文章來源: 酒渦2005-12-21 05:56:17
Why bother? It is just a sign or name. Even life is for rent, and everything is dust in the wind. Why bother to distinguish among small details as long as u know what I mean, :) 山窮水盡;行至水窮處;窮途末路...窮則變,變則通,通則達。 何為度?各人自有杆稱,並無對錯之分,因此對得住自己那杆稱,心裏舒坦就行。對別人的事指手劃腳,更上升到意識形體的高度,不是自擾麽?Life is too short, mind about my own business and be happy, :D 世上本無事,庸人自擾之。奔無罪,美無罪,真無罪。 莫要太狷介了,be open-minded. 嗬嗬,得抑鬱症的原因可是很複雜的噢。 Don't be so simple, sometime naive. 同感,老邪開口就是“碼字” [文學城博客論壇] - 酒渦(0 bytes ) (26 reads)2005-07-27 (The first of 2A's journey...) 破壞?還是有殺傷力的壞? 還是致命的溫柔? [文學城博客論壇] - 酒渦(38 bytes ) (68 reads)2005-09-26 (On the road...) 完美是不存在的,隻有滿意的。 窮則變,變則通。感情平淡的現狀隻要兩個人共同努力一定是可以改變的,不用借助婚外戀情這樣的極端手段吧?婚外戀情隻能說明世風日下,人心不古。 老外婚前有亂性的,婚後commit了以後都老老實實的。 婚姻是個承諾,不論疾病,還是健康,不論好,還是壞,隻到死亡才能分開。 我的婚姻真諦:寬以待人,嚴以律己,獨立共生,共同進步。 相愛簡單相處難,美滿婚姻是要用智慧細心經營的。 不同意呀。得失之間,存乎寸心。是天堂還是地獄,是自己的心態造成的。本來相愛的兩個人,怎麽就無奈地成了無間道。有了瓶頸就要有行動去克服。愛和恨都可以,就是不能冷淡,因為冷淡就意味著根本沒溝通呀。 樓主還是做些事吧,隻要兩人都誠心改變現狀,瓶頸是會過去的。要交流,培養共同興趣。性也很重要的。 看來男生都同意哈,哈哈。 哈哈, 是不為也,非不能也。多少粉絲眼巴巴等著那,要不您就也賞一小臉吧,啊? life if short, being happy is the most important thing, live your life well, :D that depends on personality of the couple. some are emotionally stable and never attracted by the world outside any more once they are settle down. some never have chance or don't want to spend the energy to risk the hectic again. but this is very rare nowaday. besides, i don't think their life is better than those who see more people. variety is why the world is so beautiful. 圍城而已吧,人總是貪的,總是羨慕得不到的。聽人說國內初戀修成正果的,多年之後反倒更容易玩心大盛。 倒是婚前閱人無數的知道自己究竟要的是啥,一旦commit了就安心本分了。 @_@,有人顧影自憐,黯自神傷。 little related to Internet bah. have u watched "Sex and the City"? I bet they don't surf the web during their leisure time, haha. But the scene is quite similar to this one. 生如夏花,死如秋葉。生命本隻是個過程和體驗, 而已。作旁觀者可以很安全, 但那算得上活過嗎? don't be so negative. the world doesn't lack beauty, only lack the eyes which can develope beauty, :D. 拾人牙惠,毫無創意。再說人家黃顏說過了,女人愛得是象征,不是物品本身。語錄研究不透徹,打回去重讀。 武林外史, haha, my favorite too. 樹欲靜而風不止,sigh. 願賭服輸貝,君子有所為有所不為,後悔往事已無益。嗯,隨緣知足。 不知道為什麽,有的歌就是直指人心,一聽驚豔,過耳難忘。