文章來源: 叔涵心語2022-02-06 03:53:15

陳叔涵 2022年2月6日








Xi Jinping, China's No.1 simpleton!

 Chen Shuhan February 6, 2022

The first thing showing Xi Jinping was dim-witted: carrying 220 pounds of wheat for ten miles up a mountain road without changing shoulders. This incident is widely known, and Xi has become known as Xi Mai Lang (wheat-carrying guy). In fact, almost everyone is sometimes senseless, not surprisingly. It is only that Xi, as a leader of a superpower, says and does things from time to time without using his head, thus he is inevitably criticized by the world. The strangest thing is that Xi never thinks this is a stupid deed and regards it as wisdom! Here are some facts to prove that Xi Jinping is the No.1 simpleton in China!

First, a house is for living, not for speculation. To regulate house prices, Xi Jinping said that houses were for living, not for speculation. The ass-kissers around Xi immediately chimed in: Your Majesty is wise. Xi also thought it was a wonderful statement and felt complacent accordingly. As everyone knows, this kind of statement is too senseless. House can certainly be used for living, but, as a commodity, a house obviously is not only a property for living, absolutely can be rented, surely can be used as an investment target, and definitely can be mortgaged to finance ...... but the emperor does not care so much, he only looks at a point, regardless of the rest aspects. I don't know those who have two, three, or even many houses, how will they feel after hearing the emperor’s words of house for living not for speculation? Even if they do not dare to refute verbally, they cannot help feeling in their hearts that the Emperor does not even have the most basic common sense in business, and how can he talk about managing the national economy! The main thing is that the market will not listen to the words of the emperor, speculation remains rampant as usual!

Secondly, all state affairs are decided by the emperor alone. It is now the 21st century; dictatorship is a counter-current, contrary to modern political civilization. As the head of a country, holding the highest power in his hands, he can make decisions on state affairs totally by himself in terms of practical actions, and there is no problem at all. However, such super dictatorial words as "decision by emperor only" can only be recited by the ministers in their hearts, so that they know what they are talking about, but it should not be published in the newspapers in a dignified manner, which is not telling the world that Emperor Qingfeng was even more dictatorial than Emperor Qin Shi Huang and Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty? Throughout history, emperors and kings have gathered around a group of ass-kissers, this is the norm, and there is no need to blame too much. How could the maggots survive without manure pits? However, the person being touted should have the minimum discernment of what kind of flattery can be enjoyed and what kind of flattery should never be tolerated. In the era of Mao Zedong, Mao was blown up to the sky, but Mao did not lose his head. When Chen Boda threw out the genius theory, Mao did away with Chen Boda without mercy! In Chinese culture, some things can be done but cannot be said, such as imperial dictatorship, oppression of the people, and cutting leeks; and some things cannot be done but just can be talked about, such as communism, service to the people, and chauvinism. However, the Qingfeng emperor as the head of the country, fails to grasp properly even the minimum scale of judgment, it can only be explained by his lack of brains.

Third: common prosperity. Ten years ago on many occasions, this slogan was shouted out in a high profile by Bo Xilai, Xi Jinping's political enemy, Xi now is too confused to pick up the wisdom of his political enemy, and it would be better to directly mention the Chinese characteristics of communism or communism of Xi Jinping era, which is more appropriate than talk of the common prosperity, at least you can draw a line clearly with the political enemy. Anyway, it’s not a big mistake to pick up the wisdom of the political enemy, as long as the slogan "common prosperity" is reliable. The point is that this slogan is so outrageous that it does not stand up to scrutiny. A tour guide friend of mine once said to me that he did not expect Emperor Qingfeng to be senseless to this extent, so no wonder Hu Shuli, editor-in-chief of Caixin, could not help but use a pig's head as an insinuation to Xi Jinping. I asked my friend, why do you say that? My tour guide friend replied: common prosperity is an empty word. Not to mention the 1.4 billion people in China, only fourteen people in the tour group it is also an empty word, and there is absolutely no possibility of realization. Originally, my friend once proposed to a tour group of only fourteen people and asked them to take out the cash in their pockets (not including the money in their cards) to share together, and then go to eat, drink, and play together at night with the shared cash. As a result, not a single person agreed!

Fourth: the dialogue in the cave dwellings. This is the most dim-witted thing the Qingfeng Emperor had done. The dialogue in the cave dwellings was the biggest pile of shit in which  Mao Zedong fooled the famous Huang Yanpei and others in the Nationalist Region. Huang Yanpei asked Mao how to get rid of the cyclical law of history, that is to say, how to avoid the cyclical change of dynasties in history if the Communist Party gained power. Mao Zedong replied: Use democracy! Huang Yanpei actually believed it. This is roughly what the dialogue in the cave dwellings told. However, both history and reality proved that it was a big lie! None of the CCP leaders, including Mao himself, ever mentioned this incident again. Why? It was humiliating! Because what Mao said was the very opposite of what he did! That's why I say the dialogue in the cave dwellings is the biggest pile of shit ever. As the saying goes, shit doesn't stink if you don't pick it, and scars don't hurt if you don't reveal them. But our Emperor Qingfeng wanted to do the opposite. He wanted to use the dialogue in the cave-dwelling to peddle his whole-process democracy, but he did not realize that his whole-process democracy was also a dim-witted expression. The Chinese people do not even have the freedom of speech, and the Party ban has not been removed so far, so how can we talk about democracy? It can only be a full-process dictatorship! That should be no problem for him, in case he did not mention the whole process of democracy, and it is because Xi Jinping mentioned the whole process of democracy, he turned out to be the international laughing stock, the joke of the century, there is only one reason: he is a senseless guy!

There are many examples to show how the Qingfeng emperor is dim-witted, but I will not pick up any more, we have to save our emperor’s face anyway. Otherwise, the emperor hit the ceiling, which will cause the ground to shake, even this website is also closed, and then there is no place for us to play any longer!