文章來源: 天玉之2024-06-04 11:32:06














後來 成了家裏第一個大學生


選專科時 她選擇了婦產科,要做林巧稚那樣的醫生



北京人民醫院實習完畢 與她相愛多年的醫生同學結了婚

在後來的幾十年裏 她接生了無數個嬰兒

自己生了一兒一女 都已成家立業

自己剛剛退休 開始安享晚年






是應該發生 卻沒有發生的事。對不起 ——
那天晚上 一個命令和一個決定改變了一切。

她揣著一個醫生的良心 默念著希波克拉底誓詞

離家去了最近的木樨地 去做她被培訓多年做的事



為什麽子彈沒有眼睛 飛向她的頸部?


被她救活的人當中 很可能有你 我 他

我們又活了三十二年 燦爛的人生

而她青春的麵龐  現在在哪裏?





隻要沒有被忘記,她就沒有死 ——

記住 她是一名好醫生,好姐妹

記住 她是救了幾條人命的英雄 不是他們標簽的“暴徒”

記住 一個好姑娘的命運 是如何在一夜之間被改變的







                 【Start with One Name】


                        By Tian Yu Zhi


I sit on a bench in Zhongshan Park, and listen to her stories 

She is in her late fifties, with kind eyes

Pretty as a never whithered flower. She  says

"Every morning I come here to do Tai Chi, 

and another hour of dance in the Square”,

"I like the air on Chang'an Avenue, it seems I can't live without it"



She loves children. With many siblings at home,

She has been a good helper for her mother since she was a child, 

With a naturally strong maternal instinct.

Later she became the first college student in her family, and 

Admitted to Beijing Medical Science University with honors

She chose obstetrics and gynecology as her specialty, to be a doctor like Lin Qiaozhi


After her residency at Beijing People’s Hospital was completed

She married to her doctor classmate in love for many years.

In the following decades, she delivered many babies, and 

Raised a son and a daughter. She just retired and started to enjoy her retirement.

"I am going back home and prepare lunch now. My husband is waiting"

She got up, waved her hand with a smile, and walked into a lush ancient evergreen forest


Everything I said above

Should have happened but didn't. I am sorry to say that
That night, an order and a decision have changed everything.

She held a doctor’s conscience and recited silently the Hippocratic Oath,

Left home and went to the nearest Muxudi, to do 

What she had been trained to do for many years


Why didn’t the bullet flying towards her neck have eyes?

Couldn’t it see that she was rescuing the wounded?

Among those whom she has saved, it could be me, you, and him

We went on and lived another thirty-two years, a brilliant life

But where was her youthful face?



Her name is Wang Weiping, a 25 years old lady from Beijing.

Please remember her name and Google her, thank you.

As long as she is not forgotten, she didn't die ——

Remember her as a good doctor, a kind sister

Remember her as a hero who has saved several lives, 

Not "a thug", as they labeled them

Remember how the fate of a fine lady changed its cause overnight


