Fear after the Event
文章來源: 冰溪2006-04-11 14:47:07

As a working mom, I am struggling to be on top of all the deadlines and due dates associated with both my kids, daycare, Junior Gym and dancing class tuitions; YMCA swimming class, summer camp and school registrations; parent conference sign up; dance recital costume payment, field trip permission slip, homework…you name it.  

Today I learned a lesson that if I don’t stay on top of these things, what coming after me may not just be the late fees and missing registrations, it could be a lot worse.  

As I wrote about a month ago, Evan and I no longer have to go inside the dance center to drop Olivia off at her dancing class which makes the drop off much easier and quicker. So today, after we said good bye and saw her disappearing inside the double door of the dance center, we just drove home.  

Right after I got inside the house, the phone rang. I picked it up and it was a voice from a male stranger: “Hello, is this Olivia’s mom?” I said yes.  

“I am with Olivia at the dance center. Her class is not open today.”  

I was really surprised as I had no recollection that the dance center would be closed today especially since the parking lot was as crowded as usual. I told him that I would be right there to pick her up.  

On the way to the dance center, I started to feel scared. Even though it is very unlikely to happen since he called my house, this person could have taken Olivia away if he chose to. She was totally alone and helpless there. She was with a stranger. She trusts people easily and she is a kid, she will be in disadvantage in any physical conflict with an adult… 

All sorts of things could happen to her went through my mind, I just wished that she would remember what I have told her many times “never get into a car or go anywhere with a stranger no matter what that person tells you”.  

I was having all these crazy thoughts when I arrived at the dance center. Immediately I saw Olivia and a tall man in his mid-thirties sitting outside the door reading a book in his hand. So my heart dropped back into my chest. I went over, they both stood up and Olivia was smiling.  

The man told me that he dropped his daughter off for her dancing class when he noticed Olivia was by herself not knowing what to do. For some reason half of the dance center was closed for the spring break including her class. He pointed to a small printed sign on the door which I did not notice at all as I stayed in the car. Then he turned to Olivia and gave her a high five saying: “Olivia is so smart, she told me her last name and address so I was able to find your home phone number and call.”  

Wow, good job, Olivia. Mommy is very proud of you. I can not believe all those times making her practice the address song actually paid off and lucky we listed our phone number.   

I thanked the man for contacting me and accompanying Olivia when she was alone. I really appreciated everything he did for us.  

Now looking back at this whole experience after I got my daughter back safe and sound, I can not help but have this fear after the event that things could be worse and we were definitely lucky today.