New Moon
文章來源: melly2010-04-19 13:32:46
The story continued the love between Edward and Bella, though more twists and turns. In fact, more descriptions were focused on Bella’s best friend Jacob, who happened to be one of the werewolves, and loved Bella deeply as well. Due to a paper cut accident in Bella’s birthday party in Edward's home, Edward decided to leave Bella in order to make her live a normal human life without being hurt by his kind. As a consequence, it generated more opportunities for Jacob. However, something was happening in Jacob. He was in the process of transforming into a big wolf. His mission was to protect human from the harm of vampires though they hurt human as well sometimes when they were in their wolves form and lost ration. Compared to vampire Edward, werewolf Jacob was warm (maybe way too warm), easy going, brave and muscular. It is apparently not easy for Bella to accept Jacob especially when she knew Edward decided to die after the wrong information of her death was mistakenly conveyed. With Alice's help, Bella saved Edward, who came back to her again.

Bella seems a very strange character. She has the great attraction for both vampires and werewolves. Even experienced vampires cannot see her through, in another word, she is immuned to vampires’ extraordinary skills. Maybe she is fated to be one of vampires. The novel is for teenagers for sure, though many adults enjoy it too. What thoughts does the author try to convey? Love is on top of everything even giving up your own future human life? Sounds not logic to me. Impossible love is not much greater or loftier than ordinary one. Or maybe the author tried to teach teenagers to break rules such as vegetarian vampires instead of blood drinker, emotion between human and vampires, as well as between human and werewolves? Let's cross our fingers.