A polar bear story
文章來源: melly2006-07-19 17:28:04

I was a boy polar bear. I had been in the underground cave with my mom and my twin sister for four months during the cold Winter. Mom told me when Spring comes, we would go out of the cave and migrate to the seaside.

"Spring was finally here. Mom took me and my sister out of the cave. This was my first time to leave my cave house. Everything was so new to me. The sky was so blue , the air was cold but so fresh. The snow was so white. I like the snow because it is so clean and pure, besides it matches my fur color. My sister and I were very excited. We were running and playing on the white land and enjoyed the whole new world. Mom was also doing some excercises because of the long time we were living in the cave made our body stiff. We need to workout a little bit. It was still cold. Mom only permitted us to be outside for a while. But I knew I would love and enjoy this world.

When the weather was getting warmer, we finally gave up our cave house and started to the sea to find food. Mom needed fat badly since she changed her fat to milk and fed us. She was skinny. Another reason was we had to store as much fat as possible for next Winter. I realized it would be a long journey with adventure. We would meet many challenges and difficulties.

The first challenge we met was a male polar bear. Once Spring comes, male bears will start to find a bride to mate with. He usually selects single female. So I did not need to worry about Mom. But Mom was cautious. She told us male polar bears probably attacked baby bears like us. Mom did not want us to get involved, so she took us away as fast as we could go.

The weather in the arctic region is unpredictable. We were unlucky to be in a blizzard, which was very terrible. Mom did her best to protect us. But my sister  was too sick to keep herslf warm. She died. We were sad but had to go since the male followed us. The most terrible thing happened. He ate my sister’s body. Human researchers said male bears do attack babies, but they have not found that the babies are eaten by big males. Now, the fact teaches them a lesson.

We finally arrived at the sea where we could find plenty of food. However, I was not old enough to eat meat. Mom selected some sea weeds for me. She herself tried to hunt seal. Seals are fat and nutritious. Usually bears only eat seal fat and some muscle. The leftover will be divided by arctic foxes and birds. Seals are very good at swimming. So sometimes we polar bears  have to swim to hunt them. In fact we are good swimmers too. We are able to swim at three mile per hour and continuously swim for several hours. Mom said I will learn hunting skills at two years old. But I could not wait to try. Although I failed, I knew I would have this capacity otherwise I could not survive. This is a process of learning and this is what is necessary in my life. Life is harsh, but also wonderful.