A Busy Saturday
文章來源: 冰溪2006-06-13 17:42:50

This past Saturday was a busy one packed with kids’ activities. 

In the morning, I took Olivia and Evan to a kid’s workshop at the Lowe’s and built a desktop kit. All the kids had their own cute red Lowe’s apron on and wore a small goggle. They really looked like little carpenters.  

Olivia did a really good job following the instructions and using the hammer and nails to put all the pieces together. Evan refused to put the gargles on. “I don’t like gargles” he claimed. He helped to hammer some nails in as well except that he hammered on my finger a couple of times too. It was a lot of fun. Both of them, especially Evan, can not wait for the next time when they can build a sports car. 

While I was buckling Evan at Lowe’s parking lot before we headed off again, he burped and it was a pretty big one. I teased him: “Evan, excuse you!”  

He laughed and said to me: “Mommy, I just passed gas. And mommy, only boys pass gas, girls don’t.” 

I could not help but laughed to myself but I played along.  

“Oh, yeah? So where does the girl’s gas go?” Oh, oh, this did not seem to be an appropriate question to ask and I was afraid to hear the answer he might have. 

Evan thought for a second and smiled again: “I don’t know.” 

After Lowe’s, we went to the daycare for a community fair. Olivia and Evan met many of their friends there. They got the balloons and the face painting (pink butter fly for Olivia and balloons for Evan) and played on the moon bounce.  

We also joined CHIP (Children Identification Program), a program which helps to find lost children, and it was pretty cool. Olivia and Evan both had their fingerprints done, took a head shot and recorded a short interview video which included showing the side and rear views of their bodies. The picture and video were burned on a CD and given to us so that we can make as many copies as we want to give to our relatives whom the kids can stay with. 

We then had take out at Burger King for lunch. Olivia asked if she could have the crown when we were at the pick up window. I have never been a big fan of the toys from the kid’s meals unless they were really cute and special but apparently the crown was not part of it and both Olivia and Evan got one. They put the crowns on and actually looked pretty cute in them. 

So I said: “Hey, you guys look cute in those crowns.” 

Olivia replied: “See, mommy, you have to try new things. Otherwise, you will never know your kids look cute in Burger King’s crowns.” 


After lunch we met up with daddy and split from there. Daddy took Olivia to her friend Winslow’s 6th year old treasure hunt birthday party and I took Evan to his friend Lucas’ 3rd birthday party at the Little Gym. Both kids had a lot of fun. After Winslow’s birthday party, Olivia went to her best friend Christopher’s house to play and they even played kids tennis at the nearby high school. 

I don’t know about the kids, but I was beat after returning home in the late afternoon. But as long as the kids had fun it was all worth it. Just feel the need to work out a little more to be in a better shape to keep up with them :).