A Real Tough Fighter
文章來源: melly2007-08-04 05:28:56

(The following was based on a true story I listened on radio.)

Eric led a life most people envied. He was a good looking guy with a very successful job and he was very popular in neighborhood. He donated platelet to Red Cross every month for young leukemia victims. However, he was told his blood would not be accepted any more some day 5 years ago and he was sent to take a test. It turned out he himself had a rarely deadly leukemia (acute lymphoblast leukemia), which meant he would die within a few days. He was only 35 years old at that time.

Eric had a big hearted type A personality. When he did something, he did it all the way. Eric’s life had been stabilized since chemotherapy slowed the development of his cancer. But he still needed bone marrow transplant for cure. Even as sick as he was, Eric decided to launch a huge fund raising campaign for bone marrow transplant donation. He wanted give himself a better chance and also provided more opportunities for other patients. He raised a quarter million dollars within 6 weeks. However, the doctors informed Eric that they could not find a match for him without any professional and scientific explanation. Besides, Eric was labeled as mental judgment disorder because he seemed to refuse accepting the truth. It was really a rocky road, getting in and out.

Unfortunately, in parallel to his fight to leukemia, he was thrown into another battle field--- identity theft. He kept receiving mean nasty phone calls from major banks. It occurred to Eric somebody stole his identity and ruined his credit. Because people, including doctors, nurses, policemen and bankers, thought Eric was insane due to his disease and “mental disorder”, nobody believed him and helped him. The bright side was Eric’s cancer had been stabilized by half-matched bone marrow transplant from his half-sister performed by an experimental program after he lost the last straw of matched bone marrow transplant. He decided to track down and catch the thief by himself. It turned out the thief was one of the lab technicians who checked his blood and knew very well he was dying and then targeted him. Apparently, the guy violated the HIPPA regulation for using patient’s confidential identifying information for personal financial games. The guy was finally arrested and sentenced for 16 months in prison.

Eric’s disease was relapsed. He had to find better ways to cure himself. He started to learn molecular biology and contacted with specialists in Europe, who suggested him trying stem cells other than bone marrow, umbilical cord, for instance. In one of the three hospitals which have been authorized to carry on this protocol, Eric was transplanted with 3 baby girls’ umbilical cord blood. The decision was not easy to make. Because most likely this procedure needed to restart Eric’s blood all over again with baby’s blood along with unexpected implications such as kidney failure, heart failure etc. Fortunately, the transplant was very successful and he has celebrated his 3rd anniversary and in great health now.

Eric was not alone during his fights. His pretty, warm-hearted girl friend was always very supportive. So were his parents. Eric has established a foundation to help more and more patients.

Life is so fragile and short, and could be taken in any minute. If everybody could focus on that, the world would be a better place. (Eric’s words.)