文章來源: 叔涵心語2022-02-04 00:40:03

陳叔涵 2022年2月4日












The measures Xi Jinping took to fool the Chinese People

Chen Shuhan February 04, 2022

Fooling the people as a means of controlling the state has been the tradition of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  As long as the CCP is still alive, it will not stop making fools of its people. Xi Jinping did not get rid of Mao Zedong’s bad habits at all and kept accumulating his evil deeds until he became Xi Jinping today! 

Xi Jinping’s first major move to fool the Chinese people was anti-corruption. Perhaps many people do not agree that anti-corruption is a trick to fool the people, and even think there is no connection at all between anti-corruption and fooling the people. Those who hold this view only pay attention to the bright appearance of anti-corruption without noticing the dark core of anti-corruption, which is essentially a political maneuver that doesn’t have anything to do with the people! What is shameful is that the CCP does everything evil in the name of the people, which is the most vicious and insidious trick. Xi Jinping’s two predecessors both fought corruption, but in comparison, Xi Jinping fought corruption much more vigorously. The people hate corruption. When they see Xi vigorously fighting corruption with an iron fist, of course, they clap their hands and shout hooray, you see, people at that time called Xi Jinping Great Xi, which earned Xi the name of clean government and added scores to his performance. His approval rating has risen sharply, but how can the naive people know, Xi Jinping just ascended to the throne and what he needs madly is the support from his people. 

But let’s dig a little deeper. Is Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign really for the people?  If Xi’s anti-corruption campaign is for the people, then Xi has beaten so many tigers [senior officials], swatted so many flies [middle- and low-ranking officials], hunted so many white foxes [fugitive officials], and piled up mountains of assets from the raids on the corruptible officials’ households, which is comparable to the money gained from the raids on the houses of the Liohuru Heshen by the Emperor Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), but in the eight years since Xi Jinping came to power, have the Chinese people got a single cent from Xi’s anti-corruption campaign? Has the people’s welfare improved by a single penny? Actually, under Xi Jinping’s reign, the livelihoods of the Chinese people were more depressed than in previous eras. So what is the real purpose of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign? Only one purpose: to secure power!

The power struggle within the CCP has always been fierce. Xi Jinping does not care about the people’s lives because it is not his immediate interest, he only cares about his power and he will do anything for it. Xi Jinping purged a large number of political enemies in the name of corruption, which eliminated the biggest threat to Xi Jinping’s totalitarian power and now everything is decided by Xi Jinping only. Let’s take a look at the officials who were taken down by Xi Jinping on corruption charges, which one of them is not from Xi Jinping’s rival campaign? Which one of them is not against Xi Jinping? None of the officials in Xi Jinping’s camp are corrupt, and none of the officials who listen to Xi Jinping are corrupt either. This is confusing. How many officials under the totalitarian dictatorship of the CCP are not corrupt, and who has ever seen a cat that doesn’t eat fish? This tells the truth about Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption efforts: selective anti-corruption. If Xi was serious about fighting corruption, the assets of mainland officials would have been made public long ago! This is strong evidence that anti-corruption has always been a means to combat political enemies, and anti-corruption has never added a single penny benefit to the people. It can be seen that Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption efforts have reaped the benefits of killing two birds with one stone: to win the name of a clean government and the support of the people; to fight political enemies and to consolidate power. No wonder Xi Jinping has been enthusiastic about fighting corruption since he came to power and his enthusiasm has not diminished so far! 

Xi Jinping has been in power for eight years and he has been frantic for power: to centralize power, to consolidate power, to get autocratic power, to achieve totalitarian power [all decided by Xi only], and to seek life-long power [constitutional amendment]. Xi’s anti-corruption campaign is just for power and the actual beneficiaries are not the people but Xi Jinping alone! However, Xi Jinping is always saying that anti-corruption is for the benefit of the people, isn’t this a big joke? What do the people get from the anti-corruption? Isn’t this fooling the people nakedly and blatantly in the name of the people? If not, what is it then? 

If anti-corruption is a covert means to fool the people, which is too deceptive to be easily detected, then Xi Jinping’s recent ploy to make a fool of people is too insulting to the intelligence of the Chinese! Now we see what follows. 

Xi Jinping’s second move to fool the people: common prosperity. In recent times, Xi Jinping has vigorously suppressed private capital, and a large number of private enterprises, such as Alibaba, Tencent, and New Oriental have been heavily affected, which has seriously hindered the development of China’s economy. To cover up his ignorance of the modern economy, Xi Jinping rashly shouted out the stupid slogan: common prosperity. This slogan appeals to the masses because there are more than 900 million poor people in China who earn less than 2,000 RMB (below 300 USD) per month per capita and they yearn for prosperity. This gives the grassroots a glimmer of hope, although out of reach, something is better than nothing, Xi’s slogan caters to this psychology of the grassroots.

But Xi Jinping, including all CCP leaders, in the depths of their hearts, will never let the people get what they want, which is the last thing for the CCP to do. The fact is obvious that this big piece of cake of communist China has long been divided up by various interest groups within the CCP system and only a small portion is left. Even if there is so little left for them, in order not to be starved to death, the majority of grassroots must get up early and sleep late only to make ends meet. This is in the best interest of the CCP: if the grassroots are made to run for their lives all day long, they will have no time for universal values such as freedom, democracy, and human rights, and they can only live like animals. In this way, the interest groups within the CCP can enjoy their big cake without worrying, how can they share their big cake with the grassroots? But in any case, the CCP will not tell the grassroots the truth, and when has the CCP ever told the people the truth? Since they can’t tell the truth, the CCP can only tell lies with their eyes open and fool the grassroots in a dignified manner. 

Thus, successive generations of CCP leaders have kept drawing big pies for the people. Mao Zedong drew” communism”; Deng Xiaoping drew” let a small number of people get rich first”; Jiang Zemin drew” the three representatives”; Hu Jintao drew “the scientific concept of development”. Now it is Xi Jinping’s turn to draw, he was not well educated and much less creative, and he just copied Deng Xiaoping’s homework and removed “a small number of people first”, so that he drew” common prosperity” or get rich together, but this pie is essentially the same as the one Mao drew, because” common prosperity” can only be achieved in a” communist society”, therefore it can be seen that Xi Jinping’s means of fooling the people is too low! 

Perhaps some people think that the slogan of “common prosperity” is not wrong and that maybe communism will come true in Xi Jinping’s time. If someone thinks so, congratulations to him, his thinking is the same as Xi Jinping’s and he has a promising future. However, I can’t agree with Xi’s “common prosperity” at all, because there has never been” common prosperity” in the history of mankind, but there has been a lot of common poverty, such as in mainland China during the Mao era and in North Korea today. Some people may insist on arguing that something that has never happened before does not mean it will never happen in the future, just as many things come from nothing. Great, the person who says that could be a brilliant politician someday. However, the hard fact is that” common prosperity” is essentially the same as “communism”, which is actually anti-human [that is another issue, not to be dealt with here]. To achieve “common prosperity”, we must change human nature, and human nature will never change, and when human nature changes, it is not human anymore. Thus, “common prosperity” will always be ridiculous in human society.