A Wager's made/下了一個賭注
文章來源: PublicReport2023-05-31 13:37:29

摘自電影 "Shakespeare In Love"

女皇準備派 Wessex 勳爵去開發佛吉尼亞,Viola De Lesseps 是他的皇配妻子。那日,女皇召見 Viola, 問其所好,答"詩詞/話劇", 便有了與女皇的爭執。

伊麗莎白女皇: 寫話劇的人不能教會我們任何有關愛情的事情,他們隻是讓它很美麗,或很喜劇,或很放蕩,但他們無法讓其真實。
Viola (De Lesseps ): 但他們可以做到!
(Queen Elizabeth: Playwrights teach us nothing about love. They make it pretty, they make it comical, or they make it lust, but they cannot make it true.
Viola De Lesseps: Oh, but they can!)
為了討好女皇,Wesses 勳爵與莎士比亞打了一個賭:50英鎊。
女皇說: 50英鎊,是一大筆賭注,與賭的事情相配:一部話劇能否向人們展示愛情真實特點? 我是這個賭注的見證人和揭曉時判官。到目前為止,我還沒看到任何結論。
(Queen Elizabeth: Fifty pounds! A very worthy sum on a very worthy question. Can a play show us the very truth and nature of love? I bear witness to the wager, and will be the judge of it as occasion arises. I have not seen anything to settle it yet.)

視頻中對話最後,女皇告訴 Wessex 勳爵,"... but you are a lordly fool, she has been plucked since I saw her last -- and not by you. It takes a woman to know it."
