文章來源: 毛毛-媽2006-05-27 20:15:58




毛毛像毛毛爸,都是早起的鳥。今天我剛下樓,他就衝了過來,給了我一個大熊抱,說:“媽媽,媽媽,今天是我的生日!”我趕緊給他唱‘祝毛毛生日快樂歌’。接著又教育了他一句,“別忘了是媽媽十年前很努力地把你生出來的啊。” 我的毛毛就是很貼心,用手在我背上來回撫摸(跟媽學的),一邊說:“我生出來時,你一定非常高興吧”。

他講的真是一點都不錯,毛毛媽是經過了三十幾個小時,才把毛毛生下來的。那一刻的喜樂就是今天也是曆曆在目。毛毛生來就有一頭烏黑的頭發,他的名字因此而來。當護士們給他剪臍帶的忙亂中,爸爸緊張地數著他的手腳指頭,向我報告說:“一個也不少!” 然後“是個男孩!”

To Maomao

Dear son, today you turn ten
What a gift you have been
 in our lives
for the three thousand and six hundred days.

I still remember holding you
first time in a May afternoon.
You were so little,
tender and calm.

Thank you for your hugs,
your laughers.
for happy time that we’ve shared
and trials that we went through.

Soon you will be eighteen, twenty,
go to university, and leave home
Our hearts will ache,
and tears streak

Across the continent
over the ocean,
our blessings will follow you,
just as our longings.

May you soar like an eagle,
to as high as eyes can see.
The feathers you leave in our memory:
a lovely boy you’ll always be.





