I would like you and your group to finish all the status of fund reports today, so that tomorrow Linda (a contractor), you and I can go over all the seven reports that you are working on.
You and your group many need to work extra hours today as well as tomorrow, which is very normal whenever, wherever and whoever is compiling financial reports, especially there are deadlines for those financial reports. You understand that these reports are due by the date of 25th each month.
Let me know if you need credit hours for your extra work hours.
Please do not hesitate to ask me if you need any help or have any issue. Your group has started working on these reports almost two weeks ago, with help from Linda. I expect you guys to be able to produce these reports timely.
In a view of holidays and your vocation starting from 12/27to 12/29, I would like all the status of fund reports to be done by 12/22, with one set of reports at Hillary’s desk (Hillary is my boss) and another set at my desk (my set including report worksheets like PDL and TDL, etc.) in the morning of12/23.
This is the first time for you guys to produce these status of fund reports for this fiscal year of 2011 after the new financial systems. I would like to see a good start with proper procedures and effective process, so that later on you guys can produce these reports timely, correctly, effectively, and independently.
Please focus on the status of fund reports this week, nothing but the status of fund reports.