與攝影暫別 A temporary farewell to photography
文章來源: 唐宋韻2024-01-03 17:52:19


 A temporary farewell to photography

最近幾天WXC上聊攝影、顯美圖的朋友挺多,我卻決定與之暫別了。心中有些不舍,扯得稍微遠一點兒 —

In recent days, there have been many friends on WXC chatting about photography and sharing beautiful images, but I have decided to take a temporary break from it. There's a bit of reluctance in my heart, pulling away a little further and earlier —


我最早按快門要追溯到大約上初二的時候。做機械工程師的父親的實驗室有一架“海鷗”DF135照相機。他們在工作中,有時須換上特殊鏡頭拍一些金屬斷麵的照片。我印象裏,大約有三、四次,我們家裏有比較值得紀念的事情或是全家周末出遊,父親就把相機(帶50mm或58 mm鏡頭)借回家,我們買一卷膠卷一次拍完。在這過程中,他大致跟我介紹了一下光圈,快門速度,膠卷的ISO以及景深等概念,我明白了個大概。那個相機當然是沒有測光表的,曝光指數完全依照經驗。這是初學者使用全手動相機最大的挑戰之一。

My earliest experience with pressing the shutter dates back to around the second year of junior high school. My father, who was a mechanical engineer, had a "Seagull" DF135 camera in his laboratory. In their work, they sometimes needed to use special lenses to take photos of metal cross-sections. I remember about three or four times when there were memorable events in our family or we went on a weekend outing, my father would borrow the camera (with a 50mm or 58mm lens), we would buy a roll of film, and shoot it all at once. During this process, he roughly introduced me to concepts like aperture, shutter speed, film ISO, and depth of field, and I got a general understanding. Of course, that camera didn't have a light meter; exposure was entirely based on experience. This was one of the biggest challenges for beginners using a fully manual camera.


In college, when our class went on outings, we would often rent a camera. There was a business near the school that did this. We usually rented those twin-lens cameras using 120 film. As long as we left a few yuan (forgot the exact amount) and our student ID as a deposit, we could rent a camera, and the daily rate was reasonable. The users of these cameras looked through the top viewfinder, and the orientation was reversed, which was quite interesting. Looking at the old photos from that time, one problem was that people were often photographed too small, and composition was also an issue, all due to lack of experience. In the later years of college, some classmates started owning cameras, and we didn't need to rent anymore. I remember a girl in our class whose father came back from a business trip to Japan and brought her a 135 camera. Although looking back, it was just a basic plastic, fixed-lens, non-SLR camera, at that time, it felt very advanced.



In the five years before I went abroad, I had a second job as an editor for a weekly magazine / newspaper in Beijing. It was a unique and interesting experience, which I may write about separately when I get a chance. I was responsible for compiling and typesetting a section, attending the weekly editorial and reporter meetings, and then spending the whole day in the editorial department. So, I quickly became familiar with the full-time editors and reporters. The photojournalist Lao Qian used to be a photojournalist for the "China Youth Daily" and was well-experienced, highly valued by the chief editor. In our small newspaper with limited financial resources, he was approved to purchase a Nikon F4 body plus three top-notch lenses. When I joined the editorial department, the equipment had just arrived, and Lao Qian couldn't put it down. Other editors and reporters envied him, even though they didn't do photography. Why? Because Lao Qian's set of equipment cost more than the newspaper's advertising department's minivan, making it the most expensive asset in our editorial department, entirely controlled by Lao Qian.

很快,老錢就發現我喜歡攝影。於是他就有時跟我聊聊攝影的技法,還把他的尼康F4讓我摸摸,甚至拍兩張,但都是他在場。這玩意在當時的中國是巨額財產。他說他認識的一個攝影記者,幾年前帶著頂級攝影器材去外地采訪,結果器材被搶,人被打成重傷,留下後遺症。過了一、兩年,他建議我買一套自己的。他說尼康F3很不錯,我一查價錢,買不起。他說這樣吧,我陪你去西單攝影器材商店,看看有什麽選項,你買可以負擔的最好的。我從銀行取出了我所有的錢儲蓄約6700元。我95年之所以如此之“富”,是因為這包括了我大學畢業後去講師團一年的津貼,與他人合譯一部專業書的稿費,以及到編輯部一年多的外快。我告誡自己,絕不能花過5千。結果呢,在老錢的和店員的雙重建議、鼓勵之下,我買了尼康F50機身,Sigma28-70 mm和 Sigma70-300 mm 兩個鏡頭。離開商店的時候,除去攝影器材,我的總財產隻有人民幣兩位數了。

Soon, Lao Qian found out that I liked photography. Sometimes he would chat with me about photographic techniques, let me touch and take a couple of shots with his Nikon F4, but always with him present. At that time, this kind of camera was a huge asset in China. He mentioned a story of a photojournalist he knew who, a few years ago, went to another place for an interview with top-notch photographic equipment. His equipment was snatched away. He got severely beaten and left with lasting injuries. After a year or two, he suggested that I should buy my own set. He said the Nikon F3 body was very good, but after checking the price, I realized that I couldn't afford it. He said, "How about this, I'll accompany you to the Xidan camera equipment store, and see what options are available. You buy the best one you can afford." I withdrew all my savings from the bank, about 6,700 yuan. The reason I was so "rich" in 1995 was because it included the allowance I received for a year as a teacher in a middle school in the countryside (sending by the government) shortly after graduating from college, the fee for co-translating a professional book with others, and the extra income from working in the editorial department for more than a year. I warned myself not to spend more than 5,000 yuan. The result? Under the dual advice and encouragement of Lao Qian and the store clerk, I bought a Nikon F50 body, Sigma 28-70mm, and Sigma 70-300mm lenses. When I left the store, apart from the photography equipment, my total assets were only in double digits of RMB.


這套尼康器材雖然是純業餘級別,且不是原廠鏡頭,但畢竟是自動測光、自動對焦的新一代產品,且有從28至300 mm的很寬的範圍,這為拍攝提供了極大的方便。這套係統跟了我8年,記錄了我在國內最後3年和美國生活前5年的重要時刻。這個時候,相機主要是用來拍攝紀念照和旅遊照片,偶爾拍幾張風景照。記得當時在北京,我有一次背著攝影包去拍攝一位朋友的婚禮,也很像那麽回事兒。Candid camera是對他們婚紗攝影的很好的補充。

Although this Nikon equipment was at a purely amateur level and the lenses were not Nikon brand, it was still a new generation product with automatic metering and autofocus, providing great convenience with a wide range from 28 to 300 mm. This system accompanied me for 8 years, recording important moments in my last 3 years in China and the first 5 years of in the United States. At this time, the camera was mainly used for taking commemorative and travel photos, occasionally shooting some landscape photos. I remember back in Beijing, I carried my camera bag to shoot a friend's wedding banquet.  My equipment looked quite impressive to some people. Candid camera was another side of the coin comparing to their posed wedding photography.


After moving to the United States, I once changed residences in 2000, and the Chinese guy living next door was a photography enthusiast. Looking at his photos and listening to his fervent talk about equipment, I felt envious. He mentioned that in nature photography, the areas he dared not venture into were "birding " (the jargon for taking bird photography) and macro photography. Because the success rates for both were too low and the equipment requirements were also high, shooting with film was cost-prohibitive, and not being able to immediately see the photos to adjust parameters was also a problem. Of course, I had no capacity to try at that time either. But he did pique my interest. I knew that if not for these limiting factors, these two types of photography should be what I especially liked. I didn't like taking portraits; I'm not someone who excels in that category. I cannot point the lens at unfamiliar people for candid shots either.

2003年,佳能在世界上首先推出$1000的數字單反Canon 300D。我看了一下介紹和樣片,6.3 Mpix足以產生不亞於一般膠卷的畫質。於是我當機立斷,在ebay上賣掉了那套尼康係統,買了300D加kit鏡頭。數字相機沒有成本的拍攝為“打鳥”創造了條件。然而打鳥需要長鏡頭。我當時一個博士後,有家有口,不不太可能馬上再花幾千刀。於是就想找省錢又可以接受的辦法。然而在這個事情上,我是走了彎路的,直到2008年才正過來,具體細節就不細說了。恰好此時我在紐約州找到了工作,於是,在家人搬到紐約州之前,我很自由地獨自拍攝了3年,拍了至少5萬張照片,以打鳥為主。下麵是幾個例子:

In 2003, Canon was the first in the world to release a sub- $1000 digital SLR, the Canon 300D. After looking at the introduction and samples, the 6.3 megapixels were sufficient to produce image quality not inferior to regular film. So, I made a snap decision, sold that Nikon system on eBay, and bought the 300D with the kit lens. Digital cameras created conditions for "birding" without the cost of film. However, birding required long lenses. At that time, I was a postdoc with a family, and it wasn't feasible to spend several thousand dollars more immediately. So, I thought of finding a way to save money and still get acceptable results. However, in this matter, I took a detour and only realized the right path years later, but I won't go into details here.  In 2008, I found a job in New York State. Before my family moved here, I freely shot for 3 years, taking at least 50,000 photos, mainly focusing on birding. Here are a few examples:

與此同時,我也添置了微距鏡頭和專用閃光燈,開始拍攝一些微距照片。我的家人從大學城搬過來之後,我每個周末整天出門就不太合適了。我記得2014年夏天的一個星期六,家中要請客。我一大早出門去拍攝燕鷗和shore birds,準備下午兩、三點往回趕。那天由於拍攝機會太好,我居然把事情完全給忘了。我老婆快7點打電話過來問,客人已經來了,你在哪兒?哈,我還在一個半小時車程以外的長島海灘上呢…… 於是,打鳥活動減少,微距攝影逐步增加。拍微距一般不需要去遠處的野地,去植物園、花園就可以了。比較小塊的時間,比如半天,也湊合。下麵是我拍攝的幾張微距照片:

At the same time, I also purchased macro lenses and a dedicated flash, starting to take some macro photos. After my family moved from the university town, it wasn't very suitable for me to go out all day every weekend. I remember one Saturday in the summer of 2014; we were hosting guests at home. I went out early in the morning to shoot terns and shore birds, planning to return around two or three in the afternoon. That day, because the shooting opportunities were extremely good, I completely forgot about the arrangement. My wife called and asked at 7 pm: 'The guests have arrived, where are you?' Haha, I was still on a Long Island beach about an hour and a half away... So, birding activities decreased, and macro photography gradually increased. Macro photography generally doesn't require going to distant wild areas; botanical gardens and flower gardens are sufficient. Short periods of time, like half a day, are also acceptable. Here are a few macro photos I took:



Photography, for me, is not just about "taking pictures." It's not as simple as pressing the shutter. It first requires a psychological state and dedication, then preparation of equipment and itinerary, followed by careful and skillful shooting in the fields, evaluating and selecting photos without disturbance when back home, and post-processing of selected photos, and so on. In the past few years, due to reasons such as my two children entering high school and applying for college, I lacked the psychological preparedness, so I took fewer and fewer photos. I didn't necessarily do much, but it would be "politically" incorrect if I disappeared in weekends and holidays during the past several years.  The consensus at home was that, when our daughter goes to college in 2023, I would fully resume photography. Moreover, given the recent trend of mirrorless cameras replacing DSLRs and their significant advantages in continuous autofocus and in-body stabilization, I would invest 10-20 thousand dollars to update my equipment. My friends often jokingly wait for me to "make a grand comeback."


However, things in the world sometimes take unexpected turns. Sometimes, it seems like there is an invisible hand influencing the course of events. I have been on WXC for years, originally using another username, enjoying commenting on "News and focus" and certain columns. I often argued vehemently with some people. Over the years, I felt the arguments with incompatible views was not meaningful. I had understood as a child that people cannot be coerced; as I grew older, I understood later that people cannot be persuaded, too. So, I decided not to be verbose anymore and then came up with the idea of creating my own space. Due to the beauty of Tang and Song poetry and my interest in them, the initial consideration for the blog was to systematically study and appreciate Tang and Song poems. As a scientist, this project was actually a bit too ambitious for several means. in studying ancient poetry, I don't want to go along with the literature or just pass through. Thus, thinking and researching take a lot of time. Even though this "niche" thing required a lot of effort, not many people were genuinely interested and willing to read carefully. Sometimes I mock myself, asking what force in the depths of fate made me go through this trouble.


That's not all. Because I had my own blog, after a while, I thought about writing something else. So, I added analysis, commentary, reminiscence, popular science, and other articles to the blog. From the click-through rates, these articles turned out to be much more "popular," and netizens gave many positive reviews, encouraging me to continue writing. In this way, the contradiction of time became even more pronounced. In any case, I couldn't balance the blog (mostly studying antient poetry) and photography. I have been doing photography for more than 20 years, understood the basics, so let's put it on hold for now. But in my heart, I truly feel reluctant. Two months ago, I wrote a small poem, "Dilemma," reflecting this mood: [website]



Starting from 15 years ago, every year I use my own photos to create a calendar for family and friends. This calendar is practical, with space for notes or writing on each day. I have plenty of inventory of my photos. Even if I don't take another photo, making this kind of calendar until I die would not be a problem. But in recent years, I have been using old "inventory" a lot, and it doesn't feel right. So, just a few days ago, in the Christmas greetings to friends, I told them that this year might be the last time. I have started a new personal plan. It takes an extreme amount of time, and I need to focus. I hope that I can resume photography one day in the future.


Life always moves forward unidirectionally. So, whether I pick up the camera again in the future or not, it won't be a repetition of the past. What it will be like exactly, I don't know. Let the future unfold itself. What I do know is that for now I need to bid farewell to one chapter and start a new one now... Here is a small poem I just wrote to express my thought:





Flying birds present, yet the bow is hidden,

I look at the green mountains and face the sun sets.

Can life be more flavored only to grasp and enlighten,

Just calmly observe as the world's tides make their bets.

[Edited from ChatGPT translation.]