibet also contains some of the largest oil reserves in the region. 10西藏還包含一些最大的石油儲備,在該地區10個

On the Tibet Autonomous Region’s border along the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is also a vast oil and mineral region in the Qaidam Basin, known as a treasure basin.對西藏自治區的邊境沿線,新疆維吾爾族自治區,也是一個龐大的石油和礦產地區,在柴達木盆地,素有珍惜盆地 。 The Basin has 57 different types of mineral resources with proven reserves including petroleum, natural gas, coal, crude salt, potassium, magnesium, lead, zinc and gold.該盆地57個不同類型的礦產資源,已探明儲量包括石油,天然氣,煤,原鹽,鉀,鎂,鉛,鋅,黃金等。 These mineral resources have a potential economic value of 15 trillion yuan or US$1.8 trillion.這些礦產資源具有潛在的經濟價值15萬億元,還是美國1800000000000美元。 Proven reserves of potassium, lithium and crude salt in the basin are the biggest in China.探明儲量的鉀,鋰,原鹽在盆地是最大的,在中國。

And situated as it is, on the “roof of the world,” Tibet is perhaps the world’s most valuable water source.位於現在的情況是,對世界屋脊上的西藏也許是世界上最寶貴的水源。 Tibet is the source of seven of Asia\'s greatest rivers which provide water for 2 billion people.” He who controls Tibet’s water has a mighty powerful geopolitical lever over all Asia.西藏是源頭,是亞洲七大河流的最大提供用水20億人, 他誰控製西藏的水已威武有力地緣政治杠杆超過所有亞洲。

But the prime interest of Tibet for Washington today is its potential to act as a lever to destabilize and blackmail the Beijing Government.但布萊爾的利益,為西藏華盛頓今天是它的潛力,以法為杠杆,破壞和勒索北京政府。

Washington’s ‘nonviolence as a form of warfare’ 華盛頓的\'非暴力主義是一種形式的戰爭\'

The events in Tibet since March 10 have been played in Western media with little regard to accuracy or independent cross-checking.該事件在西藏的3月10日以來一直在扮演西方媒體很少考慮到其準確性或獨立的交叉核對。 Most of the pictures blown up in European and US newspapers and TV have not even been of Chinese military oppression of Tibetan lamas or monks.大部分的照片被引爆,在歐洲和美國的報紙和電視甚至還沒有被中國軍隊鎮壓西藏的喇嘛或僧人。 They have been shown to be in most cases either Reuters or AFP pictures of Han Chinese being beaten by Tibetan monks in paramilitary organizations.他們已顯示是在大多數情況下,無論是路透社還是法新社的照片,韓中被毆打的藏族僧人在準軍事組織。 In some instances German TV stations ran video pictures of beatings that were not even from Tibet but rather by Nepalese police in Kathmandu. 11在一些德語電視台然視頻拍攝毆打,被認為是不甚至來自西藏,而是由尼泊爾警方在加德滿都11 。

The western media complicity simply further underlies that the actions around Tibet are part of a well-orchestrated destabilization effort on the part of Washington.西方媒體共謀純粹進一步突顯該行動圍繞西藏的一個組成部分,精心策劃不穩定的努力,對部分華盛頓。 What few people realize is that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was also instrumental, along with Gene Sharp’s misnamed Albert Einstein Institution through Colonel Robert Helvey, in encouraging the student protests at Tiananmen Square in June 1989.什麽很少人認識到這是國家民主捐贈(非執行董事)也器樂,隨著基因夏普的名不副實的愛因斯坦機構通過上校羅伯特helvey ,在鼓勵學生抗議活動在天安門廣場,在1989年6月。 The Albert Einstein Institution, as it describes itself, specializes in nonviolence as a form of warfare. 12愛因斯坦機構,因為它描述了自己,擅長於非暴力主義是一種形式的戰爭 。 12

Colonel Helvey was formerly with the Defense Intelligence Agency stationed in Myanmar.上校helvey的前身是與美國國防情報局派駐緬甸。 Helvey trained in Hong Kong the student leaders from Beijing in mass demonstration techniques which they were to use in the Tiananmen Square incident of June 1989. helvey訓練有素,在香港的學運領袖,從北京大規模示威技巧,他們用在天安門事件中的1989年6月。 He is now believed acting as an adviser to the Falun Gong in similar civil disobedience techniques.他現在認為,作為一名顧問向學員在類似公民抗命的技巧。 Helvey nominally retired from the army in 1991, but had been working with the Albert Einstein Institution and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation long before then. helvey名義上退休,由軍隊在1991年,但一直與愛因斯坦機構和索羅斯的開放社會基金會之前很久,然後。 In its annual report for 2004 Helvey’s Albert Einstein Institution admitted to advising people in Tibet. 13在其2004年年度報告helvey的愛因斯坦家機構提供谘詢,以對西藏人民13

With the emergence of the Internet and mobile telephone use, the US Pentagon has refined an entirely new form of regime change and political destabilization.隨著因特網的出現和移動電話的使用,美國五角大樓已精製一種全新形式的政權更替和政治不穩定。 As one researcher of the phenomenon behind the wave of color revolutions, Jonathan Mowat, describes it,正如一位研究人員對這一現象的背後,浪潮顏色革命,喬納森mowat形容的,

“…What we are seeing is civilian application of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld\'s Revolution in Military Affairs doctrine, which depends on highly mobile small group deployments enabled by real time intelligence and communications. … …我們現在所看到的是民用應用拉姆斯菲爾德的新軍事變革的學說,它依賴於流動性高的小群部署 ,使的實時的情報和通訊等方麵。 Squads of soldiers taking over city blocks with the aid of intelligence helmet video screens that give them an instantaneous overview of their environment, constitute the military side.隊士兵接管城市街區與援助的智能頭盔視訊螢幕,讓他們瞬間概述其環境,構成了軍事方麵。 Bands of youth converging on targeted intersections in constant dialogue on cell phones constitute the doctrine\'s civilian application.樂隊青年雲集針對性交叉口持續不斷的對話對手機構成學說的民間用途。

“This parallel should not be surprising since the US military and National Security Agency subsidized the development of the Internet, cellular phones, and software platforms. 這種平行的,不應令人驚訝,因為美國軍方和國家安全局的資助互聯網的發展,移動電話,為軟件平台。 From their inception, these technologies were studied and experimented with in order to find the optimal use in a new kind of warfare.從一開始,這些技術進行了研究,並以試驗,以期找到最佳利用一種新的作戰樣式。 The revolution in warfare that such new instruments permit has been pushed to the extreme by several specialists in psychological warfare. 革命 ,在戰爭中,這種新的工具,證已被推到了極端,一些專家在心理戰。 Although these military utopians have been working in high places, (for example the RAND Corporation), for a very long time, to a large extent they only took over some of the most important command structures of the US military apparatus with the victory of the neoconservatives in the Pentagon of Donald Rumsfeld. 14雖然這些軍事utopians一直工作在高的地方, (例如蘭德公司) ,是一段很長的時間,在很大程度上,他們隻是接管了一些最重要的指揮機構的美國軍事機器與勝利的新保守派在五角大樓的拉姆斯菲爾德14

Goal to control China 目標是控製中國

Washington policy has used and refined these techniques of “revolutionary nonviolence,” and NED operations embodied a series of ‘democratic’ or soft coup projects as part of a larger strategy which would seek to cut China off from access to its vital external oil and gas reserves.華盛頓的政策已使用和完善,這些技術的非暴力革命 ,非執行董事和行動,體現了一係列的\'民主\'或軟政變項目作為大戰略的一部分,這將設法削減中國從小康進入其重要的對外石油和天然氣儲備。

The 1970’s quote attributed to then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a proponent of British geopolitics in an American context comes to mind: “If you control the oil you control entire nations…” 1970年的競標歸功於當時的國務卿基辛格,主張英國地緣政治學在一個美國語境來記: 如果你控製石油您控製整個國家… …

The destabilization attempt by Washington using Tibet, no doubt with quiet “help” from its friends in British and other US-friendly intelligence services, is part of a clear pattern.破壞美國試圖利用西藏,毫無疑問,與寧靜的幫助 ,從它的朋友,在英國和其他親美情報服務,是一個明顯的模式。

It includes Washington’s “Saffron revolution” attempts to destabilize Myanmar.它包括華盛頓的藏紅花革命 ,試圖破壞緬甸。 It includes the ongoing effort to get NATO troops into Darfur to block China’s access to strategically vital oil resources there and elsewhere in Africa.它包括正在進行的努力以獲得北約部隊進入達爾富爾,以阻止中國的訪問具有戰略重要的石油資源,並且在非洲其他地方。 It includes attempts to foment problems in Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan and to disrupt China’s vital new energy pipeline projects to Kazakhstan.它包括企圖挑起問題,在烏茲別克斯坦,吉爾吉斯斯坦和破壞中國的新的重要能源管道項目,以哈薩克斯坦。 The earlier Asian Great Silk Road trade routes went through Tashkent in Uzbekistan and Almaty in Kazakhstan for geographically obvious reasons, in a region surrounded by major mountain ranges.早前亞洲偉大的絲綢之路的貿易路線經曆了塔什幹烏茲別克斯坦和哈薩克阿拉木圖為地理上明顯的原因,在一個區域包圍的主要山脈。 Geopolitical control of Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan would enable control of any potential pipeline routes between China and Central Asia just as the encirclement of Russia controls pipeline and other ties between it and western Europe, China, India and the Middle East, where China depends on uninterrupted oil flows from Iran, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries.地緣政治的控製烏茲別克斯坦,吉爾吉斯斯坦,哈薩克斯坦,使控製任何潛在的管道路線,中國與中亞正如包圍俄羅斯控製管道及其他關係,它與西歐,中國,印度和中東地區,如中國,取決於不間斷的石油流量來自伊朗,沙特阿拉伯和其他歐佩克國家。

Behind the strategy to encircle China 背後的戰略包圍中國

In this context, a revealing New York Council on Foreign Relations analysis in their Foreign Affairs magazine from Zbigniew Brzezinski from September/October 1997 is worth quoting.在這種背景下,揭示了紐約外交關係委員會分析,在其外交事務雜誌從布熱津斯基從9月/ 1997年10月,是值得引用。 Brzezinski, a protégé of David Rockefeller and a follower of the founder of British geopolitics, Sir Halford Mackinder, is today the foreign policy adviser to Presidential candidate, Barack Obama.布熱津斯基, protégé大衛洛克菲勒和追隨者的創始人,英國地緣政治學,主席先生哈爾福德mackinder ,是今天的外交政策顧問,總統候選人巴拉克奧巴馬。 In 1997 he revealingly wrote: 1997年,他revealingly寫道:

‘Eurasia is home to most of the world\'s politically assertive and dynamic states. \'歐亞大陸是在家世界上大多數人的政治主見和動態。 All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia.所有曆史覬覦全球權力起源於歐亞大陸。 The world\'s most populous aspirants to regional hegemony, China and India, are in Eurasia, as are all the potential political or economic challengers to American primacy.世界上人口最多的有誌成為區域霸權,但中國和印度等,在歐亞大陸上,因為都是潛在的政治或經濟的挑戰者,美國的首要地位。 After the United States, the next six largest economies and military spenders are there, as are all but one of the world\'s overt nuclear powers, and all but one of the covert ones.繼美國之後,在未來6個最大的經濟體和軍事揮霍有,因為都是,但世界上的一個顯性核權的情況下,所有的,但其中的秘密。 Eurasia accounts for 75 percent of the world\'s population; 60 percent of its GNP, and 75 percent of its energy resources. Collectively, Eurasia\'s potential power overshadows even America\'s.歐亞大陸占世界75 %的人口,其60 %的國民生產總值,而75 %的能源資源。 統稱,歐亞大陸的潛在力量黯然失色,甚至美國的。

‘Eurasia is the world\'s axial super-continent. \'歐亞大陸是世界的軸向超大陸。 A power that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two of the world\'s three most economically productive regions, Western Europe and East Asia.權力主導歐亞大陸,將產生決定性的影響力,這兩個世界的三個經濟最富有成效的地區,西歐和東亞地區。 A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa.驟眼看來,在地圖上也表明,一個國家主導,在歐亞大陸上,將幾乎自動地控製中東和非洲。 With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia. 與歐亞大陸現在作為決定性的地緣政治棋盤上,它不再足以時裝一個政策,為歐洲和另一個亞洲。 What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America\'s global primacy….’ 15 (emphasis mine-we). 會發生什麽與權力分配,對歐亞陸塊,將具有決定性的意義,以美國的全球首要地位… \' 15 (著重排雷我們) 。

This statement, written well before the US-led bombing of former Yugoslavia and the US military occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, or its support of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline, puts Washington pronouncements about ‘ridding the world of tyranny’ and about spreading democracy, into a somewhat different context from the one usually mentioned by George W. Bush of others.這項聲明,寫之前,以美國為首的轟炸前南斯拉夫和美國軍事占領阿富汗和伊拉克,還是其支持的巴庫-第比利斯-傑伊漢石油管道,使華盛頓談論\'消除世界上的暴政\' ,並約蔓延民主,成為一個略有不同的背景下,從一個通常所說的,布什別人的。

It’s about global hegemony, not democracy.它的全球霸權,而不是民主。 It should be no surprise when powers such as China are not convinced that giving Washington such overwhelming power is in China’s national interest, any more than Russia thinks that it would be a step towards peace to let NATO gobble up Ukraine and Georgia and put US missiles on Russia’s doorstep “to defend against threat of Iranian nuclear attack on the United States.”它不應有任何驚訝的時候,權力,例如中國,是不相信在向華盛頓這種壓倒性的力量,是中國的國家利益,任何超過俄羅斯則認為這將是一個逐步走向和平,讓北約吞並烏克蘭和格魯吉亞,並付諸美導彈對俄羅斯的家門口 ,以抵禦威脅的伊朗核,對美國發動攻擊 。

The US-led destabilization in Tibet is part of a strategic shift of great significance.以美國為首的不穩定,在西藏是一個戰略轉移,具有十分重要的意義。 It comes at a time when the US economy and the US dollar, still the world’s reserve currency, are in the worst crisis since the 1930’s.說到在這個時候,美國經濟和美元,仍是世界的儲備貨幣,是在最惡劣的危機,自20世紀30年代。 It is significant that the US Administration sends Wall Street banker, former Goldman Sachs chairman, Henry Paulson to Beijing in the midst of its efforts to embarrass Beijing in Tibet.這是很重要的是,美國政府派出的華爾街銀行家,前高盛董事長亨利鮑爾森到北京在複雜多變的努力尷尬,在北京西藏。 Washington is literally playing with fire.華盛頓是字麵上的玩火行徑。 China long ago surpassed Japan as the world’s largest holder of foreign currency reserves, now in the range of $1.5 trillions, most of which are invested in US Treasury debt instruments.中國早已超過日本,成為世界上最大的持有人的外匯儲備,現在在射程為150萬億,其中大部分是投資在美國國債的債務工具。 Paulson knows well that were Beijing to decide it could bring the dollar to its knees by selling only a small portion of its US debt on the market.鮑爾森深知,被北京,以決定它可以使港元,其膝蓋出售,隻有一小部分的美國債券在市場上。

Endnotes: 注釋:

1 Ex-Nazi, Dalai\'s tutor Harrer dies at 93, The Times of India, 9 Jan 2006, in 一前納粹,達賴的導師哈勒去世93 ,印度時報, 2006年1月9日,在
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1363946,prtpage-1.cms . http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1363946 , prtpage - 1.cms 。

2 Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, New York University Press, 2001, p. 二 goodrick -克拉克,尼古拉斯,黑太陽:雅利安人的邪教,深奧的納粹主義和政治身份,在紐約大學出版社, 2001年,頁 177. 177 。

3 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 1: Die Begeisterung für den Dalai Lama und den tibetischen Buddhismus, March 26, 2008, excerpted from the book Dalai Lama: Fall eines Gottkönigs, Alibri Verlag,, new edition to appear April 2008, reproduced in 三 goldner科林說, mönchischer恐怖auf DEM的dach明鏡世界報卷1 :模具begeisterung f黵den達賴喇嘛und書齋tibetischen buddhismus , 2008年3月26日,摘自該書達賴喇嘛:秋天條件讓gottkönigs , alibri出版社出版,新版本出現2008年4月,轉載
http://www.jungewelt.de/2008/03-27/006.php . http://www.jungewelt.de/2008/03-27/006.php 。

4 Parenti, Michael, Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth, June 2007, in www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html . 四 parenti ,邁克爾,友好封建:西藏神話, 2007年6月,在www.michaelparenti.org / tibet.html 。

5 Mann, Jim, CIA funded covert Tibet exile campaign in 1960s, The Age (Australia), Sept. 16, 1998. 五曼恩,吉姆,美國中央情報局秘密資助西藏流亡運動,在20世紀60年代,年齡(澳大利亞) , 1998年9月16日。

6 Ignatius, D., Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups, The Washington Post, 22 September 1991. 六伊格博士,無罪推定國外:新的世界spyless政變,華盛頓郵報, 1991年9月22日。

7 Blum, William, The NED and ‘Project Democracy,’ January 2000, in www.friendsoftibet.org/databank/usdefence/usd5.html 七百隆,威廉,非執行董事和\'民主項目, 2000年1月,在www.friendsoftibet.org/databank/usdefence/usd5.html

8 Barker, Michael, ’Democratic Imperialism’: Tibet, China and the National Endowment for Democracy, Global Research, August 13, 2007, www.globalresearch.ca . 八巴克,邁克爾, \'民主帝國主義\' :西藏,中國和全國民主捐贈基金會,全球研究, 2007年8月13日, www.globalresearch.ca 。

9 McGehee, Ralph, Ralph McGehee’ s Archive on JFK Place, CIA Operations in China Part III, May 2, 1996, in www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/RM/RM.china-for . 九 mcgehee ,拉爾夫,拉爾夫mcgehee奇摩檔案館對肯尼迪的地方,中央情報局在中國開展業務的第三部分, 1996年5月2日,在www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/rm/rm.china-for 。

10 US Tibet Committee, Fifteen things you should know about Tibet and China, in 10個美國西藏委員會, 15個東西,你應該了解西藏和中國,在
http://ustibetcommittee.org/facts/facts.html . http://ustibetcommittee.org/facts/facts.html 。

11 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 2: Krawalle im Vorfeld der Olympischen Spiele, op cit. 11日 goldner科林說, mönchischer恐怖auf DEM的dach明鏡世界報卷2 : krawalle的IM vorfeld明鏡olympischen spiele ,同前。

12 Mowat, Jonathan, The new Gladio in action?, Online Journal, Mar 19, 2005, in 12個 mowat ,喬納森,新gladio在行動嗎,線上雜誌, 2005年3月19日,在
http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/printer_308.shtml . http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/printer_308.shtml 。

13 Ibid. 13同上。

14 Ibid. 14同上。

15 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, A Geostrategy for Eurasia, Foreign Affairs, 76:5, September/October 1997. 15布熱津斯基茲,地緣戰略為歐亞大陸,外事, 76:5 , 9月/ 1997年10月。

Global Research Articles by F. William Engdahl 全球研究文章樓威廉恩達爾


Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’ with China

by F. William Engdahl

Global Research, April 10, 2008

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Washington has obviously decided on an ultra-high risk geopolitical game with Beijing’s by fanning the flames of violence in Tibet just at this sensitive time in their relations and on the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. It’s part of an escalating strategy of destabilization of China which has been initiated by the Bush Administration over the past months. It also includes the attempt to ignite an anti-China Saffron Revolution in the neighboring Myanmar region, bringing US-led NATO troops into Darfur where China’s oil companies are developing potentially huge oil reserves. It includes counter moves across mineral-rich Africa. And it includes strenuous efforts to turn India into a major new US forward base on the Asian sub-continent to be deployed against China, though evidence to date suggests the Indian government is being very cautious not to upset Chinese relations.

The current Tibet operation apparently got the green light in October last year when George Bush agreed to meet the Dalai Lama for the first time publicly in Washington. The President of the United States is not unaware of the high stakes of such an insult to Beijing. Bush deepened the affront to America’s largest trading partner, China, by agreeing to attend as the US Congress awarded the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal.

The immediate expressions of support for the crimson monks of Tibet from George Bush, Condi Rice, France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Angela Merkel most recently took on dimensions of the absurd. Ms Merkel announced she would boycott attending the August Beijing Summer Olympics as her protest at the Beijing treatment of the Tibetan monks. What her press secretary omitted is that she had not even planned to go in the first place.

She was followed by an announcement that Poland’s Prime Minister, the pro-Washington Donald Tusk, would also stay away, along with pro-US Czech President Vaclav Klaus. It is unclear whether they also hadn’t planned to go in the first place but it made for dramatic press headlines.

The recent wave of violent protests and documented attacks by Tibetan monks against Han Chinese residents began on March 10 when several hundred monks marched on Lhasa to demand release of other monks allegedly detained for celebrating the award of the US Congress’ Gold Medal last October. The monks were joined by other monks marching to protest Beijing rule on the 49th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule.

The geopolitical game

As the Chinese government itself was clear to point out, the sudden eruption of anti-Chinese violence in Tibet, a new phase in the movement led by the exiled Dalai Lama, was suspiciously timed to try to put the spotlight on Beijing’s human rights record on the eve of the coming Olympics. The Beijing Olympics are an event seen in China as a major acknowledgement of the arrival of a new prosperous China on the world stage.

The background actors in the Tibet “Crimson revolution” actions confirm that Washington has been working overtime in recent months to prepare another of its infamous Color Revolutions, these fanning public protests designed to inflict maximum embarrassment on Beijing. The actors on the ground in and outside Tibet are the usual suspects, tied to the US State Department, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the CIA’s Freedom House through its chairman, Bette Bao Lord and her role in the International Committee for Tibet, as well as the Trace Foundation financed by the wealth of George Soros through his daughter, Andrea Soros Colombel.

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has accused the Dalai Lama of orchestrating the latest unrest to sabotage the Olympic Games “in order to achieve their unspeakable goal”, Tibetan independence.

Bush telephoned his Chinese counterpart, President Hu Jintao, to pressure for talks between Beijing and the exiled Dalai Lama. The White House said that Bush, “raised his concerns about the situation in Tibet and encouraged the Chinese government to engage in substantive dialogue with the Dalai Lama’s representatives and to allow access for journalists and diplomats.”

President Hu reportedly told Bush the Dalai Lama must “stop his sabotage” of the Olympics before Beijing takes a decision on talks with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said.

Dalai Lama’s odd friends

In the West the image of the Dalai Lama has been so much promoted that in many circles he is deemed almost a God. While the spiritual life of the Dalai Lama is not our focus, it is relevant to note briefly the circles he has chosen to travel in most of his life.

The Dalai Lama travels in what can only be called rather conservative political circles. What is generally forgotten today is that during the 1930’s the Nazis including Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler and other top Nazi Party leaders regarded Tibet as the holy site of the survivors of the lost Atlantis, and the origin of the “Nordic pure race.”

When he was 11 and already designated Dalai Lama, he was befriended by Heinrich Harrer, a Nazi Party member and officer of Heinrich Himmler’s feared SS. Far from the innocent image of him in the popular Hollywood film with Brad Pitt, Harrer was an elite SS member at the time he met the 11 year old Dalai Lama and became his tutor in “the world outside Tibet.” While only the Dalai Lama knows the contents of Harrer’s private lessons, the two remained friends until Harrer died a ripe 93 in 2006.1

That sole friendship, of course, does not define a person’s character, but it is interesting in the context of later friends. In April 1999, along with Margaret Thatcher, and former Beijing Ambassador, CIA Director and President, George H.W. Bush, the Dalai Lama demanded the British government release Augusto Pinochet, the former fascist dictator of Chile and a longtime CIA client who was visiting England. The Dalai Lama urged that Pinochet not be forced to go to Spain where he was wanted to stand trial for crimes against humanity. The Dalai Lama had close ties to Miguel Serrano2, head of Chile’s National Socialist Party, a proponent of something called esoteric Hitlerism. 3

Leaving aside at this point the claim of the Dalai Lama to divinity, what is indisputable is that he has been surrounded and financed in significant part, since his flight into Indian exile in 1959, by various US and Western intelligence services and their gaggle of NGOs. It is the agenda of the Washington friends of the Dalai Lama that is relevant here.

The NED at work again…

As author Michael Parenti notes in his work, Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth, “during the 1950s and 60s, the CIA actively backed the Tibetan cause with arms, military training, money, air support and all sorts of other help.” The US-based American Society for a Free Asia, a CIA front, publicized the cause of Tibetan resistance, with the Dalai Lama’s eldest brother, Thubtan Norbu, playing an active role in the group. The Dalai Lama’s second-eldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, established an intelligence operation with the CIA in 1951. It was later upgraded into a CIA-trained guerrilla unit whose recruits parachuted back into Tibet, according to Parenti.4

According to declassified US intelligence documents released in the late 1990s, “for much of the 1960s, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement with $1.7 million a year for operations against China, including an annual subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama.” 5

With help of the CIA, the Dalai Lama fled to Dharamsala, India where he lives to the present. He continues to receive millions of dollars in backing today, not from the CIA but from a more innocuous-sounding CIA front organization, funded by the US Congress, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The NED has been instrumental in every US-backed Color Revolution destabilization from Serbia to Georgia to Ukraine to Myanmar. Its funds go to back opposition media and global public relations campaigns to popularize their pet opposition candidates.

As in the other recent Color Revolutions, the US Government is fanning the flames of destabilization against China by funding opposition protest organizations inside and outside Tibet through its arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

The NED was founded by the Reagan Administration in the early 1980’s, on the recommendation of Bill Casey, Reagan’s Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), following a series of high-publicity exposures of CIA assassinations and destabilizations of unfriendly regimes. The NED was designed to pose as an independent NGO, one step removed from the CIA and Government agencies so as to be less conspicuous, presumably. The first acting President of the NED, Allen Weinstein, commented to the Washington Post that, “A lot of what we [the NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” 6

American intelligence historian, William Blum states, “The NED played an important role in the Iran-Contra affair of the 1980s, funding key components of Oliver North\'s shadowy Project Democracy. This network privatized US foreign policy, waged war, ran arms and drugs, and engaged in other equally charming activities. In 1987, a White House spokesman stated that those at NED run Project Democracy. 7

The most prominent pro-Dalai Lama Tibet independence organization today is the International Campaign for Tibet, founded in Washington in 1988. Since at least 1994 the ICT has been receiving funds from the NED. The ICT awarded their annual Light of Truth award in 2005 to Carl Gershman, founder of the NED. Other ICT award winners have included the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Czech leader, Vaclav Havel. The ICT Board of Directors is peopled with former US State Department officials including Gare Smith and Julia Taft. 8

Another especially active anti-Beijing organization is the US-based Students for a Free Tibet, founded in 1994 in New York City as a project of US Tibet Committee and the NED-financed International Campaign for Tibet (ICT). The SFT is most known for unfurling a 450 foot banner atop the Great Wall in China; calling for a free Tibet, and accusing Beijing of wholly unsubstantiated claims of genocide against Tibet. Apparently it makes good drama to rally naïve students.

The SFT was among five organizations which this past January that proclaimed start of a Tibetan people\'s uprising on Jan 4 this year and co-founded a temporary office in charge of coordination and financing.

Harry Wu is another prominent Dalai Lama supporter against Beijing. He became notorious for claiming falsely in a 1996 Playboy interview that he had “videotaped a prisoner whose kidneys were surgically removed while he was alive, and then the prisoner was taken out and shot. The tape was broadcast by BBC. The BBC film showed nothing of the sort, but the damage was done. How many people check old BBC archives? Wu, a retired Berkeley professor who left China after imprisonment as a dissident, is head of the Laogai Research Foundation, a tax-exempt organization whose main funding is from the NED.9

Among related projects, the US Government-financed NED also supports the Tibet Times newspaper, run out of the Dalai Lama’s exile base at Dharamsala, India. The NED also funds the Tibet Multimedia Center for “information dissemination that addresses the struggle for human rights and democracy in Tibet,” also based in Dharamsala. And NED finances the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy.

In short, US State Department and US intelligence community finger prints are all over the upsurge around the Free Tibet movement and the anti-Han Chinese attacks of March. The question to be asked is why, and especially why now?

Tibet’s raw minerals treasure

Tibet is of strategic import to China not only for its geographical location astride the border with India, Washington’s newest anti-China ally in Asia. Tibet is also a treasure of minerals and also oil. Tibet contains some of the world\'s largest uranium and borax deposits, one half of the world\'s lithium, the largest copper deposits in Asia, enormous iron deposits, and over 80,000 gold mines. Tibet\'s forests are the largest timber reserve at China\'s disposal; as of 1980, an estimated $54 billion worth of trees had been felled and taken by China. Tibet also contains some of the largest oil reserves in the region.10

On the Tibet Autonomous Region’s border along the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is also a vast oil and mineral region in the Qaidam Basin, known as a treasure basin. The Basin has 57 different types of mineral resources with proven reserves including petroleum, natural gas, coal, crude salt, potassium, magnesium, lead, zinc and gold. These mineral resources have a potential economic value of 15 trillion yuan or US$1.8 trillion. Proven reserves of potassium, lithium and crude salt in the basin are the biggest in China.

And situated as it is, on the “roof of the world,” Tibet is perhaps the world’s most valuable water source. Tibet is the source of seven of Asia\'s greatest rivers which provide water for 2 billion people.” He who controls Tibet’s water has a mighty powerful geopolitical lever over all Asia.

But the prime interest of Tibet for Washington today is its potential to act as a lever to destabilize and blackmail the Beijing Government.

Washington’s ‘nonviolence as a form of warfare’

The events in Tibet since March 10 have been played in Western media with little regard to accuracy or independent cross-checking. Most of the pictures blown up in European and US newspapers and TV have not even been of Chinese military oppression of Tibetan lamas or monks. They have been shown to be in most cases either Reuters or AFP pictures of Han Chinese being beaten by Tibetan monks in paramilitary organizations. In some instances German TV stations ran video pictures of beatings that were not even from Tibet but rather by Nepalese police in Kathmandu. 11

The western media complicity simply further underlies that the actions around Tibet are part of a well-orchestrated destabilization effort on the part of Washington. What few people realize is that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was also instrumental, along with Gene Sharp’s misnamed Albert Einstein Institution through Colonel Robert Helvey, in encouraging the student protests at Tiananmen Square in June 1989. The Albert Einstein Institution, as it describes itself, specializes in nonviolence as a form of warfare. 12

Colonel Helvey was formerly with the Defense Intelligence Agency stationed in Myanmar. Helvey trained in Hong Kong the student leaders from Beijing in mass demonstration techniques which they were to use in the Tiananmen Square incident of June 1989. He is now believed acting as an adviser to the Falun Gong in similar civil disobedience techniques. Helvey nominally retired from the army in 1991, but had been working with the Albert Einstein Institution and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation long before then. In its annual report for 2004 Helvey’s Albert Einstein Institution admitted to advising people in Tibet. 13

With the emergence of the Internet and mobile telephone use, the US Pentagon has refined an entirely new form of regime change and political destabilization. As one researcher of the phenomenon behind the wave of color revolutions, Jonathan Mowat, describes it,

“…What we are seeing is civilian application of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld\'s Revolution in Military Affairs doctrine, which depends on highly mobile small group deployments enabled by real time intelligence and communications. Squads of soldiers taking over city blocks with the aid of intelligence helmet video screens that give them an instantaneous overview of their environment, constitute the military side. Bands of youth converging on targeted intersections in constant dialogue on cell phones constitute the doctrine\'s civilian application.

“This parallel should not be surprising since the US military and National Security Agency subsidized the development of the Internet, cellular phones, and software platforms. From their inception, these technologies were studied and experimented with in order to find the optimal use in a new kind of warfare. The revolution in warfare that such new instruments permit has been pushed to the extreme by several specialists in psychological warfare. Although these military utopians have been working in high places, (for example the RAND Corporation), for a very long time, to a large extent they only took over some of the most important command structures of the US military apparatus with the victory of the neoconservatives in the Pentagon of Donald Rumsfeld.14

Goal to control China

Washington policy has used and refined these techniques of “revolutionary nonviolence,” and NED operations embodied a series of ‘democratic’ or soft coup projects as part of a larger strategy which would seek to cut China off from access to its vital external oil and gas reserves.

The 1970’s quote attributed to then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a proponent of British geopolitics in an American context comes to mind: “If you control the oil you control entire nations…”

The destabilization attempt by Washington using Tibet, no doubt with quiet “help” from its friends in British and other US-friendly intelligence services, is part of a clear pattern.

It includes Washington’s “Saffron revolution” attempts to destabilize Myanmar. It includes the ongoing effort to get NATO troops into Darfur to block China’s access to strategically vital oil resources there and elsewhere in Africa. It includes attempts to foment problems in Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan and to disrupt China’s vital new energy pipeline projects to Kazakhstan. The earlier Asian Great Silk Road trade routes went through Tashkent in Uzbekistan and Almaty in Kazakhstan for geographically obvious reasons, in a region surrounded by major mountain ranges. Geopolitical control of Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan would enable control of any potential pipeline routes between China and Central Asia just as the encirclement of Russia controls pipeline and other ties between it and western Europe, China, India and the Middle East, where China depends on uninterrupted oil flows from Iran, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries.

Behind the strategy to encircle China

In this context, a revealing New York Council on Foreign Relations analysis in their Foreign Affairs magazine from Zbigniew Brzezinski from September/October 1997 is worth quoting. Brzezinski, a protégé of David Rockefeller and a follower of the founder of British geopolitics, Sir Halford Mackinder, is today the foreign policy adviser to Presidential candidate, Barack Obama. In 1997 he revealingly wrote:

‘Eurasia is home to most of the world\'s politically assertive and dynamic states. All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia. The world\'s most populous aspirants to regional hegemony, China and India, are in Eurasia, as are all the potential political or economic challengers to American primacy. After the United States, the next six largest economies and military spenders are there, as are all but one of the world\'s overt nuclear powers, and all but one of the covert ones. Eurasia accounts for 75 percent of the world\'s population; 60 percent of its GNP, and 75 percent of its energy resources. Collectively, Eurasia\'s potential power overshadows even America\'s.

‘Eurasia is the world\'s axial super-continent. A power that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two of the world\'s three most economically productive regions, Western Europe and East Asia. A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa. With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia. What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America\'s global primacy….’15 (emphasis mine-w.e.).

This statement, written well before the US-led bombing of former Yugoslavia and the US military occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, or its support of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline, puts Washington pronouncements about ‘ridding the world of tyranny’ and about spreading democracy, into a somewhat different context from the one usually mentioned by George W. Bush of others.

It’s about global hegemony, not democracy. It should be no surprise when powers such as China are not convinced that giving Washington such overwhelming power is in China’s national interest, any more than Russia thinks that it would be a step towards peace to let NATO gobble up Ukraine and Georgia and put US missiles on Russia’s doorstep “to defend against threat of Iranian nuclear attack on the United States.”

The US-led destabilization in Tibet is part of a strategic shift of great significance. It comes at a time when the US economy and the US dollar, still the world’s reserve currency, are in the worst crisis since the 1930’s. It is significant that the US Administration sends Wall Street banker, former Goldman Sachs chairman, Henry Paulson to Beijing in the midst of its efforts to embarrass Beijing in Tibet. Washington is literally playing with fire. China long ago surpassed Japan as the world’s largest holder of foreign currency reserves, now in the range of $1.5 trillions, most of which are invested in US Treasury debt instruments. Paulson knows well that were Beijing to decide it could bring the dollar to its knees by selling only a small portion of its US debt on the market.


1 Ex-Nazi, Dalai\'s tutor Harrer dies at 93, The Times of India, 9 Jan 2006, in

2 Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, New York University Press, 2001, p. 177.

3 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 1: Die Begeisterung für den Dalai Lama und den tibetischen Buddhismus, March 26, 2008, excerpted from the book Dalai Lama: Fall eines Gottkönigs, Alibri Verlag,, new edition to appear April 2008, reproduced in

4 Parenti, Michael, Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth, June 2007, in www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html.

5 Mann, Jim, CIA funded covert Tibet exile campaign in 1960s, The Age (Australia), Sept. 16, 1998.

6 Ignatius, D., Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups, The Washington Post, 22 September 1991.

7 Blum, William, The NED and ‘Project Democracy,’ January 2000, in www.friendsoftibet.org/databank/usdefence/usd5.html

8 Barker, Michael, ’Democratic Imperialism’: Tibet, China and the National Endowment for Democracy, Global Research, August 13, 2007, www.globalresearch.ca.

9 McGehee, Ralph, Ralph McGehee’ s Archive on JFK Place, CIA Operations in China Part III, May 2, 1996, in www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/RM/RM.china-for.

10 US Tibet Committee, Fifteen things you should know about Tibet and China, in

11 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 2: Krawalle im Vorfeld der Olympischen Spiele, op cit.

12 Mowat, Jonathan, The new Gladio in action?, Online Journal, Mar 19, 2005, in

13 Ibid.

14 Ibid.

15 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, A Geostrategy for Eurasia, Foreign Affairs, 76:5, September/October 1997.

Global Research Articles by F. William Engdahl

Risikoreiche Geopolitische Game: Washington Plays Tibet-Roulette mit China

by F. William Engdahl Von F. William Engdahl

Global Research , April 10, 2008 Global Research, April 10, 2008

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Washington has obviously decided on an ultra-high risk geopolitical game with Beijing’s by fanning the flames of violence in Tibet just at this sensitive time in their relations and on the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. Washington hat offenbar beschlossen, auf einer ultra-hohen Risiko geopolitischen Spiel mit Beijing\'s von fächern die Flammen der Gewalt in Tibet nur in dieser sensiblen Zeit, in ihren Beziehungen und auf der Flucht-bis zu den Olympischen Spielen Peking. It’s part of an escalating strategy of destabilization of China which has been initiated by the Bush Administration over the past months. Es ist Teil einer Strategie der Eskalation der Destabilisierung von China, wurde initiiert von der Bush-Administration in den vergangenen Monaten. It also includes the attempt to ignite an anti-China Saffron Revolution in the neighboring Myanmar region, bringing US-led NATO troops into Darfur where China’s oil companies are developing potentially huge oil reserves. Dazu gehört auch der Versuch, sich entzünden eine Anti-China Saffron Revolution in der benachbarten Region Myanmar, die US-geführten NATO-Truppen in Darfur, wo die chinesische Ölgesellschaften entwickeln potentiell riesigen Ölreserven. It includes counter moves across mineral-rich Africa. Es umfasst counter bewegt sich in Afrika an Bodenschätzen reichen. And it includes strenuous efforts to turn India into a major new US forward base on the Asian sub-continent to be deployed against China, though evidence to date suggests the Indian government is being very cautious not to upset Chinese relations. Und es gehören Anstrengungen, um Indien zu einem wichtigen neuen US-Basis weiter auf dem asiatischen Kontinent zu sub-Einsatz gegen China, wenn Belege dafür vor, schlägt vor, dass die indische Regierung wird sehr vorsichtig nicht zu stören chinesischen Beziehungen.

The current Tibet operation apparently got the green light in October last year when George Bush agreed to meet the Dalai Lama for the first time publicly in Washington. Die aktuelle Tibet Betrieb offenbar grünes Licht bekam im Oktober vergangenen Jahres, als George Bush vereinbart, um den Dalai Lama zum ersten Mal öffentlich in Washington. The President of the United States is not unaware of the high stakes of such an insult to Beijing. Der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ist nicht unbekannt, der hohe Einsatz einer solchen Beleidigung Peking. Bush deepened the affront to America’s largest trading partner, China, by agreeing to attend as the US Congress awarded the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal. Bush vertieft den Affront gegen die USA der größte Handelspartner, China, durch die Vereinbarung zur Teilnahme an der US-Kongress mit dem Dalai Lama die Congressional Gold Medal.

The immediate expressions of support for the crimson monks of Tibet from George Bush, Condi Rice, France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Angela Merkel most recently took on dimensions of the absurd. Die unmittelbare Ausdruck der Unterstützung für die purpurroter Mönche in Tibet von George Bush, Condi Rice, Nicolas Sarkozy in Frankreich und in Deutschland Angela Merkel hat vor kurzem auf den meisten Dimensionen des Absurden. Ms Merkel announced she would boycott attending the August Beijing Summer Olympics as her protest at the Beijing treatment of the Tibetan monks. Frau Merkel angekündigt, sie würden an der Boykott August Olympische Sommerspiele Peking als ihren Protest gegen die Behandlung von Peking den tibetischen Mönche. What her press secretary omitted is that she had not even planned to go in the first place. Was ihr Presse-Sekretariat ausgelassen ist, dass sie noch nicht einmal geplant, gehen in den ersten Platz.

She was followed by an announcement that Poland’s Prime Minister, the pro-Washington Donald Tusk, would also stay away, along with pro-US Czech President Vaclav Klaus. Sie wurde gefolgt von einer Ankündigung, dass Polen\'s Prime Minister, die Pro-Washington, Donald Tusk, würde auch bleiben weg, zusammen mit US-tschechische Präsident Vaclav Klaus. It is unclear whether they also hadn’t planned to go in the first place but it made for dramatic press headlines. Es ist unklar, ob sie auch noch nicht geplant, gehen in erster Linie aber für dramatische Schlagzeilen drücken.

The recent wave of violent protests and documented attacks by Tibetan monks against Han Chinese residents began on March 10 when several hundred monks marched on Lhasa to demand release of other monks allegedly detained for celebrating the award of the US Congress’ Gold Medal last October. Die jüngste Welle von Protesten und gewalttätigen Angriffe dokumentiert durch tibetische Mönche gegen Han-Chinesen Einwohner begann am 10. März, wenn mehrere hundert Mönche marschierten am Lhasa zu fordern Freilassung von anderen Mönche angeblich wegen feiert die Vergabe des US-Kongresses Gold-Medaille im Oktober letzten Jahres. The monks were joined by other monks marching to protest Beijing rule on the 49 th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule. Die Mönche kamen von anderen Mönche marschieren zu protestieren Beijing Regel auf den 49-ten Jahrestag des tibetischen Aufstands gegen die chinesische Herrschaft.

The geopolitical game Die geopolitische Spiel

As the Chinese government itself was clear to point out, the sudden eruption of anti-Chinese violence in Tibet, a new phase in the movement led by the exiled Dalai Lama, was suspiciously timed to try to put the spotlight on Beijing’s human rights record on the eve of the coming Olympics. Da die chinesische Regierung selbst wurde klar darauf hingewiesen, der plötzliche Ausbruch des chinesischen Anti-Gewalt in Tibet, eine neue Phase in der Bewegung der Leitung des Dalai Lama ins Exil, war verdächtig Zeitüberschreitung zu versuchen, um den Schwerpunkt auf die Menschenrechte Peking Rekord am Vorabend der kommenden Olympischen Spiele. The Beijing Olympics are an event seen in China as a major acknowledgement of the arrival of a new prosperous China on the world stage. Die Pekinger Olympischen Spiele sind ein Ereignis gesehen in China als eine wichtige Bestätigung für die Ankunft eines neuen prosperierenden China auf der internationalen Bühne.

The background actors in the Tibet “Crimson revolution” actions confirm that Washington has been working overtime in recent months to prepare another of its infamous Color Revolutions, these fanning public protests designed to inflict maximum embarrassment on Beijing. Der Hintergrund der Akteure in Tibet Crimson Revolution Aktionen bestätigen, dass Washington arbeitet seit Überstunden in den letzten Monaten zur Vorbereitung einer anderen Farbe seiner berüchtigten Revolutions, diese fächern öffentlichen Proteste zu zufügen maximal in Verlegenheit zu Peking. The actors on the ground in and outside Tibet are the usual suspects, tied to the US State Department, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the CIA’s Freedom House through its chairman, Bette Bao Lord and her role in the International Committee for Tibet, as well as the Trace Foundation financed by the wealth of George Soros through his daughter, Andrea Soros Colombel. Die Akteure vor Ort in und außerhalb Tibets sind die üblichen Verdächtigen, mit dem US State Department, darunter das National Endowment for Democracy (NED), die CIA\'s Freedom House durch seinen Vorsitzenden, Bette Bao Lord und ihre Rolle in der Internationalen Ausschuss für Tibet, als auch die Trace-Stiftung finanziert durch die Fülle von George Soros über seine Tochter, Andrea Soros Colombel.

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has accused the Dalai Lama of orchestrating the latest unrest to sabotage the Olympic Games “in order to achieve their unspeakable goal”, Tibetan independence. Chinesische Ministerpräsident Wen Jiabao hat beschuldigt, der Dalai Lama der Orchestrierung der neuesten Unruhen zu sabotieren, die Olympischen Spiele , um zur Erreichung ihrer unsäglichen Ziel, der tibetischen Unabhängigkeit.

Bush telephoned his Chinese counterpart, President Hu Jintao, to pressure for talks between Beijing and the exiled Dalai Lama. Bush telefonierte seinem chinesischen Amtskollegen, Präsident Hu Jintao, den Druck bei den Gesprächen zwischen Peking und dem Dalai Lama ins Exil. The White House said that Bush, “raised his concerns about the situation in Tibet and encouraged the Chinese government to engage in substantive dialogue with the Dalai Lama’s representatives and to allow access for journalists and diplomats.” Das Weiße Haus sagte, dass Bush , äußerte seine Besorgnis über die Situation in Tibet, und fordert die chinesische Regierung auf, sich in der wirklichen Dialog mit dem Dalai Lama und Vertretern zu erlauben den Zugang für Journalisten und Diplomaten.

President Hu reportedly told Bush the Dalai Lama must “stop his sabotage” of the Olympics before Beijing takes a decision on talks with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said. Präsident Bush sagte Hu berichtet der Dalai Lama müssen stop seine Sabotage von den Olympischen Spielen vor Peking nimmt eine Entscheidung über die Gespräche mit der tibetischen Exil-spiritueller Führer, Außenministeriums Qin Gang, sagte der Sprecher.

Dalai Lama’s odd friends Dalai Lama ungerade Freunden

In the West the image of the Dalai Lama has been so much promoted that in many circles he is deemed almost a God. Im Westen das Bild des Dalai Lama wurde so sehr gefördert, dass in vielen Kreisen gilt er fast ein Gott. While the spiritual life of the Dalai Lama is not our focus, it is relevant to note briefly the circles he has chosen to travel in most of his life. Während das geistliche Leben des Dalai Lama ist nicht unser Fokus, es ist wichtig zu beachten, kurz die Kreise er hat sich dafür entschieden, Reisen in den größten Teil seines Lebens.

The Dalai Lama travels in what can only be called rather conservative political circles. Der Dalai Lama reist und was kann nur aufgerufen werden eher konservativen politischen Kreisen. What is generally forgotten today is that during the 1930’s the Nazis including Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler and other top Nazi Party leaders regarded Tibet as the holy site of the survivors of the lost Atlantis, and the origin of the “Nordic pure race.” Was ist in der Regel heute vergessen ist, dass während der 1930-einschließlich der Nazis Gestapo-Chef Heinrich Himmler und andere Nazi-Partei Anfang Führer Tibet gilt als die heilige Stätte von den Überlebenden des verlorenen Atlantis und der Ursprung der nordischen Rasse rein.

When he was 11 and already designated Dalai Lama, he was befriended by Heinrich Harrer, a Nazi Party member and officer of Heinrich Himmler’s feared SS. Als er 11 war und bereits benannten Dalai Lama, war er befreundete von Heinrich Harrer, ein NSDAP-Mitglied und Mitglied der Geschäftsführung von Heinrich Himmler die SS gefürchtet. Far from the innocent image of him in the popular Hollywood film with Brad Pitt, Harrer was an elite SS member at the time he met the 11 year old Dalai Lama and became his tutor in “the world outside Tibet.” While only the Dalai Lama knows the contents of Harrer’s private lessons, the two remained friends until Harrer died a ripe 93 in 2006. 1 Weit weg von den unschuldigen Bild von ihm in der populären Hollywood-Film mit Brad Pitt, Harrer war ein Elite-SS-Mitglied an der Zeit traf er auf den 11-jährigen Dalai Lama und wurde zu seinem Tutor in der Welt außerhalb Tibets. Obwohl nur der Dalai Lama Kennt den Inhalt des Harrer\'s private Lektionen, die beiden blieben Freunde, bis Harrer starb eine reife 93 in 2006. 1

That sole friendship, of course, does not define a person’s character, but it is interesting in the context of later friends. Das einzige Freundschaft, der natürlich nicht definieren den Charakter einer Person, aber es ist interessant, im Rahmen der später Freunden. In April 1999, along with Margaret Thatcher, and former Beijing Ambassador, CIA Director and President, George HW Bush, the Dalai Lama demanded the British government release Augusto Pinochet, the former fascist dictator of Chile and a longtime CIA client who was visiting England. Im April 1999, zusammen mit Margaret Thatcher, Beijing und ehemaliger Botschafter, CIA-Direktor und Präsident George HW Bush, der Dalai Lama gefordert, die britische Regierung Release Augusto Pinochet, der ehemaligen faschistischen Diktators von Chile und ein langjähriger Kunde, der CIA war Gastprofessor England. The Dalai Lama urged that Pinochet not be forced to go to Spain where he was wanted to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Der Dalai Lama fordert, dass Pinochet nicht gezwungen werden, nach Spanien zu gehen, wo er wollte Gericht für Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. The Dalai Lama had close ties to Miguel Serrano 2 , head of Chile’s National Socialist Party, a proponent of something called esoteric Hitlerism. 3 Der Dalai Lama hatte enge Beziehungen zu Miguel Serrano 2, Head of Chile\'s National Socialist Party, ein Befürworter der so genannte esoterischen Hitlerismus. 3

Leaving aside at this point the claim of the Dalai Lama to divinity, what is indisputable is that he has been surrounded and financed in significant part, since his flight into Indian exile in 1959, by various US and Western intelligence services and their gaggle of NGOs. Lässt man an dieser Stelle die Forderung des Dalai Lama nach Göttlichkeit, was ist unbestreitbar ist, dass er umgeben gewesen und in erheblichen Teil finanziert, seit seiner Flucht ins indische Exil im Jahr 1959, von verschiedenen US-amerikanischen und westlichen Geheimdienste und ihre schnattern der NRO . It is the agenda of the Washington friends of the Dalai Lama that is relevant here. Es ist die Tagesordnung der Washington Freunde des Dalai Lama, ist hier von Bedeutung.

The NED at work again… Die NED wieder bei der Arbeit…

As author Michael Parenti notes in his work, Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth, “ during the 1950s and 60s, the CIA actively backed the Tibetan cause with arms, military training, money, air support and all sorts of other help.” The US-based American Society for a Free Asia, a CIA front, publicized the cause of Tibetan resistance, with the Dalai Lama’s eldest brother, Thubtan Norbu, playing an active role in the group. Der Schriftsteller Michael Parenti stellt in seiner Arbeit, Friendly Feudalismus: Die Tibet-Mythos , während der 1950er und 60er Jahre, die CIA unterstützte aktiv die tibetische Sache mit Waffen, militärische Ausbildung, Geld-, Luft-Unterstützung und alle möglichen anderen helfen. Die US - - American Society für eine Freie Asien, ein CIA-Front, veröffentlicht die Ursache des tibetischen Widerstand, mit dem Dalai Lama der älteste Bruder, Thubtan Norbu, spielt eine aktive Rolle in der Gruppe. The Dalai Lama’s second-eldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, established an intelligence operation with the CIA in 1951. Der Dalai Lama Sekunden-ältester Bruder Gyalo Thondup, einen Intelligenz Zusammenarbeit mit der CIA im Jahr 1951. It was later upgraded into a CIA-trained guerrilla unit whose recruits parachuted back into Tibet, according to Parenti. 4 Es wurde später in ein CIA-Guerilla-Einheit, deren ausgebildete Rekruten Fallschirm zurück in Tibet, nach Parenti. 4

According to declassified US intelligence documents released in the late 1990s, “for much of the 1960s, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement with $1.7 million a year for operations against China, including an annual subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama.” 5 Laut US deklassierte Intelligenz Dokumente, die in den späten 1990er Jahren , für einen Großteil der 1960er Jahre, die CIA, die der tibetischen Exil-Bewegung mit $ 1,7 Millionen pro Jahr für die Operationen gegen China, darunter einen jährlichen Zuschuss von 180000 Dollar für den Dalai Lama. 5

With help of the CIA, the Dalai Lama fled to Dharamsala, India where he lives to the present. Mit Hilfe der CIA, floh der Dalai Lama nach Dharamsala, Indien, wo er lebt in der Gegenwart. He continues to receive millions of dollars in backing today, not from the CIA but from a more innocuous-sounding CIA front organization, funded by the US Congress, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Er fährt fort zu empfangen Millionen Dollar an Rückhalt heute, nicht von der CIA sondern von einem harmlos klingende CIA front Organisation, finanziert von der US-Kongress, dem National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The NED has been instrumental in every US-backed Color Revolution destabilization from Serbia to Georgia to Ukraine to Myanmar. Die NED wurde instrumental in jedem US-backed Color Revolution Destabilisierung aus Serbien nach Georgien in die Ukraine nach Myanmar. Its funds go to back opposition media and global public relations campaigns to popularize their pet opposition candidates. Seine Mittel gehen zurück auf oppositionelle Medien und globale PR-Kampagnen zu popularisieren, ihre fünf Kandidaten der Opposition.

As in the other recent Color Revolutions, the US Government is fanning the flames of destabilization against China by funding opposition protest organizations inside and outside Tibet through its arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Wie in den letzten anderen Farbe Umdrehungen, die der US-Regierung ist fächern die Flammen der Destabilisierung gegen China durch die Finanzierung von Opposition protestieren Organisationen innerhalb und außerhalb Tibets durch seinen Arm, der National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

The NED was founded by the Reagan Administration in the early 1980’s, on the recommendation of Bill Casey, Reagan’s Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), following a series of high-publicity exposures of CIA assassinations and destabilizations of unfriendly regimes. Die NED wurde von der Reagan-Administration in den frühen 1980\'s, über die Empfehlung von Bill Casey, Reagans Direktor der Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), nach einer Reihe von High-Publizität Forderungen von CIA-Morde und destabilizations der unfreundlichen Regime. The NED was designed to pose as an independent NGO, one step removed from the CIA and Government agencies so as to be less conspicuous, presumably. Die NED wurde entwickelt, um sich als eine unabhängige Nichtregierungsorganisation, einen Schritt aus dem CIA-und Regierungschefs Agenturen so weniger auffällig, vermutlich. The first acting President of the NED, Allen Weinstein, commented to the Washington Post that, “A lot of what we [the NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” 6 Der erste Präsident des NED, Allen Weinstein, kommentiert, um die Washington Post, dass Vieles von dem, was wir [NED] bis heute getan wurde verdeckt 25 Jahren von der CIA. 6

American intelligence historian, William Blum states, “The NED played an important role in the Iran-Contra affair of the 1980s, funding key components of Oliver North\'s shadowy Project Democracy. American Intelligenz Historiker William Blum erklärt: Die NED spielte eine wichtige Rolle in der Iran-Contra-Affäre der 1980er Jahre, die Finanzierung der Schlüssel-Komponenten Oliver North\'s Schattendasein Project Demokratie. This network privatized US foreign policy, waged war, ran arms and drugs, and engaged in other equally charming activities. Dieses Netz privatisiert US-Außenpolitik, Krieg, lief Waffen-und Drogenhandel, und die sich in anderen ebenso charmant. In 1987, a White House spokesman stated that those at NED run Project Democracy. 7 Im Jahr 1987, ein Sprecher des Weißen Hauses erklärte, dass diese auf NED run Projekt Demokratie. 7

The most prominent pro-Dalai Lama Tibet independence organization today is the International Campaign for Tibet, founded in Washington in 1988. Das prominenteste-Dalai Lama Tibets Unabhängigkeit Organisation ist heute die International Campaign for Tibet, gegründet im Jahr 1988 in Washington. Since at least 1994 the ICT has been receiving funds from the NED. Seit mindestens 1994 wurde die IKT erhalten Mittel aus dem NED. The ICT awarded their annual Light of Truth award in 2005 to Carl Gershman, founder of the NED. Die IKT vergeben ihrer jährlichen Light of Truth Award in 2005 Carl Gershman, der Gründer der NED. Other ICT award winners have included the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Czech leader, Vaclav Havel. Andere IKT-Preisträgern gehörten der deutschen Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung und die Tschechische Führer, Vaclav Havel. The ICT Board of Directors is peopled with former US State Department officials including Gare Smith and Julia Taft. 8 Die IKT-Board of Directors ist bevölkert mit dem ehemaligen US-State Department Beamten einschließlich Gare Smith und Julia Taft. 8

Another especially active anti-Beijing organization is the US-based Students for a Free Tibet, founded in 1994 in New York City as a project of US Tibet Committee and the NED-financed International Campaign for Tibet (ICT). Eine weitere besonders aktive Anti-Peking-Organisation ist der US-Studenten für ein freies Tibet, gegründet 1994 in New York City als ein Projekt der US-Tibet und den NED finanziert International Campaign for Tibet (ICT). The SFT is most known for unfurling a 450 foot banner atop the Great Wall in China; calling for a free Tibet, and accusing Beijing of wholly unsubstantiated claims of genocide against Tibet. Die SFT ist den meisten bekannt für entfaltend ein 450 Fuß Banner atop die Große Mauer in China; Aufruf für ein freies Tibet, Beijing und anklagend von ganz unbegründete Behauptungen des Völkermords gegen Tibet. Apparently it makes good drama to rally naïve students. Offensichtlich macht es gut Drama zu naiv Rallye Studenten.

The SFT was among five organizations which this past January that proclaimed start of a Tibetan people\'s uprising on Jan 4 this year and co-founded a temporary office in charge of coordination and financing. Die SFT wurde zwischen fünf Organisationen, die im letzten Januar verkündet, dass der Beginn einer Aufstand des tibetischen Volkes am 4. Januar dieses Jahres und ist Mitbegründer einer temporären Büro für die Koordinierung und Finanzierung.

Harry Wu is another prominent Dalai Lama supporter against Beijing. Harry Wu ist eine weitere prominente Unterstützer gegen den Dalai Lama Peking. He became notorious for claiming falsely in a 1996 Playboy interview that he had “videotaped a prisoner whose kidneys were surgically removed while he was alive, and then the prisoner was taken out and shot. Er wurde fälschlicherweise behauptet, berüchtigt für 1996 in einem Playboy-Interview, dass er ein Gefangener Videoband, deren Nieren wurden chirurgisch entfernt, während er am Leben war, und dann wurde der Gefangene genommen und erschossen. The tape was broadcast by BBC. The BBC film showed nothing of the sort, but the damage was done. How many people check old BBC archives? Wu, a retired Berkeley professor who left China after imprisonment as a dissident, is head of the Laogai Research Foundation, a tax-exempt organization whose main funding is from the NED. 9 Die Kassette wurde von BBC Broadcast. Die BBC zeigte Film nichts über die Art, aber der Schaden war geschehen. Wie viele Menschen überprüfen alten BBC-Archive? Wu, ein pensionierter Professor Berkeley, die China nach links Haft als Dissident, ist Leiter des Laogai Research Foundation, eine steuerfreie Organisation, deren wichtigste Mittel ist von der NED. 9

Among related projects, the US Government-financed NED also supports the Tibet Times newspaper, run out of the Dalai Lama’s exile base at Dharamsala, India. Unter verwandte Projekte, die US-Regierung finanziert NED unterstützt auch die Tibet-Times Zeitung, führen Sie aus dem Exil des Dalai Lama Stützpunkt in Dharamsala, Indien. The NED also funds the Tibet Multimedia Center for “information dissemination that addresses the struggle for human rights and democracy in Tibet,” also based in Dharamsala. Die NED finanziert auch die Tibet-Multimedia-Center für die Verbreitung von Informationen, die den Kampf für die Menschenrechte und die Demokratie in Tibet, ebenfalls mit Sitz in Dharamsala. And NED finances the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy. Und NED Finanzen der tibetischen Center for Human Rights and Democracy.

In short, US State Department and US intelligence community finger prints are all over the upsurge around the Free Tibet movement and the anti-Han Chinese attacks of March. In kurzen, US State Department und US Intelligence Community Fingerabdrücke sind alle über den Aufschwung rund um die Free-Tibet-Bewegung und die Anti-Han-Chinesen Anschlägen vom März. The question to be asked is why, and especially why now? Die Frage ist zu fragen, warum und warum gerade jetzt?

Tibet’s raw minerals treasure Tibet\'s rohe Mineralien Schatz

Tibet is of strategic import to China not only for its geographical location astride the border with India, Washington’s newest anti-China ally in Asia. Tibet ist von strategischer Einfuhr nach China nicht nur wegen seiner geographischen Lage rittlings der Grenze zu Indien, Washington\'s neueste Anti-China-Verbündeten in Asien. Tibet is also a treasure of minerals and also oil. Tibet ist auch ein Schatz von Mineralien und auch Öl. Tibet contains some of the world\'s largest uranium and borax deposits, one half of the world\'s lithium, the largest copper deposits in Asia, enormous iron deposits, and over 80,000 gold mines. Tibet enthält einige der weltweit größten Uran-und Borax Einlagen, die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung Lithium, die größte Kupfer-Vorkommen in Asien, enorme Eisen-Einlagen, und mehr als 80000 Goldminen. Tibet\'s forests are the largest timber reserve at China\'s disposal; as of 1980, an estimated $54 billion worth of trees had been felled and taken by China. Tibet Wälder sind die größten Holz-Reserve in China zur Verfügung stehen, wie von 1980, einem geschätzten Wert von $ 54 Milliarden von Bäumen gefällt worden sei und die von China. Tibet also contains some of the largest oil reserves in the region. 10 Tibet enthält auch einige der größten Ölvorkommen in der Region. 10

On the Tibet Autonomous Region’s border along the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is also a vast oil and mineral region in the Qaidam Basin, known as a treasure basin. Auf der Autonomen Region Tibet\'s entlang der Grenze Uigurisch Autonome Region Xinjiang ist auch eine große Öl-und Mineral-Region in der Qaidam Basin, bekannt als Schatz-Becken. The Basin has 57 different types of mineral resources with proven reserves including petroleum, natural gas, coal, crude salt, potassium, magnesium, lead, zinc and gold. Das Becken hat 57 verschiedene Arten von Bodenschätzen mit nachgewiesener Reserven einschließlich Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle, Rohöl Salz-, Kalium-, Magnesium-, Blei-, Zink und Gold. These mineral resources have a potential economic value of 15 trillion yuan or US$1.8 trillion. Diese Bodenschätze haben einen potenziellen wirtschaftlichen Wert von 15 Billionen Yuan bzw. US $ 1,8 Billionen. Proven reserves of potassium, lithium and crude salt in the basin are the biggest in China. Nachgewiesene Reserven an Kalium, Lithium und Rohsalzes in den Becken sind die größten in China.

And situated as it is, on the “roof of the world,” Tibet is perhaps the world’s most valuable water source. Und sich, wie sie ist, auf dem Dach der Welt Tibet ist vielleicht die weltweit wertvollste Quelle Wasser. Tibet is the source of seven of Asia\'s greatest rivers which provide water for 2 billion people.” He who controls Tibet’s water has a mighty powerful geopolitical lever over all Asia. Tibet ist die Quelle von sieben der größten Flüsse Asiens, die Wasser für 2 Milliarden Menschen. Wer steuert Tibet\'s Wasser hat einen mächtigen mächtiger Hebel über alle geopolitischen Asien.

But the prime interest of Tibet for Washington today is its potential to act as a lever to destabilize and blackmail the Beijing Government. Aber das Interesse der Hauptauftragnehmer für Tibet Washington heute ist sein Potenzial als Hebel zu destabilisieren und Erpressung der Pekinger Regierung.

Washington’s ‘nonviolence as a form of warfare’ Washington\'s\' Gewaltfreiheit als eine Form der Kriegsführung

The events in Tibet since March 10 have been played in Western media with little regard to accuracy or independent cross-checking. Die Ereignisse in Tibet seit dem 10. März wurden in den westlichen Medien spielten mit wenig Bezug auf Genauigkeit oder unabhängige cross-checking. Most of the pictures blown up in European and US newspapers and TV have not even been of Chinese military oppression of Tibetan lamas or monks. Die meisten der Bilder geblasen bis in den europäischen und US-Zeitungen und TV haben, nicht einmal der chinesischen militärischen Unterdrückung des tibetischen Lamas oder Mönche. They have been shown to be in most cases either Reuters or AFP pictures of Han Chinese being beaten by Tibetan monks in paramilitary organizations. Sie haben gezeigt, dass in den meisten Fällen entweder Reuters oder AFP Bilder von Han-Chinesen geschlagen von tibetischen Mönchen in paramilitärischen Organisationen. In some instances German TV stations ran video pictures of beatings that were not even from Tibet but rather by Nepalese police in Kathmandu. 11 In einigen Fällen deutschen TV-Stationen lief Video-Bilder von geschlagen, die nicht selbst aus Tibet, sondern von nepalesischen Polizei in Kathmandu. 11

The western media complicity simply further underlies that the actions around Tibet are part of a well-orchestrated destabilization effort on the part of Washington. Die westlichen Medien Komplizenschaft einfach weiter zugrunde, dass die Aktionen rund um Tibet sind Teil eines gut orchestrierte Destabilisierung Anstrengung auf dem Teil von Washington. What few people realize is that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was also instrumental, along with Gene Sharp’s misnamed Albert Einstein Institution through Colonel Robert Helvey, in encouraging the student protests at Tiananmen Square in June 1989. Was die wenigsten Menschen ist bewusst, dass die National Endowment for Democracy (NED) wurde auch instrumental, zusammen mit Gene Sharp\'s irreführend Albert Einstein Institution durch Oberst Robert Helvey, in der Förderung der studentischen Proteste auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens im Juni 1989. The Albert Einstein Institution, as it describes itself, specializes in nonviolence as a form of warfare. 12 Die Albert Einstein Institution, wie er sich selbst beschreibt, ist spezialisiert auf Gewaltfreiheit als eine Form der Kriegsführung. 12

Colonel Helvey was formerly with the Defense Intelligence Agency stationed in Myanmar. Oberst Helvey war früher mit der Defense Intelligence Agency stationiert in Myanmar. Helvey trained in Hong Kong the student leaders from Beijing in mass demonstration techniques which they were to use in the Tiananmen Square incident of June 1989. Helvey Ausbildung in Hong Kong Führer der Student aus Peking Großdemonstration Techniken, die sie zur Nutzung in den Vorfall dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens im Juni 1989. He is now believed acting as an adviser to the Falun Gong in similar civil disobedience techniques. Er ist jetzt der Meinung, die als Berater der Falun Gong in ähnlichen zivilen Ungehorsam. Helvey nominally retired from the army in 1991, but had been working with the Albert Einstein Institution and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation long before then. Helvey nominell im Ruhestand aus der Armee im Jahr 1991, doch wurde die Zusammenarbeit mit der Albert Einstein Institution und George Soros\' Open Society Foundation, lange bevor dann. In its annual report for 2004 Helvey’s Albert Einstein Institution admitted to advising people in Tibet. 13 In seinem Jahresbericht für 2004 Helvey\'s Albert Einstein Institution zugelassen zu beraten Menschen in Tibet. 13

With the emergence of the Internet and mobile telephone use, the US Pentagon has refined an entirely new form of regime change and political destabilization. Mit dem Aufkommen des Internets und der mobilen Telefonie, die US-Pentagon hat eine völlig neue raffinierte Form der Regimewechsel und politischen Destabilisierung. As one researcher of the phenomenon behind the wave of color revolutions, Jonathan Mowat, describes it, Als einer der Forscher das Phänomen hinter der Welle der Farbe Revolutionen, Jonathan Mowat, beschreibt es,

“…What we are seeing is civilian application of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld\'s Revolution in Military Affairs doctrine, which depends on highly mobile small group deployments enabled by real time intelligence and communications. … Was wir erleben, ist der zivilen Anwendung von Donald Rumsfeld, der Revolution in Military Affairs -Doktrin, hängt davon ab, die kleine Gruppe hoch mobile Einsätze aktiviert durch Echtzeit Intelligenz und Kommunikation. Squads of soldiers taking over city blocks with the aid of intelligence helmet video screens that give them an instantaneous overview of their environment, constitute the military side. Squads von Soldaten, die über Stadt-Blöcke mit Hilfe von Intelligenz Helm Video-Bildschirmen, die ihnen einen sofortigen Überblick über ihre Umgebung, die die militärische Seite. Bands of youth converging on targeted intersections in constant dialogue on cell phones constitute the doctrine\'s civilian application. Bands der Jugend Konvergenz auf gezielte Kreuzungen in ständigem Dialog über Mobiltelefone stellen die Doktrin der zivilen Anwendung.

“This parallel should not be surprising since the US military and National Security Agency subsidized the development of the Internet, cellular phones, and software platforms. Dies sollte nicht parallel überraschend, da das US-Militär und die National Security Agency subventionierte die Entwicklung des Internet, Mobiltelefone,-und Software-Plattformen. From their inception, these technologies were studied and experimented with in order to find the optimal use in a new kind of warfare. Von den Anfängen dieser Technologien wurden untersucht und experimentiert mit um das zu finden, die eine optimale Nutzung und eine neue Art der Kriegsführung. The revolution in warfare that such new instruments permit has been pushed to the extreme by several specialists in psychological warfare. Die Revolution in der Kriegsführung, dass diese neuen Instrumente ermöglichen, wurde forciert, um die extremen durch mehrere Spezialisten für psychologische Kriegsführung. Although these military utopians have been working in high places, (for example the RAND Corporation), for a very long time, to a large extent they only took over some of the most important command structures of the US military apparatus with the victory of the neoconservatives in the Pentagon of Donald Rumsfeld. 14 Obwohl diese militärische Utopisten haben in der hohen Plätze, (zum Beispiel die RAND Corporation), für eine sehr lange Zeit, zu einem großen Teil übernahm sie nur einige der wichtigsten Strukturen Kommando der US-Militär-Apparat mit dem Sieg der Neokonservativen im Pentagon von Donald Rumsfeld. 14

Goal to control China Tor zur Steuerung China

Washington policy has used and refined these techniques of “revolutionary nonviolence,” and NED operations embodied a series of ‘democratic’ or soft coup projects as part of a larger strategy which would seek to cut China off from access to its vital external oil and gas reserves. Washington hat verwendet und verfeinert diese Techniken des revolutionären Gewaltfreiheit und verkörperte NED Operationen eine Reihe von demokratisch oder weichen Putsch Projekte als Teil einer größeren Strategie, die versuchen würde, um China aus seiner vitalen Zugang zu externen Öl-und Gas - Behält.

The 1970’s quote attributed to then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a proponent of British geopolitics in an American context comes to mind: “If you control the oil you control entire nations…” Das 1970 ist zurückzuführen auf ein Zitat des damaligen Staatssekretär Henry Kissinger, ein Befürworter der britischen Geopolitik in einer amerikanischen Kontext kommt in den Sinn: Wenn man die Kontrolle der Öl-steuern Sie ganze Nationen…

The destabilization attempt by Washington using Tibet, no doubt with quiet “help” from its friends in British and other US-friendly intelligence services, is part of a clear pattern. Die Destabilisierung Versuch von Washington mit Tibet, kein Zweifel, mit leisem Hilfe von seinen Freunden in britischen und anderen US-Geheimdiensten freundlich, ist Teil eines klaren Muster.

It includes Washington’s “Saffron revolution” attempts to destabilize Myanmar. Es umfasst Washington\'s Saffron Revolution Versuche zur Destabilisierung Myanmar. It includes the ongoing effort to get NATO troops into Darfur to block China’s access to strategically vital oil resources there and elsewhere in Africa. Es umfasst die laufenden Bemühungen um die NATO-Truppen in Darfur zu blockieren China den Zugang zu strategisch wichtigen Öl-Ressourcen dort und anderswo in Afrika. It includes attempts to foment problems in Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan and to disrupt China’s vital new energy pipeline projects to Kazakhstan. Es beinhaltet Versuche zu schüren Probleme in Usbekistan, Kirgisien und China zu stören, der vitalen Energie neue Pipeline-Projekte in Kasachstan. The earlier Asian Great Silk Road trade routes went through Tashkent in Uzbekistan and Almaty in Kazakhstan for geographically obvious reasons, in a region surrounded by major mountain ranges. Je früher asiatischen Großen Seidenstraße Handelswege ging durch Taschkent in Usbekistan und Almaty in Kasachstan für die geographisch nahe liegenden Gründen, in einer Region, umgeben von großen Bergketten. Geopolitical control of Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan would enable control of any potential pipeline routes between China and Central Asia just as the encirclement of Russia controls pipeline and other ties between it and western Europe, China, India and the Middle East, where China depends on uninterrupted oil flows from Iran, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries. Geopolitische Kontrolle von Usbekistan, Kirgisien, Kasachstan würde es ermöglichen, die Kontrolle über mögliche Pipeline-Routen zwischen China und Zentralasien ebenso wie die Einkesselung der russischen Pipeline-Kontrollen und andere Beziehungen zwischen ihm und westlichen Europa, China, Indien und im Nahen und Mittleren Osten, in China, wo hängt davon ab, Ununterbrochene Öl fließt aus dem Iran, Saudi-Arabien und andere OPEC-Länder.

Behind the strategy to encircle China Hinter der Strategie zu umzingeln China

In this context, a revealing New York Council on Foreign Relations analysis in their Foreign Affairs magazine from Zbigniew Brzezinski from September/October 1997 is worth quoting. In diesem Zusammenhang ist eine aufschlussreiche New York Council on Foreign Relations in ihrer Analyse auswärtige Angelegenheiten Magazin von Zbigniew Brzezinski von September / Oktober 1997 ist wert zitiert. Brzezinski, a protégé of David Rockefeller and a follower of the founder of British geopolitics, Sir Halford Mackinder, is today the foreign policy adviser to Presidential candidate, Barack Obama. Brzezinski, ein Schützling von David Rockefeller und Nachfolger des Gründers der britischen Geopolitik, Sir Halford Mackinder, ist heute der außenpolitische Berater von Präsidentschafts-Kandidat Barack Obama. In 1997 he revealingly wrote: Im Jahre 1997 schrieb er aufdeckende:

‘Eurasia is home to most of the world\'s politically assertive and dynamic states. Eurasia ist die Heimat für die meisten der weltweit politisch durchsetzungsfähige und dynamischen Staaten. All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia. Alle historischen pretenders zur globalen Macht entstand in Eurasien. The world\'s most populous aspirants to regional hegemony, China and India, are in Eurasia, as are all the potential political or economic challengers to American primacy. Die weltweit bevölkerungsreichsten Anwärter auf regionale Hegemonie, China und Indien, sind in Eurasien, wie auch alle möglichen politischen oder wirtschaftlichen Herausforderer für die amerikanischen Primat. After the United States, the next six largest economies and military spenders are there, as are all but one of the world\'s overt nuclear powers, and all but one of the covert ones. Nach den Vereinigten Staaten, in den nächsten sechs größten Volkswirtschaften und militärischen spenders gibt es, wie alle, aber einer der weltweit offenen Atommächte, und alle, aber einer der versteckten. Eurasia accounts for 75 percent of the world\'s population; 60 percent of its GNP, and 75 percent of its energy resources. Collectively, Eurasia\'s potential power overshadows even America\'s. Eurasien-Konten für 75 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung, 60 Prozent des BIP und 75 Prozent der Energie-Ressourcen. Gemeinsam, Eurasien das Potenzial Macht überschattet sogar America\'s.

‘Eurasia is the world\'s axial super-continent. Eurasia ist der weltweit Axial-Super-Kontinent. A power that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two of the world\'s three most economically productive regions, Western Europe and East Asia. Eine Macht, die Eurasien dominiert entscheidenden Einfluss ausüben würde über zwei der drei weltweit größten wirtschaftlich produktive Regionen, Westeuropa und Ostasien. A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa. Ein Blick auf die Landkarte zeigt, dass auch ein Land, in Eurasien dominant würde fast automatisch die Kontrolle im Nahen Osten und in Afrika. With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia. Mit Eurasien jetzt als den entscheidenden geopolitischen Schachbrett, es nicht mehr genügt, um zu Mode eine Politik für Europa und eine andere für Asien. What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America\'s global primacy….’ 15 (emphasis mine-we). Was passiert mit der Verteilung der Macht auf der eurasischen Landmasse wird von entscheidender Bedeutung für die America\'s global Primat…. 15 (Hervorhebung mine-wir).

This statement, written well before the US-led bombing of former Yugoslavia and the US military occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, or its support of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline, puts Washington pronouncements about ‘ridding the world of tyranny’ and about spreading democracy, into a somewhat different context from the one usually mentioned by George W. Bush of others. Diese Erklärung, geschrieben, lange bevor die US-geführte Bombardierung des ehemaligen Jugoslawien und dem US-Militär Berufe in Afghanistan und im Irak, oder die Unterstützung der Baku-Tiflis-Ceyhan-Pipeline, setzt Washington Äußerungen über die Loswerden der Welt der Tyrannei und über die Verbreitung Demokratie, in einem etwas anderen Zusammenhang von der man in der Regel, die von George W. Bush von anderen.

It’s about global hegemony, not democracy. Es geht um die globale Hegemonie, nicht Demokratie. It should be no surprise when powers such as China are not convinced that giving Washington such overwhelming power is in China’s national interest, any more than Russia thinks that it would be a step towards peace to let NATO gobble up Ukraine and Georgia and put US missiles on Russia’s doorstep “to defend against threat of Iranian nuclear attack on the United States.” Es sollte nicht überraschen, wenn Mächte wie China sind nicht davon überzeugt, dass Washington wie die überwältigende Macht ist in der chinesischen nationalen Interesse, mehr als Russland der Meinung, es wäre ein Schritt in Richtung Frieden zu lassen, die NATO gobble up Ukraine und Georgien und die US-Raketen auf die russische Haustür zu verteidigen gegen die Bedrohung der iranischen nuklearen Angriff auf die Vereinigten Staaten.

The US-led destabilization in Tibet is part of a strategic shift of great significance. Die US-geführten Destabilisierung in Tibet ist Teil einer strategischen Neuorientierung von großer Bedeutung. It comes at a time when the US economy and the US dollar, still the world’s reserve currency, are in the worst crisis since the 1930’s. Es kommt zu einem Zeitpunkt, da die US-Wirtschaft und der US-Dollar nach wie vor der weltweit Reserve Währung, sind in der schlimmsten Krise seit der 1930\'s. It is significant that the US Administration sends Wall Street banker, former Goldman Sachs chairman, Henry Paulson to Beijing in the midst of its efforts to embarrass Beijing in Tibet. Es ist bezeichnend, dass die US-Regierung schickt Wall-Street-Banker, der ehemalige Vorsitzende von Goldman Sachs, Henry Paulson in Peking in der Mitte seiner Bemühungen um die Verlegenheit Peking in Tibet. Washington is literally playing with fire. Washington ist buchstäblich mit dem Feuer spielen. China long ago surpassed Japan as the world’s largest holder of foreign currency reserves, now in the range of $1.5 trillions, most of which are invested in US Treasury debt instruments. China längst übertroffen Japan als weltweit größte Inhaber der Devisenreserven, jetzt in der Größenordnung von 1,5 Billionen $, von denen die meisten investiert in US-Treasury Schuldtitel. Paulson knows well that were Beijing to decide it could bring the dollar to its knees by selling only a small portion of its US debt on the market. Paulson weiß wohl, dass Peking zu entscheiden, waren es bringen könnte der Dollar in die Knie zu zwingen, indem Sie nur einen kleinen Teil seiner Schulden auf dem US-Markt.

Endnotes: Fußnoten:

1 Ex-Nazi, Dalai\'s tutor Harrer dies at 93, The Times of India, 9 Jan 2006, in 1 Ex-Nazi, der Dalai Tutor Harrer stirbt bei 93, The Times of India, 9 Jan 2006,
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1363946,prtpage-1.cms . Http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1363946, prtpage-1.cms.

2 Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, New York University Press, 2001, p. 2-2001, S. 177.

3 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 1: Die Begeisterung für den Dalai Lama und den tibetischen Buddhismus, March 26, 2008, excerpted from the book Dalai Lama: Fall eines Gottkönigs, Alibri Verlag,, new edition to appear April 2008, reproduced in 3 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 1: Die Begeisterung für den Dalai Lama und den tibetischen Buddhismus, 26. März 2008, ein Auszug aus dem Buch Dalai Lama: Fall eines Gottkönigs, Alibri Verlag, Neuauflage erscheinen April 2008, abgedruckt in
http://www.jungewelt.de/2008/03-27/006.php . Http://www.jungewelt.de/2008/03-27/006.php.

4 Parenti, Michael, Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth, June 2007, in www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html . 4 Parenti, Michael, Friendly Feudalismus: Der Mythos Tibet, im Juni 2007, in www.michaelparenti.org / Tibet.html.

5 Mann, Jim, CIA funded covert Tibet exile campaign in 1960s, The Age (Australia), Sept. 16, 1998. 5 Mann, Jim, verdeckte CIA-finanzierte Kampagne in Tibet Exil 1960, The Age (Australien), Sept. 16, 1998.

6 Ignatius, D., Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups, The Washington Post, 22 September 1991. 6 Ignatius, D., Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups, The Washington Post, 22. September 1991.

7 Blum, William, The NED and ‘Project Democracy,’ January 2000, in www.friendsoftibet.org/databank/usdefence/usd5.html 7 Blum, William, The NED und Project Democracy, Januar 2000, in www.friendsoftibet.org/databank/usdefence/usd5.html

8 Barker, Michael, ’Democratic Imperialism’: Tibet, China and the National Endowment for Democracy, Global Research, August 13, 2007, www.globalresearch.ca . 8 Barker, Michael, Demokratischen Imperialismus: Tibet, China und dem National Endowment for Democracy, Global Research, August 13, 2007, www.globalresearch.ca.

9 McGehee, Ralph, Ralph McGehee’ s Archive on JFK Place, CIA Operations in China Part III, May 2, 1996, in www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/RM/RM.china-for . 9 McGehee, Ralph, Ralph McGehee \'s Place-Archiv auf JFK, CIA-Operationen in China Teil III, 2. Mai 1996, in www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/RM/RM.china-for.

10 US Tibet Committee, Fifteen things you should know about Tibet and China, in 10 US Tibet Committee, Fünfzehn Dinge, die Sie wissen sollten über Tibet und China,
http://ustibetcommittee.org/facts/facts.html . Http://ustibetcommittee.org/facts/facts.html.

11 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 2: Krawalle im Vorfeld der Olympischen Spiele, op cit. 11 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 2: Krawalle im Vorfeld der Olympischen Spiele, op. cit.

12 Mowat, Jonathan, The new Gladio in action?, Online Journal, Mar 19, 2005, in 12 19 2005,
http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/printer_308.shtml . Http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/printer_308.shtml.

13 Ibid. 13 Ebd.

14 Ibid. 14 Ebd.

15 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, A Geostrategy for Eurasia, Foreign Affairs, 76:5, September/October 1997. 15 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, A Geostrategie für Eurasien, Foreign Affairs, 76:5, September / Oktober 1997.

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Jeu risqué géopolitique: Washington Plays Roulette Tibet avec la Chine

by F. William Engdahl Par F. William Engdahl

Global Research , April 10, 2008 Global Research, April 10, 2008

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Washington has obviously decided on an ultra-high risk geopolitical game with Beijing’s by fanning the flames of violence in Tibet just at this sensitive time in their relations and on the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. Washington a manifestement décidé, le ultra-haut risque géopolitique jeu avec Pékin en attisant les flammes de la violence au Tibet, juste à ce point sensible de leurs relations et sur la période précédant les Jeux olympiques de Beijing. It’s part of an escalating strategy of destabilization of China which has been initiated by the Bush Administration over the past months. Cela fait partie d\'une stratégie d\'escalade de la déstabilisation de la Chine qui a été lancée par l\'administration Bush au cours des derniers mois. It also includes the attempt to ignite an anti-China Saffron Revolution in the neighboring Myanmar region, bringing US-led NATO troops into Darfur where China’s oil companies are developing potentially huge oil reserves. Il inclut également la tentative d\'enflammer un anti-Chine Safran Révolution dans la région voisine du Myanmar, ce qui porte-Unis mènent les troupes de l\'OTAN dans le Darfour, où la Chine compagnies pétrolières sont en développement potentiellement énormes réserves pétrolières. It includes counter moves across mineral-rich Africa. Il comprend compteur se déplace sur minérales riches en Afrique. And it includes strenuous efforts to turn India into a major new US forward base on the Asian sub-continent to be deployed against China, though evidence to date suggests the Indian government is being very cautious not to upset Chinese relations. Et elle inclut de très grands efforts pour transformer l\'Inde en une importante nouvelle base avancée des États-Unis sur le sous-continent asiatique à être déployé contre la Chine, même si des preuves à ce jour suggère le gouvernement indien est très prudent de ne pas bouleverser les relations chinois.

The current Tibet operation apparently got the green light in October last year when George Bush agreed to meet the Dalai Lama for the first time publicly in Washington. À l\'heure actuelle, le Tibet opération apparemment obtenu le feu vert en octobre de l\'année dernière quand George Bush ont convenu de se rencontrer le Dalaï Lama pour la première fois publiquement à Washington. The President of the United States is not unaware of the high stakes of such an insult to Beijing. Le Président des États-Unis n\'ignore pas l\'importance des enjeux d\'une telle insulte à Beijing. Bush deepened the affront to America’s largest trading partner, China, by agreeing to attend as the US Congress awarded the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal. Bush a aggravé la affront à l\'Amérique le plus important partenaire commercial, de la Chine, en acceptant de participer comme le Congrès américain décerné le Dalaï Lama la Médaille d\'or du Congrès.

The immediate expressions of support for the crimson monks of Tibet from George Bush, Condi Rice, France’s Nicolas Sarkozy and Germany’s Angela Merkel most recently took on dimensions of the absurd. Dans l\'immédiat, les expressions de soutien pour le cramoisi moines du Tibet de George Bush, Condi Rice, le Français Nicolas Sarkozy et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a pris plus récemment sur les dimensions de l\'absurde. Ms Merkel announced she would boycott attending the August Beijing Summer Olympics as her protest at the Beijing treatment of the Tibetan monks. Mme Merkel a annoncé qu\'elle boycott fréquentant l\'auguste Jeux Olympiques d\'été de Beijing en tant que sa protestation au Beijing traitement des moines tibétains. What her press secretary omitted is that she had not even planned to go in the first place. Que son secrétaire de presse est omis qu\'elle n\'avait même pas prévu d\'aller en premier lieu.

She was followed by an announcement that Poland’s Prime Minister, the pro-Washington Donald Tusk, would also stay away, along with pro-US Czech President Vaclav Klaus. Elle a été suivie par une annonce que la Pologne, le Premier ministre, le pro-Washington Donald Tusk, devrait également rester à l\'écart, avec pro-US président tchèque Vaclav Klaus. It is unclear whether they also hadn’t planned to go in the first place but it made for dramatic press headlines. Il n\'est pas clair si elles n\'avaient pas prévu d\'aller à la première place, mais il a fait les manchettes de la presse dramatique.

The recent wave of violent protests and documented attacks by Tibetan monks against Han Chinese residents began on March 10 when several hundred monks marched on Lhasa to demand release of other monks allegedly detained for celebrating the award of the US Congress’ Gold Medal last October. La récente vague de violentes protestations et documenté par des moines tibétains attaques contre des résidents chinois Han a commencé le 10 mars quand plusieurs centaines de moines ont marché sur Lhassa pour exiger la libération des autres moines qui auraient été détenues pour célébrer la remise du Congrès américain Médaille d\'or en octobre dernier. The monks were joined by other monks marching to protest Beijing rule on the 49 th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule. Les moines ont été rejoints par d\'autres moines en marche pour protester Beijing statuer sur le 49 e anniversaire du soulèvement tibétain contre la domination chinoise.

The geopolitical game Le jeu géopolitique

As the Chinese government itself was clear to point out, the sudden eruption of anti-Chinese violence in Tibet, a new phase in the movement led by the exiled Dalai Lama, was suspiciously timed to try to put the spotlight on Beijing’s human rights record on the eve of the coming Olympics. Comme le gouvernement chinois lui-même a été clair à souligner, la soudaine éruption de la violence anti-chinois au Tibet, une nouvelle phase dans le mouvement dirigé par le Dalaï Lama en exil, a été chronométrée louche, pour tenter de mettre l\'accent sur les droits de l\'homme de Pékin Record à la veille des Jeux Olympiques à venir. The Beijing Olympics are an event seen in China as a major acknowledgement of the arrival of a new prosperous China on the world stage. Les Jeux Olympiques de Beijing sont un événement connu en Chine comme l\'un des principaux accusé de l\'arrivée d\'un nouveau prospère, la Chine sur la scène mondiale.

The background actors in the Tibet “Crimson revolution” actions confirm that Washington has been working overtime in recent months to prepare another of its infamous Color Revolutions, these fanning public protests designed to inflict maximum embarrassment on Beijing. Le fond acteurs dans le Tibet Crimson révolution actions confirmer que Washington a fait des heures supplémentaires au cours des derniers mois pour préparer un autre de ses fameux Couleur Révolutions, attisant ces protestations publiques conçues pour infliger un maximum de gêne sur Beijing. The actors on the ground in and outside Tibet are the usual suspects, tied to the US State Department, including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the CIA’s Freedom House through its chairman, Bette Bao Lord and her role in the International Committee for Tibet, as well as the Trace Foundation financed by the wealth of George Soros through his daughter, Andrea Soros Colombel. Les acteurs sur le terrain et en dehors du Tibet sont les suspects habituels, lié au Département d\'État américain, dont le National Endowment for Democracy (NED), la CIA\'s Freedom House par le biais de son président, Bette Bao Seigneur et de son rôle dans l\'International Comité pour le Tibet, ainsi que la Fondation Trace financés par la fortune de George Soros par l\'intermédiaire de sa fille, Andrea Soros Colombel.

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has accused the Dalai Lama of orchestrating the latest unrest to sabotage the Olympic Games “in order to achieve their unspeakable goal”, Tibetan independence. Le Premier ministre chinois Wen Jiabao a accusé le Dalai Lama d\'orchestrer les derniers troubles de saboter les Jeux Olympiques , afin de réaliser leur objectif indicible, l\'indépendance du Tibet.

Bush telephoned his Chinese counterpart, President Hu Jintao, to pressure for talks between Beijing and the exiled Dalai Lama. Bush a téléphoné à son homologue chinois, le président Hu Jintao, à la pression pour des pourparlers entre Pékin et le Dalaï-Lama en exil. The White House said that Bush, “raised his concerns about the situation in Tibet and encouraged the Chinese government to engage in substantive dialogue with the Dalai Lama’s representatives and to allow access for journalists and diplomats.” La Maison Blanche a dit que Bush, «fait part de ses préoccupations au sujet de la situation au Tibet et a encouragé le gouvernement chinois de s\'engager dans un dialogue de fond avec les représentants du Dalaï Lama et de permettre l\'accès des journalistes et des diplomates.

President Hu reportedly told Bush the Dalai Lama must “stop his sabotage” of the Olympics before Beijing takes a decision on talks with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said. Le Président Hu Bush aurait déclaré le dalaï-lama doit «cesser son sabotage» des Jeux Olympiques de Pékin avant de prendre une décision sur des entretiens avec le chef spirituel tibétain en exil, le ministère des Affaires étrangères Qin Gang a déclaré le porte-parole.

Dalai Lama’s odd friends Dalai Lama\'s bizarre amis

In the West the image of the Dalai Lama has been so much promoted that in many circles he is deemed almost a God. En Occident, l\'image du dalaï-lama a été promu tant que, dans de nombreux milieux, il est considéré comme presque un Dieu. While the spiritual life of the Dalai Lama is not our focus, it is relevant to note briefly the circles he has chosen to travel in most of his life. Tandis que la vie spirituelle du Dalaï-Lama n\'est pas notre orientation, il est intéressant de noter brièvement les milieux qu\'il a choisi de se rendre dans la plupart de sa vie.

The Dalai Lama travels in what can only be called rather conservative political circles. Le Dalaï Lama se rend dans ce qui peut seulement être appelé plutôt conservatrice des milieux politiques. What is generally forgotten today is that during the 1930’s the Nazis including Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler and other top Nazi Party leaders regarded Tibet as the holy site of the survivors of the lost Atlantis, and the origin of the “Nordic pure race.” Ce qui est généralement oublié aujourd\'hui, c\'est que durant les années 1930, les nazis y compris chef de la Gestapo Heinrich Himmler et d\'autres hauts dirigeants du Parti nazi Tibet considéré comme le lieu saint des survivants de l\'Atlantide perdue, et l\'origine de la race nordique pure».

When he was 11 and already designated Dalai Lama, he was befriended by Heinrich Harrer, a Nazi Party member and officer of Heinrich Himmler’s feared SS. Quand il avait 11 et déjà désigné dalaï-lama, il fut ami de Heinrich Harrer, un membre du parti nazi et l\'officier de Heinrich Himmler\'s craint SS. Far from the innocent image of him in the popular Hollywood film with Brad Pitt, Harrer was an elite SS member at the time he met the 11 year old Dalai Lama and became his tutor in “the world outside Tibet.” While only the Dalai Lama knows the contents of Harrer’s private lessons, the two remained friends until Harrer died a ripe 93 in 2006. 1 Loin de l\'image de l\'innocence lui dans le très populaire film d\'Hollywood avec Brad Pitt, Harrer était un membre d\'élite SS à l\'époque, il a rencontré de 11 ans, le Dalaï Lama et devient son tuteur, dans le «monde en dehors du Tibet. Alors que seuls le dalaï-lama Connaît le contenu des leçons privées Harrer\'s, les deux amis restés jusqu\'à Harrer est mort mûres 93 en 2006. 1

That sole friendship, of course, does not define a person’s character, but it is interesting in the context of later friends. Que seule l\'amitié, bien sûr, ne définit pas le caractère d\'une personne, mais il est intéressant dans le contexte du côté des amis. In April 1999, along with Margaret Thatcher, and former Beijing Ambassador, CIA Director and President, George HW Bush, the Dalai Lama demanded the British government release Augusto Pinochet, the former fascist dictator of Chile and a longtime CIA client who was visiting England. En avril 1999, avec Margaret Thatcher, de Beijing et ancien ambassadeur, président et directeur de la CIA, George HW Bush, le Dalaï Lama, le gouvernement britannique a exigé la libération Augusto Pinochet, l\'ancien dictateur fasciste du Chili et un client de longue date de la CIA qui était en visite en Angleterre. The Dalai Lama urged that Pinochet not be forced to go to Spain where he was wanted to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Le Dalaï Lama a insisté pour que Pinochet ne pas être forcé d\'aller en Espagne où il a été voulu à subir son procès pour crimes contre l\'humanité. The Dalai Lama had close ties to Miguel Serrano 2 , head of Chile’s National Socialist Party, a proponent of something called esoteric Hitlerism. 3 Le Dalaï Lama avait des liens étroits avec Miguel Serrano 2, la tête du Chili nationale du Parti socialiste, un partisan de quelque chose appelé hitlérisme ésotérique. 3

Leaving aside at this point the claim of the Dalai Lama to divinity, what is indisputable is that he has been surrounded and financed in significant part, since his flight into Indian exile in 1959, by various US and Western intelligence services and their gaggle of NGOs. Laissant de côté à ce stade la demande du Dalaï Lama à la divinité, ce qui est indiscutable, c\'est qu\'il a été encerclé et financé en grande partie, depuis sa fuite en exil, en 1959, des Indiens, des États-Unis et par divers services de renseignements occidentaux et de leurs gaggle des ONG . It is the agenda of the Washington friends of the Dalai Lama that is relevant here. Il est l\'ordre du jour des amis de Washington, le Dalaï Lama qui est pertinente ici.

The NED at work again… La NED à travailler à nouveau…

As author Michael Parenti notes in his work, Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth, “ during the 1950s and 60s, the CIA actively backed the Tibetan cause with arms, military training, money, air support and all sorts of other help.” The US-based American Society for a Free Asia, a CIA front, publicized the cause of Tibetan resistance, with the Dalai Lama’s eldest brother, Thubtan Norbu, playing an active role in the group. Comme le note l\'auteur Michael Parenti dans son travail, Friendly Féodalité: Le mythe du Tibet », pendant les années 1950 et 60, la CIA a activement soutenu la cause tibétaine avec des armes, un entraînement militaire, d\'argent, de soutien aérien et toutes sortes d\'autres formes d\'aide. The US Basée sur American Society for a Free Asia, devant la CIA, rendu public la cause de la résistance tibétain, le Dalaï Lama frère aîné, Thubtan Norbu, joue un rôle actif dans le groupe. The Dalai Lama’s second-eldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, established an intelligence operation with the CIA in 1951. Le Dalaï Lama est le deuxième frère aîné, M. Gyalo Thondup, mis en place une opération de renseignement avec la CIA en 1951. It was later upgraded into a CIA-trained guerrilla unit whose recruits parachuted back into Tibet, according to Parenti. 4 Il a par la suite été reclassé en une CIA formés unité de la guérilla dont les recrues parachuté retour au Tibet, selon Parenti 4.

According to declassified US intelligence documents released in the late 1990s, “for much of the 1960s, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement with $1.7 million a year for operations against China, including an annual subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama.” 5 Selon des documents déclassifiés de renseignements américains libérés à la fin des années 1990, «pour une grande partie des années 1960, la CIA a fourni au mouvement tibétain exilé à $ 1,7 millions par an pour des opérations contre la Chine, y compris une subvention annuelle de 180000 $ pour le Dalaï Lama. 5

With help of the CIA, the Dalai Lama fled to Dharamsala, India where he lives to the present. Avec l\'aide de la CIA, le Dalaï Lama s\'est enfui à Dharamsala, en Inde, où il vit au présent. He continues to receive millions of dollars in backing today, not from the CIA but from a more innocuous-sounding CIA front organization, funded by the US Congress, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Il continue à recevoir des millions de dollars en appui aujourd\'hui, et non de la CIA, mais de façon plus anodine-sounding CIA front organisation, financée par le Congrès américain, le National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The NED has been instrumental in every US-backed Color Revolution destabilization from Serbia to Georgia to Ukraine to Myanmar. La NED a joué un rôle dans tous les US-backed Color Révolution déstabilisation de la Serbie à la Géorgie à l\'Ukraine au Myanmar. Its funds go to back opposition media and global public relations campaigns to popularize their pet opposition candidates. Ses fonds vont revenir à l\'opposition des médias et des campagnes de relations publiques mondiales pour vulgariser leurs cinq candidats de l\'opposition.

As in the other recent Color Revolutions, the US Government is fanning the flames of destabilization against China by funding opposition protest organizations inside and outside Tibet through its arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Comme dans les autres révolutions de couleur récente, le Gouvernement américain est attisant les flammes de déstabilisation contre la Chine par le financement de l\'opposition protester organisations à l\'intérieur et en dehors du Tibet par l\'intermédiaire de ses bras, de la National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

The NED was founded by the Reagan Administration in the early 1980’s, on the recommendation of Bill Casey, Reagan’s Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), following a series of high-publicity exposures of CIA assassinations and destabilizations of unfriendly regimes. La NED a été fondée par l\'administration Reagan au début des années 1980, sur la recommandation de Bill Casey, Reagan\'s Directeur de la Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), à la suite d\'une série d\'expositions de grande publicité de la CIA et des assassinats de destabilizations inamical Régimes. The NED was designed to pose as an independent NGO, one step removed from the CIA and Government agencies so as to be less conspicuous, presumably. La NED a été conçu pour poser comme une organisation non gouvernementale indépendante, une étape de la CIA et les organismes gouvernementaux afin d\'être moins visibles, probablement. The first acting President of the NED, Allen Weinstein, commented to the Washington Post that, “A lot of what we [the NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” 6 La première présidente en exercice du NED, Allen Weinstein, a commenté le Washington Post que «Beaucoup de ce que nous [la NED] faire aujourd\'hui, cela a été fait il ya 25 ans secrètement par la CIA. 6

American intelligence historian, William Blum states, “The NED played an important role in the Iran-Contra affair of the 1980s, funding key components of Oliver North\'s shadowy Project Democracy. Intelligence historien américain, William Blum, «La NED a joué un rôle important dans l\'affaire Iran-Contra des années 1980, le financement des composantes clés d\'Oliver North ténébreuse Projet Démocratie . This network privatized US foreign policy, waged war, ran arms and drugs, and engaged in other equally charming activities. Ce réseau privatisé la politique étrangère américaine, la guerre, courait armes et de drogues, et se sont engagés dans d\'autres activités tout aussi charmante. In 1987, a White House spokesman stated that those at NED run Project Democracy. 7 En 1987, un porte-parole de la Maison Blanche a déclaré que ceux à NED run Projet Démocratie. 7

The most prominent pro-Dalai Lama Tibet independence organization today is the International Campaign for Tibet, founded in Washington in 1988. Le plus important pro-indépendance Dalaï Lama du Tibet est aujourd\'hui l\'organisation International Campaign for Tibet, créé à Washington en 1988. Since at least 1994 the ICT has been receiving funds from the NED. Depuis au moins 1994, les TIC ont reçu des fonds de la NED. The ICT awarded their annual Light of Truth award in 2005 to Carl Gershman, founder of the NED. Les TIC annuel décerné leur prix Lumière de la Vérité en 2005 à Carl Gershman, fondateur de la NED. Other ICT award winners have included the German Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Czech leader, Vaclav Havel. Autres TIC lauréats ont inclus la Fondation allemande Friedrich Naumann et leader tchèque, Vaclav Havel. The ICT Board of Directors is peopled with former US State Department officials including Gare Smith and Julia Taft. 8 Les TIC conseil d\'administration est peuplée d\'anciens fonctionnaires du Département d\'Etat américain, y compris la Gare Smith et Julia Taft 8.

Another especially active anti-Beijing organization is the US-based Students for a Free Tibet, founded in 1994 in New York City as a project of US Tibet Committee and the NED-financed International Campaign for Tibet (ICT). Un autre particulièrement actif anti-Pékin est l\'organisation basée aux Etats-Unis Etudiants pour un Tibet Libre, créée en 1994 dans la ville de New York comme un projet de US Tibet et le NED financés International Campaign for Tibet (ICT). The SFT is most known for unfurling a 450 foot banner atop the Great Wall in China; calling for a free Tibet, and accusing Beijing of wholly unsubstantiated claims of genocide against Tibet. La SFT est plus connu pour déploiement de 450 pieds bannière au sommet de la Grande Muraille en Chine, appelant à un Tibet libre, et accusant Pékin de tout allégations non étayées de génocide à l\'encontre du Tibet. Apparently it makes good drama to rally naïve students. Apparemment, il est tout à fait dramatiques pour rallier les étudiants naïfs.

The SFT was among five organizations which this past January that proclaimed start of a Tibetan people\'s uprising on Jan 4 this year and co-founded a temporary office in charge of coordination and financing. La SFT a été parmi les cinq organisations qui en janvier dernier qui a proclamé début d\'un soulèvement du peuple tibétain, le 4 Janvier de cette année, et co-fondateur d\'un bureau provisoire chargé de la coordination et du financement.

Harry Wu is another prominent Dalai Lama supporter against Beijing. Harry Wu est un autre éminent défenseur Dalaï Lama contre Pékin. He became notorious for claiming falsely in a 1996 Playboy interview that he had “videotaped a prisoner whose kidneys were surgically removed while he was alive, and then the prisoner was taken out and shot. Il est devenu tristement célèbre pour prétendre faussement 1996 Playboy dans une interview qu\'il avait enregistré sur bande vidéo un prisonnier dont les reins ont été chirurgicalement enlevé alors qu\'il était en vie, et puis le prisonnier a été repris et fusillés. The tape was broadcast by BBC. The BBC film showed nothing of the sort, but the damage was done. How many people check old BBC archives? Wu, a retired Berkeley professor who left China after imprisonment as a dissident, is head of the Laogai Research Foundation, a tax-exempt organization whose main funding is from the NED. 9 La bande a été diffusée par la BBC. La BBC film n\'a rien révélé de la sorte, mais le mal était déjà fait. Combien de personnes vérifier vieilles archives de la BBC? Wu, Berkeley, professeur à la retraite qui ont quitté la Chine après l\'emprisonnement en tant que dissident, est chef de la Laogai Research Foundation, une organisation exonérée d\'impôt, dont le principal est le financement de la NED 9.

Among related projects, the US Government-financed NED also supports the Tibet Times newspaper, run out of the Dalai Lama’s exile base at Dharamsala, India. Parmi les projets connexes, le gouvernement des États-Unis financé NED appuie également le Tibet Times, à cours de l\'exil du Dalaï Lama à Dharamsala base, de l\'Inde. The NED also funds the Tibet Multimedia Center for “information dissemination that addresses the struggle for human rights and democracy in Tibet,” also based in Dharamsala. La NED finance également le Tibet Multimedia Center pour diffusion de l\'information qui s\'adresse à la lutte pour les droits de l\'homme et la démocratie au Tibet, également basé à Dharamsala. And NED finances the Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy. Et NED finance le Centre tibétain pour les droits de l\'homme et la démocratie.

In short, US State Department and US intelligence community finger prints are all over the upsurge around the Free Tibet movement and the anti-Han Chinese attacks of March. En bref, du Département d\'Etat américain et de la communauté américaine du renseignement empreintes digitales sont partout dans la montée vers le Tibet Libre circulation et de l\'anti-chinois Han attentats de mars. The question to be asked is why, and especially why now? La question qui se pose est pourquoi, et surtout pourquoi maintenant?

Tibet’s raw minerals treasure Tibet trésor de minéraux bruts

Tibet is of strategic import to China not only for its geographical location astride the border with India, Washington’s newest anti-China ally in Asia. Le Tibet est de l\'importation stratégiques à la Chine non seulement pour sa situation géographique à cheval sur la frontière avec l\'Inde, Washington\'s newest anti-allié de la Chine en Asie. Tibet is also a treasure of minerals and also oil. Le Tibet est aussi un trésor de minéraux et de pétrole. Tibet contains some of the world\'s largest uranium and borax deposits, one half of the world\'s lithium, the largest copper deposits in Asia, enormous iron deposits, and over 80,000 gold mines. Tibet contient quelques-uns des plus grands gisements d\'uranium et de borax, de la moitié du lithium dans le monde, les plus grands gisements de cuivre en Asie, d\'énormes gisements de fer, et plus de 80000 mines d\'or. Tibet\'s forests are the largest timber reserve at China\'s disposal; as of 1980, an estimated $54 billion worth of trees had been felled and taken by China. Les forêts du Tibet, la plus grande réserve de bois d\'œuvre à la disposition de la Chine, comme de 1980, on estimait à 54 milliards de dollars la valeur des arbres avaient été abattus et pris par la Chine. Tibet also contains some of the largest oil reserves in the region. 10 Tibet contient également certaines des plus grandes réserves de pétrole dans la région 10.

On the Tibet Autonomous Region’s border along the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is also a vast oil and mineral region in the Qaidam Basin, known as a treasure basin. Sur la Région autonome du Tibet le long de la frontière de la région autonome du Xinjiang-Ouïgour est aussi une grande région pétrolière et minière dans le bassin de Qaidam, connu comme un trésor bassin. The Basin has 57 different types of mineral resources with proven reserves including petroleum, natural gas, coal, crude salt, potassium, magnesium, lead, zinc and gold. Le bassin dispose de 57 différents types de ressources minérales, y compris avec des réserves prouvées de pétrole, gaz naturel, charbon, le pétrole brut de sel, de potassium, de magnésium, de plomb, de zinc et d\'or. These mineral resources have a potential economic value of 15 trillion yuan or US$1.8 trillion. Ces ressources minérales ont une valeur économique potentielle de 15 milliards de yuan, soit US $ 1,8 trillions. Proven reserves of potassium, lithium and crude salt in the basin are the biggest in China. Les réserves prouvées de potassium, le lithium et le sel brut dans le bassin sont les plus importants en Chine.

And situated as it is, on the “roof of the world,” Tibet is perhaps the world’s most valuable water source. Et comme il est situé, sur le «toit du monde», le Tibet est peut-être le monde la plus précieuse source d\'eau. Tibet is the source of seven of Asia\'s greatest rivers which provide water for 2 billion people.” He who controls Tibet’s water has a mighty powerful geopolitical lever over all Asia. Le Tibet est la source de sept des plus grands fleuves d\'Asie, qui fournissent de l\'eau pour 2 milliards de personnes. Celui qui contrôle le Tibet de l\'eau a un puissant levier puissant sur l\'ensemble géopolitique en Asie.

But the prime interest of Tibet for Washington today is its potential to act as a lever to destabilize and blackmail the Beijing Government. Mais le principal intérêt de Washington pour le Tibet aujourd\'hui est sa capacité à agir comme un levier pour déstabiliser le chantage et le gouvernement de Beijing.

Washington’s ‘nonviolence as a form of warfare’ Washington\'s\' non-violence comme une forme de guerre

The events in Tibet since March 10 have been played in Western media with little regard to accuracy or independent cross-checking. Les événements survenus au Tibet depuis le 10 mars ont été joués dans les médias occidentaux, sans trop se soucier de l\'exactitude ou de la contre-vérification indépendante. Most of the pictures blown up in European and US newspapers and TV have not even been of Chinese military oppression of Tibetan lamas or monks. La plupart des photos explosé dans les journaux européens et américains et de la télévision ne sont même pas des militaires chinois oppression des lamas tibétains ou des moines. They have been shown to be in most cases either Reuters or AFP pictures of Han Chinese being beaten by Tibetan monks in paramilitary organizations. Ils se sont avérés, dans la plupart des cas, l\'AFP ou Reuters photos de Chinois Han être battus par des moines tibétains dans les organisations paramilitaires. In some instances German TV stations ran video pictures of beatings that were not even from Tibet but rather by Nepalese police in Kathmandu. 11 Dans certains cas, les stations de télévision allemande couru images vidéo de coups qui n\'étaient même pas du Tibet, mais plutôt par la police népalaise, Katmandou. 11

The western media complicity simply further underlies that the actions around Tibet are part of a well-orchestrated destabilization effort on the part of Washington. Les médias occidentaux complicité de nouvelles sous-tend tout simplement que les actions autour du Tibet font partie d\'un bien orchestrée de déstabilisation effort de la part de Washington. What few people realize is that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was also instrumental, along with Gene Sharp’s misnamed Albert Einstein Institution through Colonel Robert Helvey, in encouraging the student protests at Tiananmen Square in June 1989. Ce que peu de gens savent, c\'est que le National Endowment for Democracy (NED) a également joué un rôle, avec Gene Sharp mal nommée Albert Einstein Institution à travers le colonel Robert Helvey, en encourageant les étudiants à la place Tiananmen en juin 1989. The Albert Einstein Institution, as it describes itself, specializes in nonviolence as a form of warfare. 12 L\'Albert Einstein Institution, comme elle se décrit elle-même, est spécialisée dans la non-violence comme une forme de guerre. 12

Colonel Helvey was formerly with the Defense Intelligence Agency stationed in Myanmar. Le colonel Helvey était auparavant avec la Defense Intelligence Agency stationnées au Myanmar. Helvey trained in Hong Kong the student leaders from Beijing in mass demonstration techniques which they were to use in the Tiananmen Square incident of June 1989. Helvey formés dans le Hong Kong des leaders étudiants à Pékin en masse de démonstration des techniques à laquelle ils ont été utilisés dans l\'incident de la place Tiananmen de juin 1989. He is now believed acting as an adviser to the Falun Gong in similar civil disobedience techniques. Il est maintenant convaincue agissant en qualité de conseiller auprès du Falun Gong dans les mêmes techniques de la désobéissance civile. Helvey nominally retired from the army in 1991, but had been working with the Albert Einstein Institution and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation long before then. Helvey nominalement pris sa retraite de l\'armée en 1991, mais avait travaillé avec l\'Albert Einstein Institution et George Soros\' Open Society Foundation bien avant cette date. In its annual report for 2004 Helvey’s Albert Einstein Institution admitted to advising people in Tibet. 13 Dans son rapport annuel pour 2004 Helvey l\'Albert Einstein Institution admis à conseiller les personnes au Tibet 13.

With the emergence of the Internet and mobile telephone use, the US Pentagon has refined an entirely new form of regime change and political destabilization. Avec l\'émergence de l\'Internet et de téléphonie mobile, le Pentagone a affiné une toute nouvelle forme de changement de régime politique et de la déstabilisation. As one researcher of the phenomenon behind the wave of color revolutions, Jonathan Mowat, describes it, Comme un chercheur du phénomène derrière la vague de révolutions colorées, Jonathan Mowat, le décrit,

“…What we are seeing is civilian application of Secretary Donald Rumsfeld\'s Revolution in Military Affairs doctrine, which depends on highly mobile small group deployments enabled by real time intelligence and communications. … Ce que nous constatons, c\'est l\'application civile de secrétaire Donald Rumsfeld de« révolution dans les affaires militaires »doctrine, qui dépend de petits groupes très mobiles déploiements« permis »par« en temps réel »le renseignement et les communications. Squads of soldiers taking over city blocks with the aid of intelligence helmet video screens that give them an instantaneous overview of their environment, constitute the military side. Escouades de soldats de la prise en charge des quartiers d\'une ville à l\'aide de l\'intelligence casque écrans vidéo qui leur donnent un aperçu instantané de leur environnement, constituent le plan militaire. Bands of youth converging on targeted intersections in constant dialogue on cell phones constitute the doctrine\'s civilian application. Les bandes de jeunes convergent sur les intersections ciblées dans un dialogue constant sur les téléphones cellulaires constituent la doctrine de l\'application civile.

“This parallel should not be surprising since the US military and National Security Agency subsidized the development of the Internet, cellular phones, and software platforms. «Ce parallèle ne devrait pas être surprenant dans la mesure où l\'armée américaine et la National Security Agency subventionné le développement de l\'Internet, les téléphones cellulaires, et des plates-formes logicielles. From their inception, these technologies were studied and experimented with in order to find the optimal use in a new kind of warfare. Dès leur création, ces technologies ont été étudiées et expérimentées dans le but de trouver une utilisation optimale dans un nouveau type de guerre. The revolution in warfare that such new instruments permit has been pushed to the extreme by several specialists in psychological warfare. La «révolution» dans la guerre que ces nouveaux instruments permis a été poussée à l\'extrême par plusieurs spécialistes de la guerre psychologique. Although these military utopians have been working in high places, (for example the RAND Corporation), for a very long time, to a large extent they only took over some of the most important command structures of the US military apparatus with the victory of the neoconservatives in the Pentagon of Donald Rumsfeld. 14 Bien que ces utopistes militaires ont travaillé en haut lieu, (par exemple, la RAND Corporation), pendant très longtemps, dans une large mesure ils ne prenaient plus de certaines des plus importantes structures de commandement de l\'appareil militaire des États-Unis avec la victoire de la Néoconservateurs dans le Pentagone de Donald Rumsfeld. 14

Goal to control China But de contrôler Chine

Washington policy has used and refined these techniques of “revolutionary nonviolence,” and NED operations embodied a series of ‘democratic’ or soft coup projects as part of a larger strategy which would seek to cut China off from access to its vital external oil and gas reserves. Washington, la politique a utilisé ces techniques raffinées et de la non-violence révolutionnaire, et les opérations NED reflétait une série de démocratique ou soft coup projets dans le cadre d\'une stratégie plus large qui a pour but de couper la Chine au large de l\'accès à ses bases extérieures de pétrole et de gaz Réserves.

The 1970’s quote attributed to then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a proponent of British geopolitics in an American context comes to mind: “If you control the oil you control entire nations…” Les années 1970 citation attribuée à l\'époque Secrétaire d\'Etat Henry Kissinger, un partisan de la géopolitique britannique dans un contexte de l\'Amérique vient à l\'esprit: «Si vous contrôlez le pétrole que vous contrôlez nations entières…

The destabilization attempt by Washington using Tibet, no doubt with quiet “help” from its friends in British and other US-friendly intelligence services, is part of a clear pattern. La tentative de déstabilisation de Washington en utilisant le Tibet, sans doute avec calme aide de ses amis britanniques et US-friendly autres services de renseignement, fait partie d\'un schéma clair.

It includes Washington’s “Saffron revolution” attempts to destabilize Myanmar. Il comprend de Washington Safran révolution tentatives de déstabilisation du Myanmar. It includes the ongoing effort to get NATO troops into Darfur to block China’s access to strategically vital oil resources there and elsewhere in Africa. Il inclut l\'effort en cours pour obtenir des troupes de l\'OTAN au Darfour pour bloquer l\'accès de la Chine à l\'importance stratégique des ressources pétrolières en existe et ailleurs en Afrique. It includes attempts to foment problems in Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan and to disrupt China’s vital new energy pipeline projects to Kazakhstan. Il comprend des tentatives de fomenter des problèmes en Ouzbékistan, le Kirghizistan et la Chine à perturber l\'énergie vitale de nouveaux projets de gazoducs au Kazakhstan. The earlier Asian Great Silk Road trade routes went through Tashkent in Uzbekistan and Almaty in Kazakhstan for geographically obvious reasons, in a region surrounded by major mountain ranges. L\'ancienne Route de la soie en Asie routes commerciales est passé par Tachkent en Ouzbékistan et Almaty au Kazakhstan pour des raisons évidentes, géographiquement, dans une région entourée par de grandes chaînes de montagnes. Geopolitical control of Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan would enable control of any potential pipeline routes between China and Central Asia just as the encirclement of Russia controls pipeline and other ties between it and western Europe, China, India and the Middle East, where China depends on uninterrupted oil flows from Iran, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries. Contrôle géopolitique de l\'Ouzbékistan, du Kirghizistan, du Kazakhstan permettrait de contrôler les éventuels oléoducs entre la Chine et l\'Asie centrale, de même que l\'encerclement de la Russie et d\'autres contrôles de pipeline liens entre celui-ci et de l\'Europe occidentale, la Chine, l\'Inde et le Moyen-Orient, où la Chine dépend des Flux ininterrompu de pétrole en provenance d\'Iran, d\'Arabie saoudite et d\'autres pays de l\'OPEP.

Behind the strategy to encircle China Derrière la stratégie pour encercler la Chine

In this context, a revealing New York Council on Foreign Relations analysis in their Foreign Affairs magazine from Zbigniew Brzezinski from September/October 1997 is worth quoting. Dans ce contexte, un révélateur de New York Council on Foreign Relations analyse dans leur magazine Affaires étrangères de Zbigniew Brzezinski, de septembre / octobre 1997 mérite d\'être cité. Brzezinski, a protégé of David Rockefeller and a follower of the founder of British geopolitics, Sir Halford Mackinder, is today the foreign policy adviser to Presidential candidate, Barack Obama. Brzezinski, le protégé de David Rockefeller et d\'un disciple du fondateur de la géopolitique britannique, Sir Halford Mackinder, est aujourd\'hui le conseiller sur la politique étrangère de candidats à la présidence, Barack Obama. In 1997 he revealingly wrote: En 1997, il a écrit révélatrice:

‘Eurasia is home to most of the world\'s politically assertive and dynamic states. \'Eurasie abrite l\'essentiel de la politique affirmée et dynamique Etats. All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia. Tous les historiques prétendants au pouvoir mondial originaire de l\'Eurasie. The world\'s most populous aspirants to regional hegemony, China and India, are in Eurasia, as are all the potential political or economic challengers to American primacy. Les plus peuplés du monde qui aspirent à une hégémonie régionale, la Chine et l\'Inde, sont en Eurasie, de même que tous les risques politiques ou économiques challengers à la primauté américaine. After the United States, the next six largest economies and military spenders are there, as are all but one of the world\'s overt nuclear powers, and all but one of the covert ones. Après les États-Unis, les prochaines six plus grandes économies et les militaires dépensiers sont là, comme le sont toutes, sauf une, le monde ouvertement des puissances nucléaires, et tous sauf un des clandestines. Eurasia accounts for 75 percent of the world\'s population; 60 percent of its GNP, and 75 percent of its energy resources. Collectively, Eurasia\'s potential power overshadows even America\'s. Eurasie représente 75 pour cent de la population mondiale et 60 pour cent de son PNB, et 75 pour cent de ses ressources énergétiques. Collectivement, le potentiel de puissance Eurasie éclipse même l\'Amérique.

‘Eurasia is the world\'s axial super-continent. «L\'Eurasie est le monde axial super-continent. A power that dominated Eurasia would exercise decisive influence over two of the world\'s three most economically productive regions, Western Europe and East Asia. Une puissance qui domine l\'Eurasie exercerait une influence déterminante sur deux des trois régions les plus productives économiquement, l\'Europe occidentale et l\'Asie de l\'Est. A glance at the map also suggests that a country dominant in Eurasia would almost automatically control the Middle East and Africa. Un coup d\'œil sur la carte suggère également qu\'un pays dominant l\'Eurasie contrôle presque automatiquement serait le Moyen-Orient et en Afrique. With Eurasia now serving as the decisive geopolitical chessboard, it no longer suffices to fashion one policy for Europe and another for Asia. En Eurasie maintenant agissant comme échiquier géopolitique décisif, il ne suffit plus à la mode une seule politique pour l\'Europe et une autre pour l\'Asie. What happens with the distribution of power on the Eurasian landmass will be of decisive importance to America\'s global primacy….’ 15 (emphasis mine-we). Qu\'advient-il de la répartition du pouvoir sur la masse continentale eurasienne sera d\'une importance décisive pour l\'Amérique du primat mondial…. 15 (c\'est moi qui souligne-nous).

This statement, written well before the US-led bombing of former Yugoslavia and the US military occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, or its support of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline, puts Washington pronouncements about ‘ridding the world of tyranny’ and about spreading democracy, into a somewhat different context from the one usually mentioned by George W. Bush of others. Cette déclaration, rédigée bien avant que les Etats-Unis mènent bombardement de l\'ex-Yougoslavie et de l\'occupation militaire américaine en Afghanistan et en Irak, ou son soutien de l\'oléoduc Bakou-Tbilissi-Ceyhan Pipeline, Washington met des déclarations au sujet de débarrasser le monde de la tyrannie» et sur la propagation La démocratie, dans un contexte quelque peu différent de celui généralement évoqué par George W. Bush de l\'autre.

It’s about global hegemony, not democracy. Il s\'agit de l\'hégémonie mondiale, et non pas la démocratie. It should be no surprise when powers such as China are not convinced that giving Washington such overwhelming power is in China’s national interest, any more than Russia thinks that it would be a step towards peace to let NATO gobble up Ukraine and Georgia and put US missiles on Russia’s doorstep “to defend against threat of Iranian nuclear attack on the United States.” Il ne faudrait alors pas s\'étonner lorsque les puissances telles que la Chine ne sont pas convaincus que le fait de donner de tels Washington écrasante puissance de la Chine est dans l\'intérêt national, pas plus que la Russie pense que ce serait un pas vers la paix pour que l\'OTAN gobble, en Ukraine et en Géorgie et de mettre Missiles américains sur la Russie de la porte pour se défendre contre la menace d\'une attaque nucléaire iranienne contre les États-Unis.

The US-led destabilization in Tibet is part of a strategic shift of great significance. Les Etats-Unis mènent une déstabilisation au Tibet s\'inscrit dans le cadre d\'une réorientation stratégique d\'une grande importance. It comes at a time when the US economy and the US dollar, still the world’s reserve currency, are in the worst crisis since the 1930’s. Il arrive à un moment où l\'économie américaine et le dollar américain, reste la monnaie de réserve du monde, sont dans la pire crise depuis les années 1930. It is significant that the US Administration sends Wall Street banker, former Goldman Sachs chairman, Henry Paulson to Beijing in the midst of its efforts to embarrass Beijing in Tibet. Il est significatif que l\'administration américaine envoie banquier de Wall Street, l\'ancien président de Goldman Sachs, Henry Paulson à Beijing au milieu de ses efforts visant à embarrasser Pékin au Tibet. Washington is literally playing with fire. Washington est littéralement jouer avec le feu. China long ago surpassed Japan as the world’s largest holder of foreign currency reserves, now in the range of $1.5 trillions, most of which are invested in US Treasury debt instruments. La Chine a dépassé le Japon il ya longtemps comme le plus gros détenteur de réserves en devises, actuellement de l\'ordre de 1,5 billions de dollars, dont la plupart sont investis dans des instruments de dette du Trésor américain. Paulson knows well that were Beijing to decide it could bring the dollar to its knees by selling only a small portion of its US debt on the market. Paulson sait bien que Beijing a été de décider elle pourrait amener le dollar à genoux en vendant seulement une petite portion de sa dette US sur le marché.

Endnotes: Notes:

1 Ex-Nazi, Dalai\'s tutor Harrer dies at 93, The Times of India, 9 Jan 2006, in 1 ex-nazi, le Dalaï tuteur Harrer meurt à 93, The Times of India, 9 jan 2006, à
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1363946,prtpage-1.cms . Http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-1363946, prtpage-1.cms.

2 Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, New York University Press, 2001, p. 2-2001, p. 177.

3 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 1: Die Begeisterung für den Dalai Lama und den tibetischen Buddhismus, March 26, 2008, excerpted from the book Dalai Lama: Fall eines Gottkönigs, Alibri Verlag,, new edition to appear April 2008, reproduced in 3 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 1: Die Begeisterung für den Dalaï Lama tibetischen und den Buddhismus, le 26 mars 2008, extraite de l\'ouvrage Dalaï Lama: Fall eines Gottkönigs, Alibri Verlag,, nouvelle édition à paraître Avril 2008, reproduit dans
http://www.jungewelt.de/2008/03-27/006.php . Http://www.jungewelt.de/2008/03-27/006.php.

4 Parenti, Michael, Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth, June 2007, in www.michaelparenti.org/Tibet.html . 4 Parenti, Michael, Friendly Féodalité: Le mythe du Tibet, en juin 2007, dans www.michaelparenti.org / Tibet.html.

5 Mann, Jim, CIA funded covert Tibet exile campaign in 1960s, The Age (Australia), Sept. 16, 1998. 5 Mann, Jim, financé par la CIA déguisée Tibet en exil campagne des années 1960, The Age (Australie), Sept. 16, 1998.

6 Ignatius, D., Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups, The Washington Post, 22 September 1991. 6 Ignace, D., Innocence Abroad: The New World of Spyless Coups, The Washington Post, 22 septembre 1991.

7 Blum, William, The NED and ‘Project Democracy,’ January 2000, in www.friendsoftibet.org/databank/usdefence/usd5.html 7 Blum, William, le NED et Projet Démocratie, janvier 2000, dans www.friendsoftibet.org/databank/usdefence/usd5.html

8 Barker, Michael, ’Democratic Imperialism’: Tibet, China and the National Endowment for Democracy, Global Research, August 13, 2007, www.globalresearch.ca . 8 Barker, Michael, «impérialisme démocratique»: Tibet, la Chine et le National Endowment for Democracy, Global Research, 13 août 2007, www.globalresearch.ca.

9 McGehee, Ralph, Ralph McGehee’ s Archive on JFK Place, CIA Operations in China Part III, May 2, 1996, in www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/RM/RM.china-for . 9 McGehee, Ralph, Ralph McGehee \'s Place Archives on JFK, CIA opérations en Chine, la partie III, le 2 mai 1996, dans www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/RM/RM.china-for.

10 US Tibet Committee, Fifteen things you should know about Tibet and China, in 10 US Tibet, les Quinze choses que vous devriez savoir sur le Tibet et la Chine,
http://ustibetcommittee.org/facts/facts.html . Http://ustibetcommittee.org/facts/facts.html.

11 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 2: Krawalle im Vorfeld der Olympischen Spiele, op cit. 11 Goldner, Colin, Mönchischer Terror auf dem Dach der Welt Teil 2: Krawalle im Vorfeld der Spiele olympique, op cit.

12 Mowat, Jonathan, The new Gladio in action?, Online Journal, Mar 19, 2005, in 12 19 2005,
http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/printer_308.shtml . Http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/printer_308.shtml.

13 Ibid. 13 Ibid.

14 Ibid. 14 Ibid.

15 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, A Geostrategy for Eurasia, Foreign Affairs, 76:5, September/October 1997. 15 Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Une Géostratégie pour l\'Eurasie, des affaires étrangères, 76:5, septembre / octobre 1997.

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