紅帽學唱爵士老歌《I'm A Fool To Want You》
文章來源: 紅帽2010-08-08 13:57:23
一首經典的爵士老歌, 上個世紀40年代由J.Hennon, F.Sinatra, J.Wolf創作的.
我最喜歡的是 Linda Ronstadt 演繹的版本. 這歌就是學她的.
I'm A Fool To Want You
I'm a fool to want you
I'm a fool to want you

To want a love that can't be true
A love that's there for others too
I'm a fool to hold you
Such a fool to hold you
To seek a kiss not mine alone
To share a kiss the devil has known

Time and time again I said I'd leave you
Time and time again I went away
Then would come the time when I would need you
And once again these words I'd have to say

I'm a fool to want you, pitty me, I need you
I know it's wrong, it must be wrong
But right or wrong, I can't get along without you

我唱的歌曲鏈接: http://www.dlugosz.com/taofiles/my%20music2/I%27mfooltowantou.mp3