The Most Dangerous Game
文章來源: melly2008-01-02 19:52:12

What is the most dangerous game in the world? Based on Richard Connell’s fiction “The most dangerous game”, it is hunting human beings.

Rainsford was a very experienced hunter and thought hunting was the best sport in the world. He never realized and cared about the feelings of the preys, their fear of pain and death, until he himself was forced to be hunted on “ship-trap Island”.

The owner of ship-trap Island was Zaroff, a crazy hunter. When he was bored with conventional prey, he started to take humans as the only prey matching his skills and intelligence. Zaroff reconstructed the island in order to shipwreck people to be his targets. Rainsford was one of the victims.  

Being treated nicely by the seemingly genteel Zaroff, Rainsford did not sense he was actually in danger when he first met Zaroff. He naively thought Zaroff would set him free or ask him to hunt with. However, what Zaroff really planed was to take Rainsford as his experience-matched quarry. He expected the most exciting game in his life. Without any other choice, Rainsford managed to win the most dangerous live and death game over Zaroff. In this game, Rainsford thoroughly experienced the fear of pain and being killed as a prey.

The ending of the story resolved all reader’s anxiety since Rainsford was back alive and killed Zaroff, which symbolized the righteousness finally beat the devil.