讀書筆記 Letter Home ( The Good Deed)
文章來源: 周泰2024-06-01 07:47:03

I read the article “ Letter Home” , the second article of “The good deed”. This article Introduced a US soldier who supported China's War of Against Japanese Aggression and reflected the people's lives, thoughts and the cruelty of the war.
1) Banty was a ground crew of the United States Air Force working in China during the Anti-Japanese War. He had not married yet. Banty missed his family and girlfriend Jen, he wrote a beginning of a home letter that night and went to bed .At three o'clock the next morning, he and his Chinese workers must go to the field immediately to prepare the planes.   Roger and other pilots arrived at four o'clock. Every time a pilot goes out to perform a mission, his life is at risk. Maintain the plane well is very important for the pilot. After the plane took off, they went back to the barrack for breakfast. There is a child in the barrack. A week ago, Banty raised a Chinese three-year-old orphan, one of the survivors of a bombing, he named the boy Skeesicks. He has to hold the baby, wash him, feed him, and coax him to sleep... But he is too busy to take care of. In the evening, Banty continued to write a few words to his family and went to sleep.
2) The next morning, when Banty was about to continue to write home letter, he heard a quarrel in the street. He saw a man chasing and beating a woman. The people around were just watching and not stopping the man. He ran to the street and knocked down the man. The man was found to be one of his Chinese workers. At this time, women hit men. This woman is the man's wife. He felt that he was too much in charge. When he returned to the field to work, he saw the man had also arrived at the field and seemed very aggrieved. 
When Banty returned to the barracks after work. he saw the foot of the boy he adopted were swollen, a metal fragments were stabbed in the soles of his feet. He took the boy to the hospital. The nurse is very busy. She is rescuing a wounded man. Blood transfusion is required. Banty’s blood type just matched. He donated blood and saved the lives of the wounded. 
The nurse was very busy. Banty left the boy in the hospital and ran back to the field. It's almost noon. The planes that were out to perform the mission should came back now. But Banty didn't see Roger! The Chinese worker who beat his wife was still on the field, He and an interpreter found him. The interpreter told him that the worker beat his wife because she could not have children. and his father eager to have a grandson. 
At that time, Roger's plane came back. Roger was injured. Benty rushed to send Roger to the hospital for rescue. At the same time, Benty saw that the boy had got well. He didn't have time to take care of the boy,so he sent Skeesicks to the childless worker. Then he went back to the hospital. The doctor told him that Roger was seriously injured, but he had regained consciousness now.
3)When he backed to his room, he remembered the letter. He wrote “ well folks, here is night, ……,nothing out of usual....”, He thought: How can I tell my family about life here? People die here every day.At last, he went to the canteen to send a cable, “ Love and Kisses to all, Benty”. He went back to sleep. Thinking about will to see Skeesicks and going to the hospital to see Roger tomorrow .
4) I think:
A) Although Banty is just an ordinary soldier, he is short and thickset, but he had done many good things. He is a noble man. He worked hard and conscientiously, he supported orphans, he stopped a man beating women, he donated blood to save the wounded, he gave the boy he supported to the Chinese couple who have no children, he cared about the injured pilots, and he missed the relatives and friends of the United States!
B) The United States Air Force made a lot of contributions to China's war of resistance. The famous Flying Tigers are. At that time, Mao Zedong said the contribution of the United States was very high, and he appreciated the United States and its democratic system, But after the founding of the People's Republic of China, China became anti-American. This is wrong.                         

“Letter Home”:  Discussion Prompts



Thinking over some of the stories we have read over the past several years, how would you rate “Letter Home”?  From one to five, how many stars would you give it?  Why?  What are its flaws?  What are its achievements?  

Here are a few possible points that you might choose to comment on in addressing those questions:

1. Does “Letter Home” possess the characteristics that that we’ve seen in other examples of the short story genre?  Does it have a plot, for example, with a beginning, middle and end?  Does the plot lead to a character’s or characters’ moral revelation? Some kind of change?

2. Are the characters believable? Since Banty is the most fully developed character, we might begin by examining him.  What is Banty like? Do you like him?

3. What seems to be the role of the other charactershis fellow servicemen,Skeesicks, the Chinese laborers, Roger, the wife beater and his wife, the young Chinese with the Oxford accent?

4. Does the title of the story seem appropriate?  What do you think it achieves regarding how we read and understand the story? You might consider the following:

A. Does the reader ever encounter a letter? 
B. Who is Banty’s intended audience for the letter?  
C. Who is the author’s intended audience?
D. What does the title suggest about the story’s intended audience and its desired effect?

5. What seems to be the author’s purpose or motive in writing this story?  In a sense,it is a war story, but it’s unlike many of those we have read or seen in films-- not much violence, many deaths or casualties. We don’t hear the shelling, see the marching, feel a grave sense of danger.  It’s a quiet war story.  What is the author trying to do here?

6. There are many places in this story where the style—word choice, use of details, action-packed verbs, and so on --greatly enhances its effectiveness.  Where did this prove true for you?


7. As in most of the stories by Buck that we have discussed, situations and causes close to the author’ s heart come up here.  What were some that you noticed?  


8. Is the ending of the story satisfying and appropriate?  How so?  


9How did the information on the “Flying Tigers” affect your reading of “Letter Home”?  


10.  Compose a question or an insight  of your own to share with our group.