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昨天,帶寶弟去小提琴老師家上課的路上,他在車後座上對我說,媽咪,你知道嗎?這次考試我得了全A ,這是每年一次的一個重要考試,全年段就我一個人11個科目全是A,因為一般人其他科目容易得‘A’,寫作很難得A的,而我的寫作也是‘A’!
Wow,11個A啊,真了不起,媽咪得給你買Hot Cheetos (那是寶弟最愛的一個零食,每次隻有他的小提琴老師說他拉的不錯時才給他買的獎勵)。 .
“不對呀,媽咪”,寶弟馬上糾正老媽:“是10個A ,1個A+。”
寶弟剛滿11歲,讀6年級。是GT (gifted and talented)班最小的學生。因為小,他在課堂上的注意力一直不是很集中,還愛講話,間接地影響了其他同學的注意力,他和同學之間的相處也總是以很幼稚的方式進行,常常讓同學把他告到老師那裏去,然後他的notebook上麵就有老師給我們的留言,然後他回家就得淚汪汪地給我們說一串的‘因為所以’。。。
基於他心智的不成熟和我總把他當末兒看的溺愛心理,我關心他在學校的行為表現更多於他的成績。我覺得隻要他學習成績能過得去就行,那麽小,又在‘精英薈萃’的GT 班,能混下去就不錯了,還指望什麽?
沒想到,這小子不鳴則已,一鳴便驚了老媽,也包括一直給我們‘留言’的老師。 11份考卷,一舉‘A’全殲,還一個是A+ !
不知是因為他平時愛看書的緣故,還是因為有點老媽的基因:),小兒的作文總是寫得得心應手,每每得到老師的表揚,這次的那篇‘A’文,是唯一一篇被老師拿在班上朗讀,讓大家討論為什麽寫得好的文章。我問小兒,你喜歡寫文章嗎?小兒答,不喜歡,但我一旦寫起來,word and sentence 就會主動地從我的腦子裏流出來,就像開了水龍頭一樣,很easy的。。。
老師在他那份得A的作文上,寫的評語是:“You have the potential to be an excellent writer. Excellent job letting your voice shine! Could you give me a copy of your letter? It’s awesome!”
這真是寶弟的驕傲,我準備給他買二包Hot Cheetos 。 :)
寶弟的作文(閱讀“Out of My Mind ”一 書後寫給作者Sharon Draper的一封信)
Dear Sharon Draper
I used to always think that those disabled kids were so dumb and that they couldn’t think for themselves. Those disabled children are below me right? Always sputtering out weird noises and walking in that disoriented gait. I am evidently superior. Out of My Mind opened my eyes to see that disabled children didn’t ask for their condition and really can think for themselves. They can get angry, depressed, cheerful, and frustrated just like me. They can love and hate; they can have dreams and nightmares and they can even refuse to eat their peas! They are human beings and shouldn’t be treated like anything less.
I was pretty mean before I read your book and didn’t even realize it! In fifth grade I would jokingly call my friends “retard” when they did something stupid or embarrassing and I didn’t understand how that could be insulting to other people. My teacher heard me call one of my friends a retard and she had a nice long talk with me about how that language is inappropriate. I zoned out and hadn’t really paid any attention to her scolding. The fact I got caught only meant one thing to me: I had to stop calling people retarded. Melody helped me understand why my fifth grade teacher got so upset a year ago. Your book explained that when I say retard, I am insulting every mentally disabled person in the world.
There is a disabled child named Eric in my school that I occasionally see walking down the hall. He always has a helper by his side and I can’t help wonder after reading your book, “Who does he have a crush on? How does he feel about his disability? Is he really a smart child inside like Melody?” I’ve known him for three years but up until now, I haven’t even bothered to learn his name! The fact is that I didn’t even care.
Out of My Mind touched me and changed my outlook on people with disabilities. I now try to say hi to Eric when I see him down the hall and I vow to never use words like retarded or demented. Your book taught me to be thankful for what I have and to respect everyone less fortunate than me. Thank you.
Yours Sincerely
( 寶弟的原文。老師沒改過一個字)
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Like mother like son :)
Have a wonderful weekend!