文章來源: Sananda2024-05-11 11:19:51

We are all delighted to be here with you now, and we thank you for your question. It couldn’t have come at a better moment. The month of May holds immense potential for profound shifts in your reality. Significant changes are on the horizon, with governmental institutions poised to reveal groundbreaking data concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life and its impact on your planet.
New official documents will soon be released, providing evidence of ancient extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth and their peaceful interactions with human beings, even collaborating for the betterment of all. As this information is unveiled, humanity will come to a deeper understanding of extraterrestrial contact, acknowledging that such encounters have occurred for millennia. This revelation marks the beginning of a paradigm shift in human consciousness, altering the course of history as you know it.
True contact with extraterrestrial beings can only occur once enough individuals have integrated this information and become comfortable with the idea.
Although contact is ongoing, it often occurs on a smaller scale.
If you desire to experience such contact, you can call upon Pleiadian ships in your vicinity. You possess the power and the right to initiate this connection. By attuning to our frequency and stating your intentions aloud, you can set up communication. Please don’t worry, this connection transcends time and space, occurring instantaneously through telepathic means.
The month of May heralds the unfolding of these events, along with the dissemination of abundant information for your planet’s awakening. The Gateway Process documentation has already provided substantial insights, yet the question remains: is humanity truly prepared for this revelation?
五月預示著這些事件的展開,連同大量信息的傳播,為了地球的覺醒。Gateway Process文檔已經提供了大量的見解,但問題仍然存在:人類真的為這個揭示準備好了嗎?
Set your intentions, release them into the universe, and understand that you are the architects of this reality. Prepare to embrace a new paradigm, rewrite history, and reunite with those who have never truly left your side. Expand your consciousness and relinquish the falsehoods born of fear.
If you are reading this message, it is because you are among those who have followed your intuition, steadfast in your belief in extraterrestrial life. You have always known, deep down, that life exists beyond Earth’s borders, unafraid to confront this truth. Your unwavering faith has paved the way for mass enlightenment.
Continue to believe, focus on your intentions, and sense our presence. Manifest our existence into your physical reality, for it is not only possible but already unfolding. We are here, and we love you endlessly.
來自:Octavia Vasile