文章來源: melly2007-01-10 00:21:27

老雷was an ordinary railway worker in Sichuan Province. He was very proud of his son Lei (雷蕾), who was an undergraduate student in Beijing University. Unfortunately, Lei was diagnosed as leukemia three years ago. Although Lei’s disease was getting worse, he was very optimistic in front of his father, which comforted 老雷very much. 老雷 thought his son would be getting better with chemotherapeutic treatment.

However, Lei was getting weaker and weaker and passed away. Before he died, Lei asked his father to help those who were too poor to go to school. 老雷 promised to use his every penny to fulfill Lei’s wish. Those were the last words Lei left to his father. He did not ask for anything for himself but for those poor diligent students who desire to study in schools. 老雷 was a little bit confused by his son’s wish until Lei’s friend, who cried for about 4 hours with Lei’s dead body in his arms, uncover the reason. The fact was Lei paid for his friend’s 3-year senior high education fees with his own living allowance given by老雷. 老雷 was touched by what Lei did. He understood what a hard time Lei had during high school education with his limited allowance. From then on, he supported two undergraduate students, three senior high school students and five junior high school students with most of his own earning. He himself kept living in a 150RMB per month apartment with some simple necessities. Whenever he received the academic reports from the students he supported, he would tell his son Lei how happy he was because he made Lei’s wish come true. At the beginning, 老雷 did it for his son but later sponsoring poor students became his own wish. He made up his mind that he would support as many poor students as possible as long as his financial condition would be feasible. However, the fact that he had no son anymore and the loneliness usually annoyed this old tragedy-bond father.

One day a piece of news attracted老雷’s attention. It said one of the nurses working in the emergency room saved a little girl’s life on her way home, who fell down to the ground from   6th floor when she was playing in the balcony. The nurse’s name was also Lei (雷蕾), the same full name as老雷’s son. This inspired 老雷 an idea. He wanted to take the nurse as his daughter. But could she agree? 老雷 had no any clue. However, the desire of having a child stimulated him to try. 老雷came to Lei’s hospital and asked for meeting Lei. Unfortunately, Lei was off duty that day. 老雷 told the nurse on duty his idea and asked for Lei’s phone number but was refused. It sounded weird for a young lady to be taken as a daughter by a stranger. 老雷could totally understand her. But he did not give up. He wanted to try again. On the second day, 老雷 was standing outside of emergency room again, waiting and smoking. Lei was on duty and her colleague told her the man was waiting for her again. Curiously, Lei started to observe 老雷. Her gut’s feeling told her 老雷 was not a bad guy, which inspired her to meet him. 老雷 showed her his identification card but again was refused by Lei of being his daughter. Lei told him although they had the same last names, it was not a good acceptable reason for her to be his daughter. 老雷 encouraged himself to find more evidence and try again. So when he came to meet Lei for the 3rd time, he took the news paper with him, in which reported Lei’s story of saving the little girl’s life. To Lei, she still need a reasonable and acceptable reason to take a stranger as his father. Furthermore, she had her own father and a happy family. Lei even suspected her life background and experience. The fourth time for 老雷 to meet Lei was several months later. This time, 老雷 asked Lei to check his information online. Lei was confused of what kind of online information to support 老雷’s motivation. However, as a good-natured girl, she agreed. She was finally touched by the report about 老雷’s son three years ago. She eventually understood the old man’s wish. He was too lonely and he believed she was a girl as good as his own son. Lei decided to take him as her father in order to fill his lonely heart.

Lei and her husband finally knocked 老雷’s door. 老雷 was surprised. Even more surprisingly, Lei called him father as soon as the door was open. 老雷 was smiling with tears in his eyes. Although老雷 lost a son. he finally got a good daughter.

This is a story about 好人終究會有好報。