文章來源: 紐約調音師2023-10-17 16:43:58



今天遇到的象牙琴鍵各項測試指標都非常吻合(The main giveaway of ivory keys is that they tend to have a line where the stem and the key top join running through the keys at the base of the black keys.)其中紋路和柔滑、吸汗,等都是其他材質鍵盤所不具備的,也就是說防滑象牙是製琴鍵最好的材料。許多老牌鋼琴家都是十分青睞象牙鍵盤滴,表示在象牙鍵上演奏的感覺與用塑料鍵製作的感覺不同。(Pianists have expressed that playing on ivory keys feels different from those made with plastic keys.)

The main giveaway of ivory keys is that they tend to have a line where the stem and the key top join running through the keys at the base of the black keys.

But, the ivory’s porous nature absorbs sweat, allowing your fingers to glide across the keys with very little resistance.
That’s just one of the many reasons why professionals prefer this material over plastic.