Let’s talk about faith
文章來源: melly2007-05-17 17:19:46

Living in the States, religion is always a hot topic.  I can’t resist wondering many Chinese people become Christians through baptism so quickly once they arrive in this country.  Do they really have passion and faith in God?  Are there any secret shortcuts to transform them so fast?  I do talk about religion with some Christians frequently.  Yet in terms of being religious, I am still uncertain.

What do I think of God? In my opinion, it is stupid to ask the questions such as how God looks like, or who creates God. People’s knowledge about the universe is limited. Not every phenomenon can be scientifically interpreted. So it doesn’t offend me to think there maybe a God somewhere. God, as far as I know based on religion, is the great oneness of Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit.  God is perfect. He loves human beings just like the way parents love their children. No matter what, God will love you even by suffering his own son, which actually is another manifestation of himself. It maybe the original motivation for people to love God, to believe God and to follow God. God won’t leave one alone.

Another benefit of believing in God is to “know where one comes and will go”, one of my friends told me. It is somehow beyond my understanding. I question how the spirit exists without the body as a vector. And I do know every human being comes from a single fertilized egg. As for the origin of human being, I tend to believe that it is God's masterpiece. It seems that every religion believes reincarnation. People are also curious about what will happen in their afterlife. According to my Christian colleague, people’s spirits need a home to stay. They are supposed to go where God is when the body is dead. God will give everyone another life based on his behavior in the current one.  

In my point of view, the importance of having faith in God is to establish peace in mind and the way of positive thinking, doesn’t have to be associated with any religion. Most likely, everyone takes a journey on earth following God’s preplanned itinerary, for good or bad, joy or sorrow, happiness or suffering. There must be a reason hidden behind. I personally prefer to have faith in myself first, and then rely on my family and friends and super natural power as well.