《海外華一代家庭中的文化爛尾工程》(A cultural unfinishable Project)
文章來源: 唐宋韻2023-12-04 21:07:32


A cultural unfinishable Project in the first-generation Chinese families abroad



Ten years ago, on a day when we bought some pomegranates for our home, I had a conversation with my son in Chinese:






父:啊?你……你真沒文化 !!!

我沒有編造,這類的例子我們家還有好幾個,比如我女兒創造性地將花椒稱為“麻球”。這個水平其實也是這邊大多數ABC的中文水平,很多甚至還不如這個。從許多中國朋友家的孩子的情況看,能學到 “可用” 的程度,即具備基本的讀和寫的水平者隻有兩三人。原因很簡單,沒有中文土壤,且學習者又沒有動機。

I don't make this up; we have several examples like this in our family, such as my daughter creatively referring to Sichuan peppercorns as "numbing balls." This level of proficiency is actually similar to that of most ABCs (American-born Chinese) here, and many are not even as good. From the situations of children in many Chinese friends' families, only two or three manage to reach a "usable" level, possessing basic reading and writing skills. The reason is simple: there's no Chinese cultural environment, and the learners lack motivation as well.


Whenever overseas parents tell me their children are "good" at Chinese, I politely respond with, "Good, good, not easy." But in my mind, I wonder: Is there real cultural understanding? Can they use idioms? Do they know the difference between "urgent" and "impatient"? Do they find "as swift as a thunderbolt" and "stealing the bell from the tiger's neck" amusing?


Unfortunately, even if considerable effort and time are invested, a language, without reaching a fluent level or lacking continuous usage opportunities, especially when at a low proficiency level, is likely to be forgotten. Every weekend, due to their parents' "wishes," thousands of ABCs reluctantly recite Chinese texts in Chinese schools, only to cheerfully stop once they no longer have to. Then comes regression and forgetfulness.


This is a massive cultural unfinishable project happening in many first-generation immigrant families. The loss in this incomplete project is time. Adult time is precious, and children's time is even more so. If a person spends thousands of hours learning a skill during their childhood and youth, without achieving mastery, it ends up being a huge and often invisible loss.


Due to my children's personalities, they refused Chinese school after attending for a few days, and we didn't force them. On the other hand, since they were young, because we frequently had elderly relatives visiting from China and our family often conversed in Chinese, their Chinese listening skills are fine, and their basic expression is decent for daily communication with their grandparents. That's where it stops. In this regard, they saved a significant amount of time to develop their interests and received substantial returns. I think it's just right.

我知道,有人要扔磚頭,罵我數典忘祖了。不過還請閣下先扇自己兩個大耳刮子 你既然那麽熱愛養魚,幹嘛搬到沙漠裏去?

I know some people may condemn me for forgetting my roots. However, I'd suggest you give yourself a good slap first—since you love keeping fish, why move to the desert?


I'm not against children learning some Chinese and conversing in Chinese at home. What I mean is that the child's effort should align reasonably with the parents' expectations. If you have the budget to build a three-story building, go ahead. If the dream is too lofty, constructing a ten-story framework with a fragile budget might lead to abandonment. And let me emphasize again, a child's time is precious. This cultural unfinished project, although invisible, incurs a huge and irreparable loss.


Some people think that in the future, their children may do business with China, so learning Chinese is "useful." This scenario is not only distant but relying on mediocre Chinese to do business in China is a recipe for deception. Instead of being utilitarian, parents should guide their children to develop an interest in learning Chinese. If there is genuine interest and linguistic talent, create optimal learning conditions.


Environment is essential for language acquisition. A white neighbor of mine, who went to China for work reasons for a few years with his two daughters attending Chinese schools, returned with language skills far surpassing any ABC I know. Unless your children move back to the Chinese cultural sphere, it's unlikely your grandchildren will speak Chinese. This root is non-negotiable, a reality we must face. If protecting giant pandas only allows them to survive for one generation, destined for extinction, we surely wouldn't bother. Native language is different; I understand the sentiment.


The rich and profound Chinese culture will undoubtedly continue to exist and develop, primarily relying on the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and other Chinese cultural circles. In this matter, spare your sons and daughters.

還有一個相關的論點,我認為完全荒謬:在一次聚會上有一位說,隻有學好中文,ABC才有根,孩子心中才有主心骨,否則就有身份認同問題,容易出現心理疾病。我立刻反駁 ABC首先是美國人,不論學不學中文,都要讓孩子懂得這一點,美國是他們的國家。如果負麵認為作為美國公民的孩子需要依靠別的國家的語言去產生主心骨,這不僅容易造成孩子的心理疾病,這本身就是大人的心理疾病。

There's another related argument that I find completely absurd: at a gathering, someone claimed that only by mastering Chinese can ABCs have roots, a backbone in their hearts; otherwise, they will face identity issues and may develop psychological problems. I immediately countered— ABCs are first and foremost Americans; regardless of learning Chinese, children should understand that the United States is their country. If parents believe that their children, as American citizens, need to rely on another country's language to develop a backbone, this not only could lead to psychological problems in their children, but is, in itself, a psychological problem of the parents.

[Edited from ChatGPT translation.]