文章來源: PQ2006-04-29 20:41:00

Your toddler has probably never met a staircase she didn't like. By now she may be able to climb up a set of stairs, turn around at the top and sit, then scoot her way back down again. Some more cautious toddlers may like climbing up the stairs but will call for help to get back down. Sign your child up for a toddler gymnastics class at the local Y or community center where she can climb and tumble over soft play structures without getting hurt. Or make your own play area at home by stacking sofa pillows on top of a mattress or futon on the floor to make a pint-sized climbing course. (If you want to splurge, you can buy the same kinds of soft play mats and climbing structures used by daycares from some learning toy catalogs.)



MIAOMIAO 已經可以很自如的獨自上下樓梯了. 我才知道原來樓梯的作用這麽大.


在麵湖的客廳裏, 媽媽給苗苗用沙發(苗苗也已上下自如, 因為不爬到沙發上去, 媽媽不給看電視)和PLAY STATION, PACK'N PLAY設製的玩具圈, 總是讓媽媽想到孫吾空給唐僧化的防妖圈,  媽媽和苗苗的關係也象那師徒倆,

雙方都有招數可以相符對方, 孫悟空(媽媽)可以化圈, 唐僧(苗苗)可以念緊箍咒. 苗苗要是

"吃飯" "不"

"不能再看DVD了" "不"

"把拖鞋穿上" "不"

"洗手, 不要玩水" "不"


頭痛也沒有辦法, 還得在這西天取這個經(在美國養這個孩), HA...HA...