Men are vulnerable
文章來源: melly2006-11-15 20:04:32

Doctors do not understand the health disparities between men and women. Statistics show that men are more likely than women to suffer an early death. Doctors admit that they do not know why men are dying at higher rates of just about every disease.

It seems that men are weaker sex. Men’s vulnerability appears to start quite early. More male fetuses are at greater risk of stillbirth and miscarriage. Even as infants, mortality is higher among newborn boys and premature baby boys. There are usually more premature baby boys in NICU than girls.

As children, boys are at higher risk for developmental disabilities and autism. Boys and men are more likely to be colorblind, suffer higher rates of hearing loss and are believed to have weaker immune systems than women. Even when men and women have the same disease, men may recover more slowly, or even more likely to die.

For instance, heart disease is always the number 1 killer for both sexes. However, men are more vulnerable than women. Heart disease occurring in women in their 30s and 40s is extremely unusual while severe heart disease in men that age is not exceptionally rare. Coronary heart disease has a devastating impact on men, particularly on men who are in the prime of life. Cancer also strikes men disproportionately: one in three women at some point in life; one in two men. This is partly due to the fact that more men than women smoke, and possibly of occupational exposures.

Men also suffer more accidental deaths, such as car accidents, and serious injuries. They are three times as likely to be victims of murder, four times as likely to commit suicide and 11 times as likely to drown as teenagers.

Both genetic and psychological factors contribute to men’s early death. Genetically, men have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome while women have two X chromosomes. This extra X is thought theoretically to combat mutations that might be lethal or detrimental. And that might be a reason why females have a more sturdy constitution. Psychologically, scientists think the problems are rooted in how boys are raised. Men have been socialized to stand on their own two feet since they are boys. They are educated to handle problems by themselves. Being a man one will not be expected to complain, to ask for help, or even to cry. They tend to be more aggressive, take more responsibilities and take more risks at the same time.

Poor men, you have to acknowledge that you are more vulnerable.