2023一個沒有聖誕樹的聖誕節,水兒評Doctor Who
文章來源: 混跡花草中的灰蘑菇2023-12-26 13:28:59










For the roads...they go on 

without end.

他給我們科普,這個 quote是來自於一個叫Xenoblade Chronicles 3的遊戲。他立馬把哥哥送他的用來玩遊戲的骰子和餐刀拍照,發給他朋友們看了,可見他多麽喜歡這兩樣禮物:)


今年聖誕節於我們還有另一個很開心的節目:Doctor Who 60周年專集和聖誕節特集回來了。Doctor Who是一個英國的科幻係列劇,主角the Doctor是時間之王(time lord),可以跨越時空旅行,而他的永生是通過regeneration來達到的:每次regeneration就會換一個形象(演員)。60年的起起落落,近代的熱度是由David Tennant從2005年起扮演的第十代Doctor燃起的,可惜,第十三代Doctor選用的女演員, Jodie Whittaker,完全沒找著感覺,這部劇的收視率就被政治正確帶到了溝裏。


今年呢,趁著60周年慶典,David Tennant和他原來出演時的編劇團隊一起回歸,今年出了三集特集,外加停了六年的聖誕節特集。

這部劇水兒從三歲開始追起,十幾年間,除了每一集新出的,我們還把過去幾十年的劇集全部看過至少一遍。水兒的一個同學的爸爸,在閣樓上存有一箱子Doctor Who的書,知道水兒喜歡,就都送給了他,、、、總之我們算得上超級劇迷。

華人中極少有知音,有一次網友丹哥文中偶然提起這部劇,追問之下知道丹哥也是超級who fan,又驚又喜!跟水兒說起我有一個網上的華人朋友也是who fan,想知道他的看法,水兒於是寫了一段他對今年四集的觀劇感。我直接存英文,既是作為我和水兒之間的交流記錄,也是分享給網友丹哥的。

I was really excited in the lead up to the 60th anniversary specials this year. It had been about 6 years since we had genuinely good Doctor Who, and now Tennant and Russell T Davies were returning, so I had faith that these episodes were going to be a return to form. Unfortunately, I was somewhat disappointed with the first special, The Star Beast. While it wasn’t terrible, it also wasn’t the breath of fresh air that I was hoping it would be. The first half was very fun, and seeing the Doctor interact with Donna’s family was a joy, but the plot itself was somewhat lacking and the resolution far too convenient. Overall, it felt like more of a mid-season filler episode rather than an explosive opening to the 60thanniversary and after it, I felt quite apprehensive about the upcoming episodes. 

However, my apprehension was completely unfounded as the second episode, Wild Blue Yonder, was utterly spectacular. It was such a clever episode filled with phenomenal acting, interesting twists and complex mysteries. It was this episode where the 14th Doctor truly felt like a new incarnation of the Doctor, and David Tennant is an incredible actor for making his performance feel so distinct. The whole episode revolving around just the Doctor and Donna allows for some fantastic character work as well as some genuinely chilling scenes. This was one of the best episodes of Doctor Who maybe ever, and gave me so much hope for the upcoming era. 

Finally, the 60th anniversary specials ended with The Giggle. Although the title is rather silly, the episode itself was another fantastic story. The way they explore the Doctor’s character, his trauma and his mental health is masterfully done and so emotionally and narratively satisfying after years of a Doctor who’s character was lacking in depth. Neil Patrick Harris also gives a standout performance as the Toymaker, portraying a truly chilling and threatening villain, with his facial expressions and shifting voice being a highlight of the episode. Ncuti Gatwa’s appearance towards the end of the episode was a surprise, but a very welcome one. In just a few short minutes, he manages to gracefully cement himself as the Doctor, and I am very excited to see more of his performance. The bigeneration allows Russell T Davies to address the complex continuity and traumas of the Doctor and explore his mental health as a consequence of this, while somewhat resetting his character, allowing Tennant’s Doctor to remain on Earth and deal with his trauma so that Gatwa’s Doctor can have a fresh, vibrant start. I did feel that certain aspects of the episode were lacking, specifically I felt the sequence in the Toymaker’s realm was somewhat short, and catch was an underwhelming game to use as a climax to the episode, but overall it was truly fantastic and one of the most emotionally interesting and satisfying episodes of Doctor Who in a long time. 

The 2023 Christmas special marked a new era for Doctor Who, with a new Doctor and a new companion. While the story itself was somewhat middling, Gatwa and Gibson both shone in their new roles. The Doctor himself was energetic, charming, emotional, and showed great range just in this episode. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing some more serious, tense moments with him but he has made a very good first impression. Ruby Sunday was also a very charming addition to the cast, and her chemistry with Gatwa’s Doctor is fantastic. All in all, it was a decent beginning, and now I just want to see more. 
